糖尿病康复 > 宿根福禄考 Phlox Paniculata英语短句 例句大全

宿根福禄考 Phlox Paniculata英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-25 13:22:22


宿根福禄考 Phlox Paniculata英语短句 例句大全

宿根福禄考,Phlox Paniculata

1)Phlox Paniculata宿根福禄考

1.Effect of medium composition on proliferation ofPhlox Paniculata in vitro;培养基组成对宿根福禄考组培增殖的影响

2.Effects of GA_3 on the Survival Rate and the Net Photosynthetic Rates of Micropropagation Plants of Phlox paniculata Transplanted during Winter in Beijing Area;GA_3对宿根福禄考组培苗在北京冬季移栽成活率以及光合速率的影响

3.Cutting Propagation of Tender Branch of Phlox paniculata;宿根福禄考嫩枝的扦插繁殖


1.New Cultivar Series of SummerPhlox;宿根福禄考的系列新品种


1.Any of various North American plants of the genus Phlox, having opposite leaves and flowers with a variously colored salverform corolla.福禄考一种福禄考属北美植物,有对生的叶子和花,并有多种颜色的管状花冠

2.A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her.福禄考花的缕缕新鲜、浓重的香味使她充满活力。

3.Perennial border such as daffodil, daisy, lily, phlox, iris, etc.栽种多年生植物(如水仙花、雏菊、百合、福禄考、蝴蝶花等)的条形绿化带。

4.A few whiffs of the raw, strong scent of phlox invigorated her(D.H. Lawrence)福禄考花的缕缕新鲜、浓重的香味使她充满活力(D.H.劳伦斯)

5.All the sleeping things wake up-primrose, baby iris, blue phlox.沉睡的万物全苏醒了--报春花,幼嫩的蝴蝶花,还有蓝色的福禄考花。

6.The Embodiment of the Folk Concept of Good Fortune, Prosperity, Longevity and Happiness in Paper-cutting;论“福禄寿喜”民俗观念在剪纸中的体现

7.The Survey to the Development of the Sulu King"s Descendent Group对苏禄东王后裔族群繁衍发展的考察

8.Terrors overwhelm me; my dignity is driven away as by the wind, my safety vanishes like a cloud.惊恐临到我、逐我的尊荣如风.的福禄如云过去。

9.Of course, some other peoples put SamSung of blessing salary birthday, add lucky energy of life.当然,有些人家摆放福禄寿三星,增添吉祥之气。

10.A Brief Commenton Froebel s Theory andPractice in Pre-school Education;简评福禄培尔学前教育理论及其实践活动

11."Fears have come on me; my hope is gone like the wind, and my well-being like a cloud."惊恐临到我,驱逐我的尊荣如风,我的福禄如云过去。

12.Looky here, our digital wedding book!偷看一下我和女朋友结婚在上海福禄贝尔照相馆拍的合影照片。

13.[NIV] Terrors overwhelm me; my dignity is driven away as by the wind, my safety vanishes like a cloud.15[和合]惊17恐临到我,驱逐我的尊荣如风;我的福禄如18云过去。

14.On the Names of Horned Statuaries of Southern Dynasties Mausoleums By Investigating the Rule of the Number of Horns天禄辟邪新考——从角数规律看南朝帝陵石兽的名称

15.Jiaoyulu, united people in Lankao in disaster, fought against sandstorm and saline-alkaline soil until the last minute in his life.焦裕禄,将灾难中的兰考人民紧紧团结起来,与风沙盐碱战斗到生命最后一刻。

16.Discussing the Difficult Position and Outlet of Rural Cinemas in China--Some Considerations on the Preliminary Investigation of Lukou Cinema;试论我国农村影剧院的发展困境及出路——由对禄口等影剧院的初步调查引发的思考

17.Plural Symbiosis of Hakka and Minorities Cultures;客家人与少数民族文化的多元共生——广西三江富禄镇民族关系考析之二

18.PASSED TOIFL WITH 640托福考试已通过,得分640。



1.New Cultivar Series of SummerPhlox;宿根福禄考的系列新品种


1.Tissue Culture of the Root Segment ofPhloxpanicula-ta;锥花福禄考根段的组织培养

2.Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration ofPhloxpanicula-ta Leaf;锥花福禄考叶片愈伤组织诱导与植株再生研究

4)phlox subulata丛生福禄考

1.This experiment studied the factors that affected the s ur vival rate of cuttage and reproduce of Phlox subulata.采用不同部位苗茎, 从扦插基质、时间等方面对丛生福禄考扦插繁殖成活率的因素进行了研究。

5)luck and wealth and long-lived and happy福禄寿喜

6)Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel福禄贝尔

1.An Exploration ofFriedrich Wilhelm August Froebel s Experience Curriculum;福禄贝尔的经验课程初探


宿根福禄考宿根福禄考介绍 宿根福禄考 (Phlox paniculata L)科属: 花荵科 天蓝绣球属别名: 福禄考形态特征: 多年生草本,根茎呈半本质,茎粗壮直立,高30-60cm,通常不分枝或少分枝,单叶,对生,茎上部叶常呈3枚轮生,长椭圆状披针形至卵状披针形,长7-12cm。顶生圆锥花序,花冠粉紫色至白色,呈高脚碟状,先端5裂,萼片狭细。花期6-10月。国外早在19世纪已培育出许多园艺品种,花色有红、紫、粉、黄、白及复色品种。近年来,我圃引进4个色系(红色、白色、紫色、复色)10余个品种,这些品种具有矮生、抗性强、花色鲜艳、丰富、花期整齐一致、花期长等特点,大部分品种经过修剪当年有二次花。分布与习性:此花原产北美。性喜冷凉气候,耐-30℃左右低温,忌夏季炎热多雨,要求阳光充足,喜肥沃、深厚、湿润而排水良好的土壤,PH值6.5-7.5;在干燥贫瘠,排水不良、PH值过高或强酸土(PH值4以下)中均生长不良;过于庇荫处亦不宜栽植.繁殖与栽培:扦插或分株繁殖,实生苗多用于培育新品种。应用:此类花宜作花坛、花境或与其他花卉间植;高型品种可作切花;矮生品种亦可盆栽;匍匐类型是毛毡花坛和岩石园布置的重要材料,也是很好的地被植物。图片:

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