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楼盘名称 names of residential buildings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-11 13:46:35


楼盘名称 names of residential buildings英语短句 例句大全

楼盘名称,names of residential buildings

1)names of residential buildings楼盘名称

1.In Shenzhen, all kinds of commonnames of residential buildings reflect all-inclusive architecture culture, warm common names present harmony family culture, graceful special names reflect clean and fine environment culture, and romantic special names reflect fashionable overseas culture.作为典型社会用语的楼盘名称能较好地体现所在地区的人居文化,深圳楼盘多姿多彩的通名体现了兼容并蓄的建筑文化,温馨私密的通名展示出安居乐业的家庭文化,典雅优美的专名体现出洁净美好的环境文化,浪漫洋气的专名体现出时尚多元的异域文化。

2.This article has developed to therhetoric research of thenames of residential buildings.随着商品经济的发展,楼盘开发层出不穷,楼盘名称也日益成为社会生活及广大语言学者关注的新对象。


1.Linguistic-Cultural Analysis of Naming of Guilin Real Estates桂林市楼盘名称命名的语言文化分析

2.A Research on Standard Strategy and the Usage of Chinese Character in Naming Real Estates;楼盘名称的语言运用及规范策略研究

3.The Language and Cultural Factors of the Building Name: Chongqing Case楼盘名称的语言与文化因素:重庆个案

4.On the Semantic Studies of Coastal City Building Names in the Northern Area of China;中国北部沿海城市楼盘名称的语义研究

5.The senses of equipoise reflects by the names of real estates in Lanzhou and the cultural reasons;兰州楼盘名称中体现的均衡美及文化解读

6.An Analysis of the English(or Letter) Names of the on-sale Buildings in Beijing;北京市英文(字母)楼盘名称的社会语言学分析

7.The Names of the Residential Buildingsand Dwelling Culture in Shenzhen;论深圳住宅楼盘名称及其所体现的人居文化

8.A Pragmatic and Cultural Analysis on Naming of Housing Estates of Shiyan十堰市区楼盘名称的语用分析及文化透视

9.A Social Pragmatics Analysis of Estate Naming in Mianyang;绵阳市楼盘命名的语言文化心理分析

10.Seismic response of unsymmetrical tower building with enlarged base大底盘非对称塔楼结构的地震反应分析计算

11.Influence of Base-Tower Stiffness Ratio on Seismic Response of Unsymmetrical Tower;底盘与塔楼刚度比对非对称塔楼结构地震响应的影响

12.Saves current document to disk with new name.以新名称将当前文档保存到磁盘中。

13.TOC (Table Of ContentsMD内容表,包括磁盘名称、轨数、演奏时间

14.Meanwhile change the documents name In CD-Rom?您要同时更改磁盘上文件的名称吗?

15.The name field for this disk group record cannot be read.无法读取这个磁盘组记录的名称字段。

16.The manufacturer"s name is on the bottom of the plate.制造厂商的名称在盘子背面.

17.Residential property wall hanging search advertising hit" edge ball" to mislead buyers?小区楼盘围墙挂名店广告打"擦边球"误导买家?

18.A Relevance-Theoretic Approachto Translation of the Names of Guangzhou Real Estates;从关联理论的角度看广州地区楼盘的译名


names of residential buildings住宅楼盘名称

1.From the aspects of linguistics and culture,this paper researches the 1439names of residential buildings in Guangzhou city.本文从语言和文化两个角度出发,对所搜集到的广州1439条住宅楼盘名称作了研究,重点研究不同字数的住宅楼盘名称的总体分布情况及其音节结构特点,通名发展的新趋势,双音节通名的音律搭配特点;专名的选词特点、语义特点和音律特点。

3)English(or letter) names of the on-sale buildings英文(字母)楼盘名称

4)Names of Buildings《楼宇名称》

5)translated names of real estates楼盘译名

6)the naming of real estates楼盘命名

1.This article launches into a detailed explanation ofthe naming of real estates from the viewpoint of language and culture with the “The Road Map of New Real Estates in Hangzhou” newly-published in Qianjiang Evening Paper as its subject, and with other real estates names as its reference.这里以《钱江晚报》公布的“杭州最新楼盘地图”中215个楼盘名为主体,其他楼盘名为参照,从语言和文化的角度对杭州楼盘命名的现状进行阐释。



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