糖尿病康复 > 生物制药企业 Bio-pharmaceutical enterprises英语短句 例句大全

生物制药企业 Bio-pharmaceutical enterprises英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-18 04:56:34


生物制药企业 Bio-pharmaceutical enterprises英语短句 例句大全

生物制药企业,Bio-pharmaceutical enterprises

1)Bio-pharmaceutical enterprises生物制药企业

1.This paper analyzes the influencing factors of technology innovation in three phases forBio-pharmaceutical enterprises, and puts forward a model based on fuzzy decision based on entropy.通过对生物制药企业技术创新三阶段影响因素的分析,建立了基于熵的模糊决策分析模型。


1.Analysis on the Opportunities and Challenges Facing Biopharmaceutical Companies in China;中国生物制药企业面临的机遇和挑战

2.Technology Innovation Decision Model for Bio-pharmaceutical Enterprises Based on Entropy;基于熵的生物制药企业技术创新决策模型研究

3.The Present Situation and Countermeasures for Continuous Technological Innovation of Biopharmaceutical Enterprises in China;我国生物制药企业持续技术创新的现状与对策

4.Risk-Resistant Function of OEM in GMP s Attestation of Biological Pharmacy Enterprises;OEM在生物制药企业GMP认证中的抗风险作用

5.Evaluation of Biopharmaceutical Enterprises Based on Value Chain Analysis基于价值链分析的生物制药企业价值评估

6.Public Policies of Government on the Growth of Biopharmaceutical Companies in Kunming Study on the Factors Affecting政府公共政策对生物制药企业成长的影响因素研究

7.Pattern of Absorbing New Technologies in Chinese Biological Pharmaceutical Companies我国生物制药企业引进消化吸收再创新模式研究

8.Analysis of Bio-pharmaceutical Industry s Status and Strategy for Domestic Enterprises;生物制药产业现状分析及我国企业的发展战略

9.Practical Strategy of Retaining Key Employees for Biochemical/Pharmaceutical Enterprises;生物化工/制药企业保留核心员工实战策略

10.Research of Chinese Pharmaceutical Enterprise Novel Drug Development Strategy;我国制药企业创新药物研发战略研究

11.The Relationship among Business Environment and Knowledge Management Strategy with Enterprise Performance--Taking Chongqing Biology Parmacy Industry as the Case;企业环境、知识管理战略与企业绩效的关联性研究——以重庆生物制药行业为例

12.Pharmcoeconomics of Overseas Pharmaceutical Enterprise and its Use for Reference;国外制药企业的药物经济学研究及其借鉴

13.Study on symbiosis relationship between manufacturer and logistic company;制造企业与物流服务企业的共生关系

14.The Teaching of the Medicinal Chemsitry Course for Bio-pharmaceutical Specialty生物制药专业课程中的药物化学教学的探讨

15.Discussed Shallowly the Drugs Manufacture Enterprise Material Supplier Chooses and Audit;浅谈制药企业的物料供应商选择及审核

16.Pharmaceutical chain operator means of logistics cost control医药连锁经营企业物流成本控制的途径

17.Teaching Methods Discussion of Biotechnological Pharmacy in Pharmacy Vocational Education;高职药学专业生物制药学教学方法初探

18.With regard to biopharmaceuticals, the group has invested in European and the US biotechs that will soon be listed on the stock exchange.在生技制药领域日渐蓬勃发展下,集团内投资欧美各国发展生物科技且即将上市的相关企业。


biochemistry pharmacy enterprise生化制药企业

1.Research on cleaner production audit regardingbiochemistry pharmacy enterprises which take dioscorea zingiberensis as raw material:Take Hubei Fangtong Pharmaceutical Co,Ltd. as example;薯蓣类生化制药企业清洁生产审核——以湖北芳通药业股份有限公司为例

3)pharmaceutical enterprise制药企业

1.Study on clean production ofpharmaceutical enterprises: a case study on Yangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory;制药企业清洁生产研究——以扬州制药厂为例

2.Construction and application of ontology forpharmaceutical enterprise based on OWL;基于OWL的制药企业本体的构建及应用

3.Research on the Innovation Pathes of Chinese and Foreign Pharmaceutical Enterprises Based on Integration;基于整合的国内外制药企业创新路径研究

4)pharmaceutical enterprises制药企业

1.Management characteristics of scientific research institutions inpharmaceutical enterprises and new ideas.;制药企业的科研机构管理特点与新思路

2.Study on CRM & Its Application in Pharmaceutical Enterprises of Hangzhou;CRM在杭州制药企业的应用研究

3.Takingpharmaceutical enterprises in Hunan Liuyang Biomedical Park as samples to analyze, this paper set up an evaluation index system on Technical Innovation Ability.本文针对制药企业设计了技术创新能力评价指标体系,以湖南浏阳生物医药园内制药企业为分析对象,探讨了湖南省科技型制药企业的技术创新能力现状,并针对调查数据显示出的问题提出了提高创新能力的对策建议。

5)pharmacy enterprise制药企业

1.Because of the special traits of medicine, there are some special demands for material requirement management ofpharmacy enterprises.本文在分析了制药企业生产特点的基础上,对当前药品生产企业的几个常用物料需求管理策略的优劣进行了详细分析比较,由此提出了一种基于MRP思想的物料需求管理策略。

2.This paper analyzes on the present situation of Chinesepharmacy enterprise, probes into the problems existing in the supply chain of thepharmacy enterprise, and forecasts the developing prospect of thepharmacy enterprise.分析了我国制药企业的现状,针对制药企业供应链存在的问题进行了探讨,并展望了制药企业的发展远景。

3.According to the design flow of production planning system,this paper puts forward the function model of production planning system forpharmacy enterprise on the basis of analyzing the production characteristic ofpharmacy enterprise,and makes a particular analysis on the system function.文章在分析了制药企业生产特点的基础上,根据生产计划系统设计的流程,提出了制药企业生产计划系统的功能模型,并对系统功能进行了详细分析,最后还介绍了系统模型的建立和实现方法。

6)medicine enterprise制药企业

1.GMP-Based Identification Requirement of Medicine Enterprise of ERP Construction;基于GMP认证要求的制药企业ERP建设

2.By using multi-class comprehensive judgment,the influence factors for marketing ability inmedicine enterprise is discussed the index weight,model are discussed,a quantitative analysis model is constructed and some suggestions are given in the end after quantitative analyzing.基于目前国内对企业营销力的认识和成果,对企业营销力的内涵进行了重新界定,以价值力、销售力、持续力为核心构建了企业营销力的结构模型,并以制药企业为例,建立了3级评价指标的模糊综合评价模型,该模型为企业内部管理体系的完善和营销实践提供了操作工具。



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