糖尿病康复 > 糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷 diabetic non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma英语短句 例句大全

糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷 diabetic non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-29 10:31:46


糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷 diabetic non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma英语短句 例句大全

糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷,diabetic non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma

1)diabetic non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷

1.Study on application of fluid replacement via nasogastric tube to rescue patients withdiabetic non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma鼻饲补液在抢救糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷病人中的应用研究


1.Study on application of fluid replacement via nasogastric tube to rescue patients with diabetic non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma鼻饲补液在抢救糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷病人中的应用研究

2.Acute Renal Failure Due to Myoglobinuria Followed by Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Diabetic Coma (HNKC): A Case Report and Review of the Literature;糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷致肌红蛋白尿性急性肾功能衰竭附一例报道

3.Conclusion Nasal feeding warm boiled water is effective method, which can depress fatality rate significantly.鼻饲温开水是抢救糖尿病非酮症高渗昏迷的有效措施,能显著降低病死率。

4.Tudy of Clinical Pathological Feature of 14 Cases with Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic Diabetic Coma;14例高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷临床分析

5.Experience of Rescue 12 Cases of Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Diabetic Coma by Digestive Fluid Infusion经消化道补液抢救高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷12例体会

6.The Clinical Study of HHNC Complicated by Moderate and Severe Head Injury;中重型颅脑损伤并发高渗性高血糖非酮症昏迷的临床研究

7.Experiences on rescue and nursing care of coma patient due to diabetic ketoacidosis糖尿病酮症酸中毒昏迷患者的抢救护理体会

8.Clinical Observation on 20 Elderly Diabetic Patients with Hypoglycemia Complicated by Consciousness Disturbance老年糖尿病并低血糖昏迷20例的探讨

9.The Treatment of 176 Diabetic Ketosis and Diabetic Ketoacidosis Patients糖尿病酮症和糖尿病酮症酸中毒176例治疗分析

10.Hypoglycemic coma resulting from diformin in an eldly patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus二甲双胍致2型糖尿病老年患者低血糖昏迷

11.The comparison study of pioglitazone and rosiglitazone on type 2 diabetes with hyperlipemia吡格列酮和罗格列酮治疗2型糖尿病高脂血症的临床比较研究

12.Two alcoholic ketoacidosis cases misdiagnosed as diabetic ketoacidosis cases乙醇性酮症酸中毒误诊糖尿病酮症酸中毒2例

13.The curative effect of insulin pump in treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis(DKA)胰岛素泵治疗糖尿病酮症酸中毒观察

14.The 7 cases of gestational diabetes mellitus complicated with ketoacidosis.妊娠期糖尿病并酮症酸中毒七例报告

15.Significance of the detection of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP) in type 2 diabetes patients with onset of ketoacidosis or ketosis高敏C-反应蛋白在酮症或酮症酸中毒起病的2型糖尿病患者的检测意义

16.Clinical Analysis of Hyperamylasemia in Diabetes Mellitus Ketoacidosis糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者血淀粉酶升高的临床分析

17.Experimental Study of Total Flavonoids from Stem-leaf of Scutellaria Baicalensis in Treating Type 2 Diabetic Hyperlipidemia黄芩茎叶总黄酮治疗2型糖尿病性高脂血症大鼠的实验研究

18.Dieferantial Diagnosis of Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetic Ketoacidosis with Stress Hyperglycemia in Critical Children Patients;新发儿童1型糖尿病酮症酸中毒与重症儿童应激性高血糖的鉴别诊断


Hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma糖尿病非酮症高渗性昏迷

3)nonketotic hyperosmolar coma of diabetes高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷

1.Analysis ofnonketotic hyperosmolar coma of diabetes in 26 cases of aged patients with acute cerebralvascular diseases;老年急性脑血管病并发高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷26例分析

4)nonketotic hyperosmolar diabetic coma糖尿病非酮症性高渗昏迷

1.Study of the mixture solution of 5% glucose and 0.45% saline with fluid supplement through gastrointestinal tract in treating patients withnonketotic hyperosmolar diabetic coma;5%葡萄糖加0.45%盐水溶液联合胃肠道补水抢救糖尿病非酮症性高渗昏迷的研究

5)hyperosmotic non-ketotic diabetic coma,HNKDC高渗非酮症性糖尿病昏迷

6)hypertonic hyperglucotic nonketotic coma(HHNC)高渗高糖非酮症昏迷



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