糖尿病康复 > 平均红细胞体积 mean corpuscular volume英语短句 例句大全

平均红细胞体积 mean corpuscular volume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-02 17:08:33


平均红细胞体积 mean corpuscular volume英语短句 例句大全

平均红细胞体积,mean corpuscular volume

1)mean corpuscular volume平均红细胞体积

1.Mean reticulocyte volume/mean corpuscular volume ratio for the use of the clinical application;平均网织红细胞体积与平均红细胞体积之比在临床检验中的应用

2.Objective To investigate the carrier rate of thalassemia gene in children with decreasedmean corpuscular volume(MCV).目的了解平均红细胞体积(MCV)降低儿童的珠蛋白生成障碍贫血(地贫)基因携带率。

3.OBJECTIVE To analyze and evaluate the clinical value ofmean corpuscular volume ( MCV) from peripheral blood in screening and diagnosing halassemial.目的探讨平均红细胞体积(MCV)在筛查孕妇地中海贫血(以下简称地贫)中的应用价值。


1.Values of RBC/MCV to preliminary screening diagnosis of thalassemia红细胞计数与平均红细胞体积比值在地中海贫血筛查诊断的价值

2.Analysis of mean corpuscular volume results of venous blood in 2 000 chinese adults2000例无贫血体检成人静脉血的红细胞平均体积结果分析

3.Clinical Significance of the Mean Corpuscular Volume in Neonatal Jaundice平均红细胞容积在新生儿黄疸中的临床意义

4.anemia in which the average size of erythrocytes is larger than normal.一种贫血症特征是红细胞平均比正常大。

5.Study on the change of haemoglobin and hematocrit in pregnant women孕妇体内血红蛋白和红细胞压积的变化

6.Effects of Eperythrozoon Suis on Immune Level in Piglets;猪附红细胞体对仔猪免疫水平的影响

7.The intracellular DNR was increased from 2. 80 MFI to 9.51 MFI and 7.07 MFI respectively.细胞内柔红霉素平均荧光强度分别为9.51和7.09,明显高于对照组的2.80;

8.OBJECTIVE: To study the change of haenoglobin( Hb) and Hematocrit( HCT) in the period of pregnancy of pregnant women.目的:探讨育龄妇女妊娠各期体内血红蛋白(b)红细胞压积(CT)变化。

9.Influence of Eperythrozoon infection on erythrocyte function of mice附红细胞体对小鼠红细胞功能的影响

10.Note the presence of megakaryocytes, erythroid islands, and granulocytic precursors.可见巨核细胞,红细胞岛和粒细胞前体细胞。

11.The chloroplasts of plant cells are flattened structures averaging some 7 μm in length and 3-4 μm in width.植物细胞叶绿体的结构是扁平的,平均长约7微米,宽3~4微米。

12.Study of Relationship of Red Cell Distribution Width and Chronic Heart Failure;红细胞体积分布宽度与慢性心力衰竭的关系初探

13.Study of the Significance of Red Blood Cell Volume Distribution Width"s Chang in Chronic Heart Failure Patients慢性心力衰竭患者红细胞体积分布宽度变化意义的初步探讨

14.recombinant human erythropoietin重组体人红细胞生成素

15.Anemia was defined as a baseline hematocrit of less than 36%.贫血是指作为红细胞容积基线低于36%.

16.Relevance of HCT with PT APTT and FIB红细胞压积与PT APTT FIB的相关性

17.The appearance of increased poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, and RBC inclusions suggests that a spleen is not present.异形红细胞增多、红细胞大小不等以及红细胞内容物的出现均提示脾已不存在。

18.autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome自身红细胞致敏综合征;自体红细胞过敏综合征



1.Research on diagnosing potential iron deficiency by testing RDW andMCV.;红细胞体积分布宽度和平均红细胞体积诊断小儿潜在性缺铁临床价值探讨

2.Objective:To study the relationship between iron loss and RBC correlation parametes(MCV, RDW)in the patients with chronic hemodialysis.目的 :探讨血液分析仪红细胞相关参数平均红细胞体积 (MCV) ,红细胞分布宽度 (RDW)在慢性血液透析 (HD)病人铁缺乏中的变化 ,及时调整铁剂的用量。

3.To examine clinical value of combination check ofMCV,MCH,RDW and HBDH in anaemia diagnosis and treatment,MCV,MCH,RDW and HBDH in the peripheral blood specimen of patients suffering from anaemia were tested.探讨平均红细胞体积(MCV)、平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)、红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、α-羟丁酸脱氢酶(α-HBDH)联合检测在贫血诊断和疗效观察中的价值。

3)Mean corpuscular volume红细胞平均体积

1.Analysis of mean corpuscular volume results of venous blood in 2 000 chinese adults2000例无贫血体检成人静脉血的红细胞平均体积结果分析

2.The hemoglobin value was estimated with red blood cell counts and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) with a proper coefficient.②方法用CD 1 70 0全自动血液分析仪对外周血进行常规分析 ,选择正常标本男、女各 1 5 0例 ,利用其红细胞计数值、结合其红细胞平均体积 (MCV)和适当系数进行Hb估算。

3.Objective: To investigate the significance of values of the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and red cell distribution width (RDW) in the diagnosis of anemia.目的 :探讨红细胞平均体积 (MCV)和红细胞分布宽度 (RDW)测定值在贫血诊断中的意义。


1.Clinical Significance of Changes WithinMCV and RDW in Chronic Hepatitis B;慢性乙型肝炎红细胞平均体积及体积分布宽度的变化与临床意义

2.Preliminary study the classification of anemias byMCV and RDW;红细胞平均体积及其分布宽度值鉴别贫血的初步研究

5)urine mean corpulscular volume尿红细胞平均体积

6)mean corpuscular volume (MCV)红细胞平均体积(MCV)


平均红细胞体积平均红细胞体积mean corpuscular volume,MCVMCV系指每个红细胞的平均体积,以fl为单位:MCV=〓〓测得的血细胞比容×10〓〓测得的红细胞数×1012/L〓〓正常值:80~94fl。增大为大细胞性贫血;减小为小细胞性贫血;正常细胞性贫血其值可正常。

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