糖尿病康复 > 负重爬梯运动 climbing with load exercise英语短句 例句大全

负重爬梯运动 climbing with load exercise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-02 11:11:10


负重爬梯运动 climbing with load exercise英语短句 例句大全

负重爬梯运动,climbing with load exercise

1)climbing with load exercise负重爬梯运动

2)tree climbing爬树运动

3)climbing motion爬坡运动

1.By using Pro/E,the virtual prototype model of a spherical robot with arms was constructed,and integrated the software ADAMS,the kinematic analysis of the spherical robot with arms was completed,including the circular motion and theclimbing motion.利用Pro/E建立了带臂球形机器人的虚拟样机模型,并结合ADAMS仿真软件对带臂球形机器人进行了运动学分析,包括机器人的圆周运动和爬坡运动,以此测出各驱动力矩的数值,为后期制作物理样机电机提供选型依据。

4)gradient motion refocussing梯度运动重聚

5)swimming training loading负重游泳运动


1.Effects of Loaded Swimming Training on Apoptosis in Rat Kidney Cells and Its Mechanism of Regulation;负重游泳运动对大鼠肾细胞凋亡和调控因素的影响

2.a track, swimming meet田径、 游泳运动会.

3.Emotion and Coping Way of Female Swimming during Intensive Training;女游泳运动员大负荷训练中的情绪和应对方式

4."Swimming is both as a competitive sport and recreation. The principal swimming strokes are the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. "游泳既是竞赛运动又是娱乐。主要游泳姿式有爬泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。

5.Effects of Different Load-factors on Swimmers Lactic Acid and Heart Rate;不同负荷因素对游泳运动员负荷后血乳酸、心率的影响

6.Study on Supervision of Exercise Load on Swimming Athletes ofPhysical Education Colleges in Fujian Province;对福建省高校游泳运动员进行运动负荷监控的研究

7.The swimmer dived into the swimming pool from the divingboard.游泳运动员从跳板上潜入游泳池。

8.Swimmers rise up as they swim.游泳运动员在游泳时也是会浮起来。

9.The Importance of Juvenile Swimming Athletes Oxygen Training;游泳运动员少儿时期有氧训练的重要性

10.Issues That Should Be Paid Attention to the Development in Swimming in Our Country;我国竞技游泳运动发展中应重视的几个问题

11.Swimming is my favourite sport.游泳是我最喜欢的运动。

12.You have to warm up before you go swimming.在游泳前要做暖身运动

13.Swimming is one of the water sports.游泳是水上运动之一。

14.Is swimming a strenuous exercise?游泳是很费力的运动吗?

15.The motion that I love most is swimming.我最喜爱的运动是游泳。

16.Swimming is the sport of the summer season.游泳是夏季最好的运动。

17.swimming & watersports equipment游泳及水上运动用品

18.`sports facilities,eg running tracks,swimming pools运动设施(如跑道、游泳池)


tree climbing爬树运动

3)climbing motion爬坡运动

1.By using Pro/E,the virtual prototype model of a spherical robot with arms was constructed,and integrated the software ADAMS,the kinematic analysis of the spherical robot with arms was completed,including the circular motion and theclimbing motion.利用Pro/E建立了带臂球形机器人的虚拟样机模型,并结合ADAMS仿真软件对带臂球形机器人进行了运动学分析,包括机器人的圆周运动和爬坡运动,以此测出各驱动力矩的数值,为后期制作物理样机电机提供选型依据。

4)gradient motion refocussing梯度运动重聚

5)swimming training loading负重游泳运动

6)elevator motion电梯运动


负重①背上背(bēi)着沉重的东西:~竞走 ㄧ~泅渡。②承担重任:忍辱~。

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