糖尿病康复 > 方证证治规律 Therapy regularity of for-mula syndrome英语短句 例句大全

方证证治规律 Therapy regularity of for-mula syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-07 19:06:43


方证证治规律 Therapy regularity of for-mula syndrome英语短句 例句大全

方证证治规律,Therapy regularity of for-mula syndrome

1)Therapy regularity of for-mula syndrome方证证治规律


1.Regularities in Treatment of Gynecopathy with Danggui Shaoyao Powder当归芍药散治疗妇科病方证证治规律研究

2.Study on Vitiligo"s Traditional Chinese Medicinal Literature and on the Law of Its Prescriptions, Herbs, and Treatments Based on Syndrome Differiation;白癜风中医文献与方药证治规律研究

3.Study on TCM Document and Regulation of Syndrome-Treatment and Prescription-Drugs of Diabetes;消渴病中医文献与证治方药规律研究

4.The Study on Rules of Syndrome Differentiation and Making up a Prescription in Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Disease by Yetianshi;叶天士治疗温病的辨证及组方配伍规律研究

5.Study on Relevant Literature Researched and Differentiated of TCM and the Laws of Prescriptions" Syndrome and Differentiation Treatment of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion反复自然流产的古今文献及方药证治规律研究

6.The Research on Literature and Order of Prescriptions and Herbs, Syndromes and Treatment of Spotting during Pregnancy and Fetal Irritability胎漏、胎动不安文献及方药证治规律研究

7.Experimental Study on Discussing Syndrome-treatment Characteristic and Evolution Axiom of Traditional Chinese Medicine of NAFLD by Using Treatment Analyze Syndrome;以方测证探讨NAFLD中医证治特点及演变规律的实验研究

8.Systematic Review, Syndrome Treatment Regularity and Mechanism Researches on the Compound Chinese Medicine for ADHD;中药复方治疗儿童多动症(ADHD)的系统评价、证治规律及作用机制研究

9.Research on Rule of Syndrome and Cure to Emotion Syndrome in the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties;宋金元时期情志病证证治规律的初步研究

10.Study of Treatment Principle of the Syndrome of Blood Symptom Complex Based on Data Analysis of Ancient and Modern Medical Records基于古今医案数据分析的血证证治规律研究

11.On the Legal Regulation of the Corporate Governance of Security Company;论我国证券公司治理结构的法律规制

12.The Discussion into Dialectical Rule of Tinnitus and Deafness on the Governance of the Spleen and Stomach从脾胃论治耳鸣耳聋的辩证规律探讨

13.Preliminary Study about Zhang Zhongjing"s Jaundice of Etiology and Pathogenesis and Syndromes and Treatment仲景黄疸病病因病机及证治规律初探

14.exploration of law of treatment based on syndrome differentiation in acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is final direction and purpose of the study.对中医针灸疗法中“辨证论治”的规律探索是研究的最终方向和目的。

15.The Test Study of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Chinese Medicine Cure Law and Series Hebal Medicine;慢性阻塞性肺疾病证治规律及系列方药实验研究

16.TCM Differentiation, Treatment on IgA Nephropathy and the Efficacy Evaluation;IgA肾病中医辨证规律、临床治疗方法和疗效评价研究

17.Prospective Research of the Principle of Differential Diagnosis of Disease and Syndrome and Treatment Program of Tubal Pregnancy;输卵管妊娠的辨病辨证规律及论治方案的前瞻性研究

18.Literature Research of Syndromes, Treatments, Prescriptions and Medicine in Treating Mid-Late Stages Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer;中晚期非小细胞肺癌的中医证治方药规律文献研究


Regulation of syndrome-treatment证治方药规律

3)laws of syndrome differentiation and treatment方药证治规律

4)Diagnosis And Treatment Regularity证治规律

1.It is the first time that this article studies by the numbers not only the history of cognition on etiology and pathogenic mechanism, but also the diagnosis and treatment regularity of Dian and Kuang via literature research and ma.本文通过文献研究与现代数理统计学分析相结合的方法,首次全面系统地探求中医学对于癫狂病因病机认识的历史源流及证治规律,并尝试着从气机升降出入角度阐述癫狂因机与治疗规律,期望为现代精神病临床有效的防治癫狂提供借鉴及由此获取一些新的研究思路。

5)law of the formulae and syndrome方证规律

6)law of pattern identification and treatment administration辨证论治规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主

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