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老子校诂 Emendation and Explanation of Lao-Tsi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-19 02:00:47


老子校诂 Emendation and Explanation of Lao-Tsi英语短句 例句大全

老子校诂,Emendation and Explanation of Lao-Tsi

1)Emendation and Explanation of Lao-Tsi老子校诂

1.Brief Discussion onEmendation and Explanation of Lao-Tsi Written by Ma Xu-lun马叙伦《老子校诂》刍议


1.A Preliminary Analysis of Ma Xu-lun"s Emendation and Exegesis on Lao-Tsi浅析马叙伦《老子校诂》的训诂特色

2.Research on Lao Zi by Jiang Xichang;蒋锡昌的《老子》研究──解读《老子校诂·序(二)》

3.Time,Change & Policy;时间·变化·对策——老子道论重诂

4.A Study of Two Linguistic Classics and their Interpretive Methodology;《老乞大集览》、《单字解》训诂方法评介

5.Analyse the Exegetical Characteristics of Wu Shidao"s ZhanGuoCeJiaoZhu论吴师道《战国策校注》的训诂特色

6.Six Notes on the Difficult Words and phrases in Xiaoyao You in Zhuangzi;《庄子·逍遥游》疑难词语训诂六则

7.The Comparision of Exegetical Terms in Mengzi and Zhaoqi s Annotation;《孟子》正文与赵歧注训诂术语之比较

8.Explanation of the View that With the Poems Withered away , the Spring and Autumn Annals Came Into Being;孟子“《诗》亡然后《春秋》作”重诂

9.New Explanation for "蹴尔而与之,乞人不屑也"in Mencius;《孟子》“蹴尔而与之,乞人不屑也”疑诂

10.The Interpretation of Central Plains in The Art of War:Waging War《孙子兵法·作战篇》“中原”解诂

11.Examples of Interpreting Errors in "Classical Chinese"(Third Edition) by Wang-Li;王力主编《古代汉语》(校订重排本)训诂失误举例

12.A Trial Categorization of the Methods Applied in Proofreading and Interpreting to the Ancient Text SU WEN by People in Qin Dynasty清人几种《素问》校释中训诂方法的分类初探

13.Acceptance and Rejection from Wang Niansun s Interpretation for Chapters about City Defending in Querying and Interpretation for Mo Zi by Sun Yi rang;《墨子间诂》城守诸篇对王氏父子注释的取舍

14.Mo-tse Jian Gu and Whole Renaissance of Mo-tse Studies from 1930s to 1960s;《墨子间诂》与20世纪30—60年代墨学的全面复兴

15.The cxplanations of the poems-commenting of Confucius;上海博物馆藏《战国楚竹书(一)·孔子诗论》解诂(一)

16.The Explanations of the Poms-commenting of Confucius;上海博物馆藏《战国楚竹书(一)·孔子诗论》解诂(二)

17.WAGN Nian-sun and His Son"s Contribution to Exegetics by Guang Ya Shu Zheng由《广雅疏证》析王念孙父子对训诂学的贡献

18.One Annotations On Words Explanation of《HanFeiZi·Wudu(韩非子·五蠹》;《韩非子·五蠹》训诂一则——“以寡趣本务而趋末作”之“趣”字辨


Lao Tzu Zheng Gu老子正诂

1.The second part emphatically inquires into the Book ofLao Tzu Zheng Gu, including the study that answered questions and removed doubts about Lao Tzu, proofreading the text o第二部分着重研讨高亨先生的《老子正诂》,其中包含对老子其人的释疑解惑,对《老子》文本的校勘释读,以及对《老子》思想的探索研磨等。

3)One" runs through the chapter老子校读

4)Annotation on Mo-tse墨子间诂

1.Reading Notes on Sun Yirang sAnnotation on Mo-tse;读孙诒让《墨子间诂》札记

5)sentence exegesis句子训诂

6)MoZi XianGu墨子闲诂



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