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处理方式 treatment mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-27 16:19:26


处理方式 treatment mode英语短句 例句大全

处理方式,treatment mode

1)treatment mode处理方式


1.his treatment of space borrows from Italian architecture.很赞同这种处理方式。

2.virtual memory processor mode虚拟存储器处理方式

3.How might they have proceeded differently?他们还能有其他不同的处理方式吗?

4.office-based casework intervention以办公室为接触点的个案处理方式

5.Putting power lines underground would be a possibility.把高压电线埋入地下是一种处理方式。

6.Research on Digital Scheme in Time-frequency Measurement and Control;时频测控领域中数字处理方式的研究

parison Study on Accounting Treatment of R&D Expenditure;研发支出会计处理方式综合比较研究

8.I would have done it my way.我会用自己的方式处理。

9.act or treat with the qualities of以...方式处理或对待

10.The system acts on useful medications in the same way as it does on poisonous substances.这个系统处理有疗效的药物的方式和处理有毒物质的方式相同。

11.The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations.二次方程式论处理二次方程式的代数学的分支

12.The two chairmen vary in their manner of dealing with a question.这两位主席在处理问题时方式不同。

13.I think it"s shocking the way you handle the affair.我认为你处理那件事的方式令人震惊。

14.recycle newspaper,ie by de-inking and pulping it回收旧报纸(以脱墨和制浆方式处理).

15.Towards More Humane and Effective Sanction Management以更人道和有效的方式处理制裁

16.The whole of my remaining estate shall be dealt with in the following way.我个人的全部遗产要按下述方式处理。

17.Men and women solve problem in different ways.男士和女士以不同的方式处理问题。

18.person or thing being treated in a certain way or being experimented on以某种方式处理或实验的人或事物


treatment method处理方式

1.According to the requirement of ″Accounting of Chlor-Alkali Techno-economical Accounting Regulations″ and ″Accounting method of Guideline of Production Statistics of Chemical Industry″,And thetreatment method in techno-economical accounting of self-consumption alkali happened in different situations was confirmed.根据《氯碱技术经济核算规程》和《化学工业生产统计指标计算方法》要求,提出确定氯碱企业不同情况下发生的自用碱消耗在技术经济核算中的处理方式。

3)Processing mode处理方式

1.Chomsky, Nunberg, Cruse), some hypothesize the processing models for their comprehension (e.他们(如:Chomsky,Nunberg,Cruse)或研究习语的语义和句法特征,或研究习语的使用功能(如:Fernando),亦或提出各种习语处理方式假说(如:Schweigert,Gibbs,Cacciari)。


1.In the Regulations for Settling Medical Ma lpractice Cases promulgated by the State Council,th reemethods have been defined to handle the medical tangle caused b y medical malpractice:judicial law suit,administrative processing an d hospital-patient agree-ment.该文通过对医疗事故纠纷三种处理方式的分析,阐述了新条例上述规定的法律价值,并对医患双方在发生医疗事故纠纷后采用何种处理方式提出了建议。

5)different preparation预处理方式

1.This paper used fresh bananas as raw materials, adopted explosion-puffing technology to manufacture a new type of instant banana chips and the major parameters including variety, different mature degree,different preparation, operation temperature, pressure difference and residence time .以新鲜香蕉为原料 ,采用气流膨化工艺 ,从不同品种、成熟度、预处理方式、温度、压力差、停滞时间等几个方面对香蕉的膨化工艺进行了研究。

6)batch mode; batch processing mode批处理方式


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl

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