糖尿病康复 > 钙维生素D复合物 compound of calcium and vitamin D英语短句 例句大全

钙维生素D复合物 compound of calcium and vitamin D英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-28 05:42:44


钙维生素D复合物 compound of calcium and vitamin D英语短句 例句大全

钙维生素D复合物,compound of calcium and vitamin D

1)compound of calcium and vitamin D钙维生素D复合物

pared with treated withcompound of calcium and vitamin D alone,combination with alendronate can effectively prevent the loss of bone mineral content induced by long-term use of glucocorticoid.目的:比较钙维生素D复合物单独应用与联合阿仑膦酸钠在治疗长期使用糖皮质激素造成骨量丢失疗效方面的差异。


pound of vitamin D and Calcium or combining with bisphosphonates in preventing bone loss induced by glucocorticoid钙维生素D复合物单独与联用阿仑膦酸钠在治疗糖皮质激素引起骨量丢失疗效的观察

2.Effects of parathyroid hormone and different dietary calcium and phosphate on synthesis of active vitamin D甲状旁腺素和不同钙磷饮食对活性维生素D合成的影响

3.Simultaneous Determination the Contents of Vitamin B_1 and Vitamin B_6 in Compound Vitamin B-calcium Pantothenate Oral Solution复合维生素B泛酸钙口服溶液中维生素B_1和维生素B_6的含量测定

4.Effects of Interaction between Vitamin A and Vitamin D on Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism and Calcium-binding-protein Gene Expression in Broilers;维生素A、D及其相互作用对肉鸡骨骼钙磷代谢及钙结合蛋白基因表达量的影响

5.ARGUMENT34- Milk and dairy products are rich in vitamin D and calcium, substances essential for building and maintaining bones.牛奶和奶制品富含维生素d和钙,这是骨骼生长和维持所必须的物质。

6.Effects of Vitamin K4, Vitamin D and Calcium on Bone Metabolism in Early Period of Fracture in Postmenopausal Women;维生素K_4、维生素D及钙对绝经期妇女骨折早期骨代谢的影响

7.Effects of Interaction between Vitamin A and Vitamin D on Growth Performance, Immune Functions and Metabolism of Calcium and Phosphorous in Broilers;维生素A、D对肉鸡生长、免疫、钙磷代谢的影响及其交互作用的研究

8.Nutritional Status of Calcium and Vitamin D in Mother-Neonates Pairs in Guangyuan Region.广元地区新生儿与孕母钙和维生素D营养状况的研究

9."It was once used to treat and prevent rickets, but the widespread fortification of milk with vitamin D. It is still used as a remedy for joint pain caused by arthritis and as a preventive of cardiovascular disease. It is also used in feeds for poultry and other animals. "在医药上用来治疗缺乏维生素D所引起的钙、磷代谢异常,如佝偻

10.The Effects of Anionic Salts and Vitamin D on Periparturient Dairy Cow"s Ca Regulation and Health;阴离子盐和维生素D对围产期奶牛钙调控机制和健康作用的研究

11.Calcium, Vitamin D and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Canadian Populations加拿大人群摄入钙,维生素D与结直肠癌关系的研究

12.Effects of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on bone specific alkaline during pregnancy lactation and infant孕妇、乳母及婴儿补充钙和维生素D对婴儿骨碱性磷酸酶的影响

bined Anaerobic Reactor/Bio-ferric Process for Treatment of Vitamin B_1 Production Wastewater厌氧复合床/生物铁法处理维生素B_1生产废水

14.The Preparation and the Study on the Properties of the Calcium Sulfate/Calcium Phophate Bioceramics;硫酸钙/磷酸钙生物复合陶瓷的制备与性能研究

15.Mechanism of Interaction between Calcium Sensing Receptor and Active Vitamin D on Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis and on Skeletal Metabolism;钙敏感性受体和活性维生素D在钙磷平衡和骨骼代谢中的相互作用及机制研究

16.vitamin B complex injection复合维生素B注射液

17.Progress in vitamin D receptor and vitamin D resistance维生素D受体与维生素D抵抗研究进展

18.a plant sterol that is converted into vitamin D by ultraviolet radiation.一种植物固醇,受紫外线照射可转化成维生素D。


calciferol (vitamin D)导钙素(维生素D)

3)Calcium and vitamin D钙剂及维生素D

4)colloidal calcium with vitaminD维生素D胶性钙

5)vitamin P complex维生素P复合物

6)Vitamin D analogues维生素D衍生物



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