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本土广告 Chinas ad英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-22 07:09:27


本土广告 Chinas ad英语短句 例句大全

本土广告,China"s ad

1)China"s ad本土广告


1.On Strategic Transformation of Local Advertising Agency in Hunan Viewed from Media Management;从媒介经营看湖南本土广告公司的战略转型

2.Survival and development of domestic advertising industry from an economic perspective从经济视角看本土广告业的生存与发展

3.To Nurse Hunan Local AD. Companies’ Competition Advantage: the Application of Potter’s Diamond Theory in AD.Industry;湖南本土广告公司竞争优势的培育路径——波特钻石理论在广告业中的应用

4.The design of advertisement should develop nativity and propose originality.我国的招贴广告设计要挖掘本土、倡导原创。

5.Today s China Television Advertising Production of Local and International Research;当今中国电视广告制作本土与国际化研究

6.Thinking on Localized Advertising Creatinty on the basis of Hot Chinese Elements in Design;基于“中国元素设计热”的本土化广告创意思考

7.Native cultural transmission strategy of modern american-britishTobacco company in China;近代英美烟草公司在华广告本土化战略初探

8.On Localization of Global Brands in China;浅析国际品牌广告在中国的本土化运作

9.“Snake King”Longhqi: Native is not Rube“蛇王”隆力奇:本土不是真“土”——记隆力奇的广告传播及品牌战略

10.A Study on Cross-cultural Communication from the Text of Luxuries;从奢侈品广告文本看跨文化广告传播

11.Advertising Photography Significance of the Text of the Ad Space Construction;广告摄影对广告文本意义空间的建构

12.Advertising Discourse Analysis:a Possible Theory for the Ontological Study of Advertising;广告话语分析:一种广告本体研究理论

13.The Research of Localization of China Advertising Design Basis on Globalization View Angle;基于全球化视角的中国商业广告设计本土化研究

14.A Study on Standardized and Localized Advertising Strategies of Multinational corporations in China;跨国公司在中国的广告标准化与本土化策略分析

15.An Analysis of the Indigenous Consciousness of Foreign Enterprises in Modern China:Centering on the Cigarette Advertisements of B.A.T.;从英美烟公司广告看近代外国企业的本土化意识

16.Opportunities for Hunan Advertising Companies under the Background of Employing the Strategy of Middle-part Development;中部崛起战略下湖南本土媒介型广告公司的发展机遇

17.On Indigenization Characteristics of Modern Advertising Language in the Context of the Same Cultural Transmission;论同文化传播语境下现代广告语言的本土化特点

18.An Investigation on Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Guangzhou Customs Office--on the Localization of the Intellectual Property Rights Law;广州海关知识产权保护工作调查报告——兼论知识产权法律的本土化


localized advertising本土化广告

3)local advertising agency本土广告公司

1.The Study of Group-Oriented Development of Local Advertising Agency;本土广告公司集团化发展研究

2.So it s very urgent to accomplish the strategic transformation oflocal advertising agency.随着中国广告市场的全面开放,国际4A的强势进驻及沿海国人广告公司的内扩,使得本来就压制在"强媒介、弱广告"局势之下的湖南省本土广告公司的发展举步维艰,如何顺利实现本土广告公司的战略转型已迫在眉睫。

4)Hunan local panies湖南本土广告公司

5)collectivize of China native advertising中国本土广告集团化

6)Japanese advertisement日本广告



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