糖尿病康复 > SAN装置 SAN plant英语短句 例句大全

SAN装置 SAN plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-16 02:25:06


SAN装置 SAN plant英语短句 例句大全

SAN装置,SAN plant

1)SAN plantSAN装置

1.TheSAN plant had started up since 1997, owing to the deficient design, instability of pelleting system is continuous, the plant was unable to achieve the design load, and the system was always in the in-and-out condition.原大庆石化公司SAN装置自一九九七年开工以来,由于设计上缺陷,造粒系统运行一直不够稳定,装置无法达到设计负荷,系统始终处于开开停停的状态,而且原SAN装置采用的是非水下造粒系统,采用干切法切割,切刀磨损较大,需要定期更换,同时颗粒易粘连现象,产品的外观不均一,空气与产品接触发生氧化,产品质量受到影响,在市场上用户反映很不理想,产品的售价比国内外的同类产品低300元/吨左右。


1.Study on Alteration of Underwater Strand-Granulator for SAN PlantSAN装置水下造粒系统设备优化设计

2.hitch mechanism连结装置,换结装置

3.booby-trapped (explosive device)诱杀装置(爆炸装置)

4.dilution air plant换风装置空气供给装置

5.The system includes charging, heating, compaction and cutting devices, ect.该机构包括加料装置、热装置、压装置、切装置等。

6.stripping mechanism摘取装置,摘棉铃装置,梳刷[梳落]装置

7.A Storage Area Network (1)存储区域网(SAN)(1)

8.Something, such as a light fixture, that is located above head height.顶部装置安装在头顶的固定装置,如电灯装置

9.To furnish(a device or object) with a protective piece.加防护装置给(器械或物品)装防护装置

10.A tripping or triggering device on a mechanism.倾卸装置、钩杆机械装置上断开或启动的装置

pensating gear补偿装置,均力装置; 差动齿轮装置,差速器

12.lockopen device锁定在开启位置的装置

13.piston displacement prover活塞置换式检定装置

14.Hand-Emplaced Minefield-Marking Set人工置放雷场标志装置

15.devices for monitoring and control of oil discharge shall be fitted;应设置排油监控装置;

16.calculating device for incorporation in machines计算装置[装在机器内]

17.accessory drive pad附件传动装置安装座

18.skid-mounted pump unit装在滑橇座上的泵装置


storage area networkSAN

3)self-assembled nanoparticles(SAN)自组装纳米粒(SAN)


1.Study on time/pressure testequipment;时间/压力试验装置的研究

2.Aequipment for rapid detecting human nuclide aerosol concentration in high radon;高氡背景下人工核素气溶胶快速监测装置

3.Improvement and status of active carbon fiber basketequipment for solvent recovery;笼式活性炭纤维溶剂回收装置现状与进展

5)apparatus[英][,?p?"reit?s][美][,?p?"ret?s, -"r?t?s]装置

1.To advance the industrialization of theapparatus of dispose of sewage of cities and towns;促进城镇生活污水处理装置产业化

2.Efficiency of Self-made Apparatus for Cleaning Medical Pipeline;自制医用管道清洗装置的清洗效果观察


1.Corrosion analysis and anticorrosion measures for catalytic reforming and diesel hydrogenatedunits;催化重整和柴油加氢装置的腐蚀分析及其防腐措施

2.Start-up summary and running analysis of 1.2 Mt/a diesel hydrofiningunit of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company;兰州石化1.2Mt/a柴油加氢装置开车及运行分析

3.The development and application of heatingunit of electric machinery;电动机加热装置的研制与应用


SAN 丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物是由丙烯腈和苯乙烯通过本体法、悬浮法或乳液法制得。透明或半透明的水白色颗航。相对密度1.06-1.08。折射率1.57。平衡吸水性0.66%。热变形温度82-105℃。具有高光泽、高透明、高冲击、良好的耐热性和机械性能。刚性大,具有较高的化学稳定性,耐水、耐油、耐酸、耐碱、耐醇类。溶于酮类溶剂和某些芳烃、氯代烃。耐候性中等,脆性较大。拉伸强度 72-78MPa冲击强度 2.1-2.5kJ/m2洛氏硬度 R76-80熔体指数 l. 4-3.3g/10min

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