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辨正 Correction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-19 16:40:23


辨正 Correction英语短句 例句大全



1.Correction and Study of WeiZhao s Notes to Jinyu Ⅲ in the Book Guoyu;《国语·晋语三》韦注辨正


1.A Study of "A Critique of the Divination Studies" in Wenxin Diaolong;《正纬》与谶纬——《文心雕龙·正纬》篇辨正

2.The present paper suggests that it is an efficient teaching method to use Cantonese and tongue-exercises to remove the difficulty.粤方言辨音法和舌操正音法是进行普通话声母辨正的有效方法……

3.We must learn to discriminate right from wrong.我们必须学会明辨正确与谬误。

4.Cons Against Comments on "Overquotation " and "Plagiarism" of Chronicles of the Han Dynasty from Records of the Historian《汉书》“多用”与“剽窃”《史记》说辨正

5.Errors in a Chinese Word (xī 翕) and Some Likes in The Grand Dictionary of Chinese Characters《汉语大字典》“翕”等字条释义辨正

6.Identifying the Author of Historic Book "A Collection of Essays in the JIN Dynasty" with "Tanwujie Appraisal of Buddha" Included《全晋文》载《昙无竭菩萨赞》作者辨正

7.A Critical Study of "Poetic History" View and the Nature of "Poetic History" in the War Between the Song Dynasty and Western Xia.;“诗史”观辨正及宋夏战事诗的“诗史”性质

8.The Meaning of Chun-qiu(春秋) in Chun-qiu Zuozhuan Zhu(《春秋左传注》);关于《春秋左传注》中《春秋》名称的辨正

9.Textual research on the "Complete Works of Beiqi and Complete Works of Houzhou";严辑《全北齐文》、《全后周文》辨正

10.Textual Research about Xincheng of Shiji Qinbenji;《史记·秦本纪》“新城”注释辨正

11.On the Certificating between the Poems and the History of the Modern Paradigm on the Theory of Tang s Poems;现代唐诗学范式:“诗史互证”辨正

12.Discrimination of the title The Analects of Confucius (Lun Yu) and Textual Researches on Its First Chapter(Xue Er Pian);《论语》释名辨正及《学而篇》校释考异

13.A Critical Study of "Form"and "Model"in Artistic Visual Effect;艺术视觉效应中的“形”与“型”辨正

14.The Query and Dispute on the Way of Taking over Arms in Chin for Prohibit Practicing Martial Art and Weaken Common People;对秦“收兵”“禁武弱民”之说的质疑和辨正

15.Analyzing the Meaning of "the Voice of Zhengshi" and Other Problems;关于“正始之音”等问题辨析之辨析

16.An Analysis on Whether Zhengwei and Biansao are the Key in The Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons《正纬》《辨骚》非《文心雕龙》全书之枢纽辨

17.The Textual Research on the Meanings of Correcting Words in 540 Radicals of "Duan s Annotation;《段注》540部首“今正”义考辨

18.Differentiation between `Zhengmo ,`Zhengdanin Yuan Zaju and `Sheng ,`Dan in Southern Opera;元杂剧之“正末”、“正旦”与南戏之“生”、“旦”辨



1.Ondiscrimination of terms “this article”and “thisresearch ” in research paper;学术论文中“本文”和“本研究”用法辨正

3)distinguish the orientation辨方正位

4)identification and modification辨识修正

5)an error讹误辨正




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