糖尿病康复 > 后基质层混浊 posterior corneal stroma opacity英语短句 例句大全

后基质层混浊 posterior corneal stroma opacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-19 02:00:17


后基质层混浊 posterior corneal stroma opacity英语短句 例句大全

后基质层混浊,posterior corneal stroma opacity

1)posterior corneal stroma opacity后基质层混浊

1.Objective:To observe and analyze the clinical feature and in vivo confocal microscopic findings in patients withposterior corneal stroma opacity of unknown aetiology.目的:观察和分析体检人群中不明原因的角膜后基质层混浊的临床表现及共焦显微镜形态学特征。


1.Clinical Feature and in Vivo Confocal Microscopic Findings in Patients with Posterior Corneal Stroma Opacity of Unknown Aetiology不明原因角膜后基质层混浊临床特征及共焦显微镜所见

2.Measurement of the Diffuse Backscattering Mueller Matrix of Turbid Medium;混浊介质后向漫散射穆勒矩阵的测量

3.Measurment of Turbid Media′s Backscattering Mueller Matrix混浊介质后向散射Mueller矩阵的一种测量方法

4.The Effect of Cortex Opacitas on Apoptosis of Epithelium Lentis Cells after Traumatic Cataract;外伤性白内障后皮质混浊对晶状体上皮细胞凋亡的影响

5.The Influences of Phenol and Soluble Protein on the Post Concentration Haze of Apple Juice Concentrate酚类物质和可溶性蛋白对苹果浓缩汁后混浊的影响

6.Preparation of Nano-fluorouracil-coated Intraocular Lens and Empirical Study on Its Inhibiting Posterior Capsule Opacification纳米氟尿嘧啶涂层人工晶状体的制备及抑制后囊膜混浊的实验研究

7.The cloudy solution-fies on standing.混浊的溶液经静置后澄清。

8.353 cases of Nd:YAG laser treatment for posterior capsular opacity钕钇铝石榴石激光治疗后囊混浊(353例)

9.Effects of Haptic s Tension of IOL on Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO);不同张力的IOL袢对后囊混浊的影响

10.Effects of Amniotic Extraction on Epithelial Wound Healing and Stromal Remodelling after Excimer Laser Keratectomy and Tear Functions in Rabbit Cornea;羊膜提取液对兔准分子激光术后角膜上皮下混浊及泪液质量的影响

11.cloudy beverage emulsion使饮料混浊用的乳浊液

12.Results At the 2 weeks after operation,the PCO only appeared in the control group.结果术后2周只有对照组眼出现后囊膜混浊。

13.Quantification of posterior capsular opacification after cataract surgery白内障术后后囊膜混浊的量化分析(英文)

14.YAG Laser Posterior Capsulectomy to Manage PCO with an Unfinished CircleYAG激光后囊带蒂环形切开术治疗后囊膜混浊

15.Long-term effect of sharp optic edges of a polymethyl methacrylate intraocular lens on posterior capsule opacifi-cation: A randomized trial具有锐利光学边缘的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯人工晶体对后囊混浊长期效果:一项随机试验

16.The Comparative Study of Clinical Data and Pathology of Posterior Capsule Opacification between Er:YAG Laser Emulsification and Phacoemulsification for Cataract Surgery;铒激光与超声乳化白内障吸除术的临床与后囊膜混浊病理基础的对比研究

17.The methods of opera-tion and pathogenesis were discussed.文中对手术方法及后囊混浊的发生机理进行了讨论,认为后囊混浊与手术方法有密切关系。

18.The Experimental Study of Effects of Tranilast Microspheres on Preventing Posterior Capsule Opacification;Tranilast微球抑制晶状体后囊膜混浊的实验研究



1.Advances in study onpost-haze in apple juice concentrate;苹果浓缩汁后混浊的研究进展

2.Studies of Factors Influenceing the Post-haze of Apple Juice Concentrate;苹果浓缩汁后混浊影响因素的研究


1.Formation principle of and control onhaze in apple juice concentrate;苹果浓缩汁后混浊的形成机理及控制

2.The reasons for and solutions to thehaze in clarified fruit and vegetable juices;澄清果菜汁后混浊(Haze)产生的原因及解决方法

3.Browning andhaze in apple juice concentrate (AJC) have been long-standing problems in processing and there is no reliable solution to them.苹果浓缩汁褐变、后混浊一直是困扰着我国乃至世界果汁加工业的重大技术难题,目前尚无成熟可靠的控制方法。

4)posterior capsule opacification后囊混浊

1.Effect of mitomycin C onposterior capsule opacification in rabbit eyes;丝裂霉素C对后囊混浊防治作用的实验研究

2.An experimental study of preventingposterior capsule opacification with interferon-γ in rabbit eyes;γ干扰素防治兔实验性后囊混浊的作用

3.It can mediate the inducing fibrosis effect of TGF-β_ 1 and play an important role inposterior capsule opacification of lens.结论TGF-β1能够抑制LEC生长,促进其下游介质CTGF的表达,这可能是后囊混浊形成的一条重要途径。

5)Posterior capsular opacity后囊混浊

1.Influence of diameter and location of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis to the posterior capsular opacity;连续环行撕囊直径和位置对后囊混浊的影响

6)Posterior capsular opacification后囊混浊

1.24%) of posterior capsular opacification(PCO) happened.24%)发生轻度后囊混浊。



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