糖尿病康复 > 咳特灵胶囊 Keteling capsules英语短句 例句大全

咳特灵胶囊 Keteling capsules英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-02 15:49:04


咳特灵胶囊 Keteling capsules英语短句 例句大全

咳特灵胶囊,Keteling capsules

1)Keteling capsules咳特灵胶囊

1.Determination of Chlorphenamine Maleate of Keteling Capsules by HPLC;HPLC法测定咳特灵胶囊中马来酸氯苯那敏的含量

2.Content determination of total flavonoids inKeteling capsules;咳特灵胶囊中总黄酮含量考察

3.A high performance capillary electrophoresis with conductivity detection method for the determination of chlorphenamine maleate inKeteling capsules was presented.建立了咳特灵胶囊中马来酸氯苯那敏含量的高效毛细管电泳 -电导测定法。


1.Determination of Viterxin in Keteling Capsule by HPLCHPLC法测定咳特灵胶囊中牡荆素的含量

2.Determination the Content of Total Flavanone in Keteling Capsule by UV Spectrophotometry分光光度法测定咳特灵胶囊中总黄酮的含量

3.Determination of Chlorphenamine Maleate in Keteling Capsule by HPLCHPLC法测定咳特灵胶囊中马来酸氯苯那敏的含量

4.Study on Pharmacodynamics of Kechuanning Capsule on Relieving Cough,Dispelling Phlegm and Preventing Asthma咳喘宁胶囊镇咳祛痰平喘药效学研究

5.Experimental study of Kechuanan capsule on relieving cough and expelling phlegm and the possible mechanism咳喘安胶囊的镇咳祛痰作用及机理研究

6.The Retail Marketing Management Research of Guizhou Yibai Pharmaceutical Corporation;益佰制药克咳胶囊终端市场管理研究

7.A Study on the Anti-Inflammation and Anti-Asthma Effect and the Mechanism of Kechuanan Capsule咳喘安胶囊抗炎平喘作用及其机制的研究

8.Phamacodynamic Studies of FuXuan Capsule虎玄咽喉胶囊的镇咳、祛痰及抗炎镇痛作用

9.Clinical evaluation on the therapeutic effect of Yifeizhike capsules on drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis益肺止咳胶囊辅助治疗耐药肺结核的临床评价

10.Experimental Study on Effect of Relieving Cough and Resolving Phlegm of New Xuanbaichengqi Capsule新宣白承气胶囊镇咳化痰作用的实验研究

11.Effect of Compound Methoxyphenamine Capsules on Treating Cough Variant Asthma复方甲氧那明胶囊治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘观察

12.Study on the Preparation and Pharmacodynamics of Co-Lingzhijingtang Capsule;复方灵芝降糖胶囊工艺及药效学研究

13.Clinical Research on Functional Constipation Treated by Linggu Capsule;灵菇胶囊治疗功能性便秘的临床研究

14.Determination of the Adenosine Content of Ganoderma Iucidum Capsules by RP - HPLC反相HPLC法测定灵芝胶囊中腺苷的含量

15.Determination of caffeine in ganmaoling capsule by HPLCHPLC法测定感冒灵胶囊中咖啡因的含量

16.Experimental Studies on Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Effects of Jingkangling Capsules颈康灵胶囊抗炎镇痛作用的实验研究

17.Determination of Geniposide in Qingkailing Capsule by HPLCHPLC法测定清开灵胶囊中栀子苷的含量

18.Determination of Borneolum Syntheticum in Wulingzhitong Capsules by CGCCGC测定五灵止痛胶囊中冰片的含量


Keteling capsule咳特灵胶囊

1.Determination of Chlorphenamine Maleate in Keteling Capsule by HPLCHPLC法测定咳特灵胶囊中马来酸氯苯那敏的含量

2.Objective:To establish a method for determining the content of total flavanone inKeteling capsule.目的:建立咳特灵胶囊中总黄酮的含量检测方法。

3.Objective:To establish an HPLC method for the determination of viterxin inKeteling capsule.目的:建立咳特灵胶囊中牡荆素的含量测定方法。

3)Keteling capsules (tablets)咳特灵胶囊(片)

4)lingxing kechuan capsule灵杏咳喘胶囊

1.Antibacterial effect oflingxing kechuan capsule in vivo and in vitro;灵杏咳喘胶囊体内外抑菌作用的实验研究

2.Study on Anti-inflammatory and Immunologic Effects of Lingxing Kechuan Capsule;灵杏咳喘胶囊抗炎免疫作用的实验研究

3.Objective To study the antitussive,expectorant,and antiasthetic action on pharmacology of Lingxing Kechuan Capsule.目的研究灵杏咳喘胶囊镇咳、祛痰和平喘的药理作用。

5)Tianlongkechuan capsule (TLC)天龙咳喘灵胶囊

1.Objetive:To investigate the effect of Tianlongkechuan capsule (TLC) on chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and to explore its mechanism.目的:探讨天龙咳喘灵胶囊(TLC)防治大鼠慢性常压低氧性肺动脉高压的NO机制。

6)Ganteling Capsules感特灵胶囊

1.Determination of Content and Uniformity of Chlorphenamine Maleate inGanteling Capsules by HPLC;HPLC法测定感特灵胶囊中马来酸氯苯那敏的含量及含量均匀度


咳宁胶囊药物名称:咳宁胶囊汉语拼音:Kening Jiaonang主要成分:猪胆汁提取物、浙贝母等。性状:胶囊剂,内容物为淡棕色的粉末,味苦。药理作用:口服对枸橼酸引咳豚鼠和氨水引咳小鼠的咳嗽次数有一定减少作用。功能与主治:清热宣肺,化痰止咳。用于风热、痰热咳嗽,咯痰,痰色黄白或粘稠不畅,舌红苔黄等。用法与用量:口服,每次4粒,一日3次,或遵医嘱。不良反应:禁忌症:风寒、寒痰咳嗽患者忌服。注意事项:规格:每粒装0.3g贮藏:密封,置阴凉处有效期:暂定一年半处方药:是

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