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福建高校 colleges and universities in Fujian英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-20 13:14:08


福建高校 colleges and universities in Fujian英语短句 例句大全

福建高校,colleges and universities in Fujian

1)colleges and universities in Fujian福建高校

1.In methods of documents study,interview,questionnaire investigation,and mathematic statistics collection,it investigated 178 PE teachers incolleges and universities in Fujian to find out their job satisfaction.采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数据统计法、对178位福建省高校体育教师进行调查,从中了解到福建高校体育教师工作满意度的现状及特点,结果表明:女教师的工作满意度高于男教师;不同年龄的高校体育教师工作满意度存在着显著差异;高学历者对工资待遇、工作压力和工作环境的满意度低于低学历者;工作满意度的高低与职称的高低成正比关系。

2.Through the investigation on the status quo of the tennis development atcolleges and universities in Fujian province, it is found that both teachers and students love tennis and many of them are eager to engage in it.通过对福建高校网球运动发展现状的调查,发现高校师生普遍喜爱网球运动,很多师生渴望加入到网球运动当中,但是大部分高校的网球场地、师资严重缺乏,使这项运动没有办法在高校普及。


1.On the Service of Library in Colleges and Universities for the Development of the West Strait福建高校图书馆为海西建设服务初探

2.The Status and its Countermeasures of Tennis in the Universities and Colleges in Fujian Province;福建高校网球运动开展的现状和对策

3.The Feasibility for Promoting 100-meter orienteering in the Colleges and Universities of Fujian;福建高校推广“百米定向”的可行性研究

4.An Analysis on the Teaching Secretaries Structure of Fujian Colleges;福建高校教学秘书队伍结构状况分析

5.A Research of the Collections Characteristic Construction in College Libraries in Fujian;福建高校图书馆馆藏资源特色化建设研究

6.Current Status of and Countermeasure Research on High-level Sports Team in Colleges of Fujian Province;福建高校高水平运动队发展现状与对策

7.A Study on the Sports Consume of Professional Teachers in Fujian;福建高校高职称教师群体的体育消费调查

8.Study on health state and sports behaviour of female teachers with senior professional title in Fujian universities析福建高校高职称女教师健康状况与体育行为

parative Research on University Students Physical Quality of Five Universities in Fujian;福建省部分高校学生体质的比较研究

10.A Research of P.E.curriculum Model in Common Colleges and Universities in Fujian Province;福建省普通高校体育课程模式的研究

11.Research on the Society Support System for Impoverished University Students in Fujian Province;福建省高校贫困生社会支持体系研究

12.Study on Science & Technology Innovation Capacity of University and System in Fujian;福建省高校科技创新能力与体系研究

13.The Characteristics of the Regional Distribution of HEIs and the Countermeasures of the Development Strategy in Fujian Province;福建省高校区域分布特征及发展对策

14.Study on the Status Quo and Countermeasures for Students Health in Fujian College;福建省高校学生健康现状与对策研究

15.An Investigation and Analysis on the present condition of the Tennis Grounds in Colleges and in Fujian Province;福建省高校网球场地现状调查与分析

16.Study on the present situation of PE teachers job satisfaction in colleges and universities in Fujian;福建省高校体育教师工作满意度调查

17.Analysis of Present Situation of Optional Course in Public Physical Education in Colleges and Universities in Fujian;福建省普通高校公体选项课现状分析

18.Survey of the political participation of Fujian college students;福建省高校学生政治参与状况的调查


Universities of Fujian Province福建省高校

1.A Study on Current Situation of Taijiquan in theUniversities of Fujian Province and Its Developing Strategy;福建省高校太极拳开展现状及发展对策研究

3)college entrance examination in Fujian province福建高考

4)College building高校建筑

1.A Study on College Building Renovation;论高校建筑的更新与改造

2.this article through a survey of college building in our country, take the university public building as the key point;And through analysis existing university public building energy consumption characteristic we want to seek the problem which exists in the energy saving in school construction.本文通过对我国高校建筑的大量调查取证,以高等院校公共建筑为重点研究对象,并对其进行能耗特点的分析,进而寻找当前高校建筑在设计中建筑节能设计理念和技术应用的不足与存在的问题。

5)newly-built university新建高校

1.Connecting with the situation of the library of Suqian College, this paper analyzes the difficulties in the reference service of thenewly-built university library, and probes into how thenewly-built university library to do well the reference service.结合宿迁学院图书馆的情况,剖析了新建高校图书馆参考咨询服务工作中的困难,并对新建高校图书馆如何做好参考咨询服务进行了探讨。

6)capital construction in university高校基建

1.Thecapital construction in university is the guarantee to the development of university.高校基建工作是高校事业发展的重要保证。



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