糖尿病康复 > 结冷胶 gellan gum英语短句 例句大全

结冷胶 gellan gum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-27 17:33:00


结冷胶 gellan gum英语短句 例句大全

结冷胶,gellan gum

1)gellan gum结冷胶

pound mechanism ofgellan gum,carrageenan and konjac gum;结冷胶与卡拉胶/魔芋胶的复配机理研究

2.Studies on the application ofgellan gum in pulp acid milk drinks;结冷胶在果粒酸性乳饮料中的应用研究


1.Study on affecting factors for gel properties of gellan gum结冷胶产品凝胶特性的影响因素研究

2.Study on the rheological behavior of mixed gels of gellan结冷胶的复配胶体系的流变行为研究

3.Studies on gel properties of gellan gum and its application in food industry结冷胶凝胶特性及在食品工业中的应用

4.Gellan Gum Application Technology --CP Keleo Singapore Pte.Ltd.结冷胶应用技术——斯比凯可(英文)

5.Development and application progress on gellan gum in China;浅论我国国产结冷胶发展现状与前景

6.Studies on the Gellan Gum Combined with Casein in Acidic Milk Drink结冷胶在酸性乳饮料中与酪蛋白结合的研究

7.Studies on the Mutation Breeding and Fermentation for Gellan Production结冷胶的生产菌种选育及发酵工艺的研究

8.Effect of Gellan Gum and Sodium Alginate on the Properties of Low-fat Ground Pork Gel;结冷胶与海藻酸钠对低脂猪肉糜凝胶性质的影响

9.Effect of Gellan Gum and Transglutaminase on Properties of Low-fat and Low-salt Beef Gel;结冷胶与谷氨酰胺转胺酶对低脂低盐牛肉凝胶品质的影响

10.Studies on the Effects of Gellan Gum on the Microstructure of Casein-Stabilizers and Its Application in Acid Milk Drinks;结冷胶对酸性乳饮料中酪蛋白—稳定剂微观结构的影响及应用研究

11.Effect of Gellan on the Microstructure of Casein-CMC in Acid Milk Drinks结冷胶对酸性乳饮料中酪蛋白-CMC微观结构的影响

12.Our products are highly competitive, which is a result of unique technique and good management.本公司独特的技术与良好的管理使我们获得了高品质的结冷胶,产品极具竞争力。

13.Heat sets eggs and cold sets jellies.加热能使蛋凝结,寒冷能使冻胶凝固。

14.Heat sets eggs and cold sets jullies加热能使蛋凝结, 寒冷能使冻胶凝固。

15.Effects of Controlled Atmosphere on Epidermic and Pectic Ultrastructure and Quality of Postharvest Fruits and Vegetables;果蔬气调冷藏下表皮和果胶超微结构与品质变化

16.Preparation and characterization of TiO_2 nanopowders by sol-gel freeze-drying process溶胶-凝胶-冷冻法制备纳米TiO_2及其表征

17.To exude or form gum.结胶分泌或形成树胶

18.The rubber we have today is not sticky, but soft and elastic, though very strong even in the warmest summer and the coldest winter.我们今天用的橡胶既不粘,又软而有弹性,而且还非常结实——甚至在最热的夏天和最冷的冬天。


kelcogel LT100结冷胶LT100

1.Study on the rheological properties ofkelcogel LT100;结冷胶LT100流变学特性的研究

3)deacetylated gellan gum去乙酰结冷胶

1.METHODS Gels withdeacetylated gellan gum (DGG) were prepared.方法采用去乙酰结冷胶为材料制备离子敏感型原位凝胶。


1.This paper introduces the importance ofcementing and illustrates the necessity and development histor)" of cement bond evalualion.介绍了固井工程的重要性,说明了水泥胶结评价的必要性和发展历史,重点论述了国外七大公司代表水泥胶结评价测井先进水平的测井评价仪器的原理和技术指标。

2.It has been the major technical problem for the petroleum industry to succeed in making the filter cakes fromcementing fluid and drilling fluid solidified together.固井液与钻井液滤饼实现整体固化胶结一直是石油工程界期待解决的重大技术难题。

3.For the hardening process of the stabilized soil,a new structural model of stabilized soil was proposed that the structure formation of stabilized soil included soil particlecementing and pore filling.根据固化土实际固化过程,提出一个新的固化土结构模型,即固化土结构形成主要由固化剂胶结土颗粒和填充孔隙两部分构成。


1.Discussion on measures to improve the interfacecementation quality of cement sheath.;提高水泥环二界面胶结质量方法的探讨

2.The coarse clastic rock of the braided channel of the fan-delta plain is formed when sedimentary water body is in the salinity stage of active tectonic period, the cotemporaneouscementation is intense and thecementation of the carbonate and sulphate has intense packing action in eogenetic stage of shallow buried.构造相对活跃期为沉积水体咸化期,主要发育扇三角洲平原亚相的辫状河道粗碎屑岩,同生期胶结作用强,而浅埋藏早成岩阶段碳酸盐和硫酸盐胶结物充填强烈,致使物性进一步变差,并且不利于晚成岩A阶段的溶蚀作用进行。

3.Thus the interfacecementation performances of slag MTC slurry and conventional slurry under the conditions of no cake,conventional drilling fluid cake and multifunctional drilling fluid cake were systematically compared and the reason of mud cake solidification was analysed.矿渣MTC能不能实现泥饼的固化胶结,是否能提高第二界面胶结强度,对矿渣MTC的推广应用极其关键,为此系统比较了矿渣MTC水泥浆与油井水泥浆在没有泥饼、普通钻井液泥饼、多功能钻井液泥饼3种情况下的界面胶结性能,并对泥饼固化的原因进行了分析研究。


1.Applying the method of mixing some ordinary portlandcement into soil sample, structrued soil with differentcemented strength and initial void ratio is.采用在原料土中掺入微量普通硅酸盐水泥的方法制备具有不同胶结强度和初始孔隙比的结构性土样,模拟天然结构性原状土的受力变形性质。

2.By putting some amount ofcement into soil sample, structured soil with macro-pores is prepared.试验表明,胶结较强的结构性土具有明显的初始屈服面,在初始屈服面内,土体表现为弹性,超过初始屈服面土体表现为弹塑性。

3.Tests are done to research waste-rock-cemented-mass,strength and the velocity of longitudinal wave(v_p)are tested in different proceed.进行含水量对纵波波速和强度的影响实验分析,研究了低强度混凝土的单轴抗压强度与纵波波速的相关性,归纳总结了用现场纵波波速测算现场强度的经验公式,为现场低强度混凝土的评价提供了参考;同时进行胶结材料强度试验研究,初步认识了这种低强度碎石水泥胶结结构体的破坏规律和强度特性。



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