糖尿病康复 > 方证对应 prescriptions corresponding to syndromes英语短句 例句大全

方证对应 prescriptions corresponding to syndromes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-06 10:35:06


方证对应 prescriptions corresponding to syndromes英语短句 例句大全

方证对应,prescriptions corresponding to syndromes

1)prescriptions corresponding to syndromes方证对应

1.Methods: Starting with the studies of the theoretical source ofprescriptions corresponding to syndromes and their clinics, an experiment with random double blind and double modeling is made, in which 63 cases of angina are divided into two groups:prescriptions corresponding to syndromes and prescriptions not corresponding to syndromes, and treated with the liquids of Chinese medicin.目的:探讨方证对应的临床意义与理论意义。

2.It is pointed out thatprescriptions corresponding to syndromes is the core of Traditional Chinese Medicine,which contains the principle of prescriptions and syndromes,symptoms and signs of Chinese traditional medicine,indications of dose range,prescriptions combination,associated prescriptions.强调方证对应是中医学的核心所在。


1.Thinking of prescriptions corresponding to syndromes in construction of syndrome differentiation system方证对应在中医辨证体系构建中的思考

2.Primary Hypertension Side Card Correspondence Clinical Investigation and Study原发性高血压方证对应的临床调查研究

3.The Documental Study on the Pathogenesis and Prescription Rule of Psoriasis by the Correspondence between Recipe and Syndrome“方证对应”银屑病病因病机及组方用药规律的文献学研究

4.Clinical Study of Prescriptions Corresponding to Syndromes of Splenorenal Deficiency on Middle-Late Stage Primary Liver Cancer脾肾两虚型中晚期原发性肝癌方证对应的临床观察

5.On Applying Modern Analysis Methods in Paint Evidence Authentication;现代分析方法对涂料物证检验的应用

6.Research on the Effect of the Coping Style about the Sleep Quality in College Students;应对方式对大学生睡眠质量影响的实证研究

7.It reviewed the methods, characteristics, indication and announcements of oxygen therapy.对给氧方法、特点、适应证及注意事项进行了综述。

8.Concrete Evidence Analysis of the "Pressing" Effect of Financial Expenditure on Local Revenue;财政支出对地方税收“挤压”效应的实证分析

9.A Practical Research into the Pressure among University Students and the Characteristic of the Solution;大学生压力与应对方式特点的实证研究

10.The Empirical Analysis on the Stabilization Effect of Transfer to Subnational Fiscal Revenue转移支付对地方财政收入稳定效应的实证分析

11."The Buyer or his authorized agent shall issue Certificate of Confirmation to the Certificate of Quality issued by the Seller, which evidencing completion of pre-inspection. "买方或其授权代表应对卖方签发的质量证书签署确认证书,以证明预验收的完成。

12.We should adopt a dialectical, not a metaphysical, approach towards him.对他们要采取辩证的方法,而不应采取形而上学的方法。

13.Decisions on the merits of a case shall be based only on evidence in respect of which parties were offered the opportunity to be heard.对各案是非的判决应仅仅根据证据,应向当事各方就该证据提供陈述机会。

14.The organization shall state the intended verification arrangements and method of product release in the purchasing information.组织应在采购信息中对拟验证的安排和产品放行的方法作出规定.

15.Confronted with the challenge of the grue paradox, the falsifiabilists answer it both in qualitative way and the quantitative one.面对绿蓝悖论的挑战,证伪主义者从定性和定量两方面作了应答。

16.If the other side tells your tort, behoove quote should have all limits of authority of this project.假如对方告你侵权,理应举证该拥有该项目的所有权限。

17.We should stick to the method of dialectics to treat the national and pandemic cultures.我们应坚持辨证统一的方法对待文化民族性和世界性。

18.The stipulations of your L/C should be in full conformity with those of the S/C.你方信用证的对顶应与销售确认书的规定完全相符。


Non-correspondence of prescription-syndrome方证不对应

3)correspondence of "prescription-pattern-agent"方-证-剂对应

4)Theory of correspondence of prescription with the syndrome of TCM方证对应理论

5)Correspondence between syndrome and formula factors方-证要素对应

6)drug-syndrome correspondence药证对应


《秘传证治要诀及类方》《秘传证治要诀及类方》 《秘传证治要诀及类方》 医学丛书。即《秘传证治要诀》和《证治要诀类方》的合刊本。1955年由商务印书馆出版。

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