糖尿病康复 > 地位认同 SES identification英语短句 例句大全

地位认同 SES identification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-22 10:46:27


地位认同 SES identification英语短句 例句大全

地位认同,SES identification

1)SES identification地位认同

1.Analysis on the Current Situation and Reasons of White-Collar New Migrants" SES Identification Deviation白领新移民的地位认同偏移及其原因分析

2.This dissertation focuses on the culture identification, region identification, group identification,SES identification and career identification of the migrants.显然,生活空间的转换会唤醒移民们的社会认同意识和冲突,他们需不断地对各种“社会身份”进行重新确认,包括文化认同、地域认同、群体认同、地位认同和职业认同。


1.A Consumption Sociological Analysis of the Social Status Identification about the Middle Class in China;中国中产阶级社会地位认同的消费社会学分析

2.Analysis of the Chinese People s Lower Recognition of Their Social and Economic Status;中国民众社会经济地位认同普遍偏下探析

3.Analysis on the Current Situation and Reasons of White-Collar New Migrants" SES Identification Deviation白领新移民的地位认同偏移及其原因分析

4.Study on the Position and Role of Cultural Identity in the Formation & Development of ASEAN;文化认同在东盟形成和发展中的地位作用研究

5.Localization and Identity of Basic Subject of Anthropology;人类学的本土化及其基础学科地位的认同

6.The Postion of Shiji and Hanshu on the Historical-cultural Identification of Multinational State《史记》《汉书》在多民族历史文化认同中的地位

7.The City and People:Identity Anxiety and Acceptance城与人:身份焦虑与认同——我们看《单位》和《一地鸡毛》

8.Our online member validation form can be used to check for approved member status.我们的联机成员确认形式能被用来检查同意的成员地位。

9.And I"ve always felt that women should enjoy the same independence as men."我一向认为女人应该得到与男人同样的独立地位。”

10.Identification and limitation:evaluation of one person company s legal position in China s new “company law”;认同与限制:对一人公司在我国新《公司法》中的法律地位的评析

11.The cooperation of cigarette factories,commercial enterprises and research institutes for building leaf tobacco production base;对卷烟企业、商业企业、科研单位共同建设烟叶基地的认识

parison of Interpersonal Cognitive Problem-solving Skills of Preschoolers with Different Sociometric Status不同社交地位幼儿的人际认知问题解决技能特点比较

13.contemporaries of the same status.相同地位的同时代的人。

14.A person of equal status or rank; a peer.地位相同的人相同状态或地位的人

15.an indication of approved or superior status.被认可的地位或高级地位的象征。

16.A U.S. State Department official insisted that "that would be the kiss of death," and an American diplomat at the U.N. agreed it would be impolitic for the U.S. to use its big-power muscle.驻联合国的一位美国外交官同意这种看法。他认为对这个问题美国如利用其大国地位决非上策。

17.Our Macao compatriots will increase their affinity with the people on the mainland of China.澳门同胞将增强同内地人民的认同感。

18.o??? Those who are "conformers" typically have high levels of anxiety, low status, high need for approval and often authoritarian personalities.那些“人云亦云者”典型地感到非常焦虑,地位低下,并且很需要认同感,时常有权力主义的性格。


the social and economic status社会经济地位认同

1.There exist some major issues,especially the expansion of difference between the rich and the poor,the problems in health,education and housing because of the decrease of the general benefit of the reforms,which result in the lower recognition ofthe social and economic status of the urban and rural residents.改革的普惠性降低,贫富差距扩大,医疗、教育和住房问题突出等,导致中国城乡居民社会经济地位认同普遍偏下。

3)Place Identity地方认同

4)regional identity地域认同

1.Globalization and its by-productsregional identity and ethical identity plays an important role in destruckion of national identity.国家认同是维系一个国家存在和发展的重要纽带,具有重要的意识形态功能,全球化及其带来的地域主义、民族主义的兴起对民族国家认同起到了消解作用,但也为国家认同的解构和重塑提供了机遇,国家需要从利益体系、制度体系、观念体系入手,形成地域认同、民族认同与国家认同的良性互动。

5)The regional identify地区认同

1.The regional identify is a new concept in the field of international relationship.地区认同是国际关系领域内的一个新型概念,它是地区主义与由文化认同所衍生的集体认同重叠而产生的一种交叉概念。

6)the role地位认知

1.By analyzingthe role and evolution of college political counselors we have found that they are supposed to be students\" guides in minds,care-takers in life,supervisors in study,leaders in growth,the third hand of leaders,implementers of policies and assistants of teachers in universities.分析了高校政治辅导员在高校工作中的地位认知及其演变,认为高校政治辅导员是学生政治思想的引领者、成长的关怀者、学生成才的指导者、正确生活方式的指导者、领导的帮手和政策执行者、教学工作配合者,并在此分析的基础上结合新时期高校的环境对高校辅导员个人应当具备的素养进行了总结和归纳。



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