糖尿病康复 > 城市园林景观建设 urban garden landscape英语短句 例句大全

城市园林景观建设 urban garden landscape英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 12:37:23


城市园林景观建设 urban garden landscape英语短句 例句大全

城市园林景观建设,urban garden landscape

1)urban garden landscape城市园林景观建设

1.This paper discusses three points of the design ofurban garden landscape of externalizing the historical evaluation,externalizing the regional characteristics,and unifying harmoniously with the sounding environment.论述了城市园林景观建设规划设计要体现城市的历史沿革、体现地域特色、和周围环境和谐统一3个要点。


1.City Eco-Tourism of Small Towns and Urban Landscape Construction小城镇城市生态旅游与城市园林景观建设

2.Analysis the Embody of Pu"er local culture in the construction of urban landscape浅析普洱地方文化在城市园林景观建设中的体现

3.The Research and Design of City Garden Lamplight Environment;城市园林灯光环境景观规划设计研究

4.Tendency of the Landscape Design of Residential Quarter in Modern City;现代城市居住小区园林景观设计趋势

5.A Study on the Construction and the Ecological Assessment of the Landscape of Beijing北京市园林景观生态评价与建设研究

6.Pavement landscape is an organic component of urban green space, and it plays an important role in the old classical gardens.铺地景观在园林中的“底”性特质,常常为现代城市园林建设者们所忽略。

7.Discussion of the urban road afforestation and the residential district botanical garden landscape design.;刍论城市道路绿化与住宅区园林景观的设计

8.Discussion on Construction of Garden Landscape of Small Towns in Shandong Province关于山东省小城镇园林景观建设的探讨

9.Garden Plants of Small Cities and Towns in Shanxi Landscape Construction Methods山西小城镇园林植物景观建设方法的探讨

10.Discussion on the Garden Construction of Countryside--Taking Guifeng Village as an Example乡村园林景观建设探讨——以三明市桂峰村为例

11.Thoughts on Urban Landscape Construction and Management;城区景观建设与管理的理性思考——长沙市园林景区民意调查的分析与思考

12.Design of Garden Plants Landscape for Yingbin Park in Xuzhou City徐州市迎宾园园林植物景观设计分析

13.The Setting of Cityscape: A view on open space construction of shanghai city in recently ears布景化的城市园林——略评上海近年城市公共绿地建设

14.Discussion on Campus Landscape Construction of Local Colleges under the Background of Ecological City--As An Example of Campus Landscape Construction of Local Colleges in Northwest of Anhui生态城市背景下的地方高校校园景观建设探讨——以皖西北高校校园景观建设为例

15.Preliminary Landscape Design of"Guojihuacheng" Garden,Tongling铜陵“国际华城”园林景观初步设计

16.Discussion on the Harmony Development of Town and Urban Wetland;城市发展与城市湿地建设的协同性——以解放公园生态湿地景观为例

17.Studies on Ecological Structure of Plant Communities in Urban Garden & Optimize and Design on Landscape;城市园林植物群落生态结构研究与景观优化构建

18.The Evaluation of Naturel Urban Road Plantscape Design;园林设计自然风格在城市道路植物景观中的运用


Urban Landscape & Gardening城市景观园林

1.Urban Landscape & Gardening Culture: A History under Interaction of Space and Behavior;无论过去还是将来,城市景观园林始终都是人类文明状况的标志。

3)construction of city park城市园林建设

4)park city construction园林城市建设

1.Thepark city construction is CPC17th Congress put forward constucting the ecosystem civilization greatly of objective de-mand and inevitable request,is develop the race cultural special features,city to turn the further exaltation of degree etc.园林城市建设是党的十七大提出建设生态文明的客观需要和必然要求,是发展民族文化特色、城市化程度进一步提高等方面的要求和需要。

5)Urban Landscape Construction城市景观建设

1.Diversification and Collaboration——A Thought of ChineseUrban Landscape Construction;多元与协作——关于中国城市景观建设的构想

6)On construction of urban Iandscapes谈城市景观建设



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