糖尿病康复 > 前庭神经核 vestibular nucleus英语短句 例句大全

前庭神经核 vestibular nucleus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-17 06:10:52


前庭神经核 vestibular nucleus英语短句 例句大全

前庭神经核,vestibular nucleus

1)vestibular nucleus前庭神经核

1.Objective To investigate the expression of glutamate and glutamate receptor-1 investibular nucleus of mouse model of Parkinson"s disease.目的研究帕金森病(PD)小鼠前庭神经核内谷氨酸(Glu)及其谷氨酸受体(GluR1)的表达。

2.Objective To illuminate the effect of NTS function neurochemistry mechanism in acute hypotension through excitingvestibular nucleus in the central regulation of cardiovascular.目的探讨急性低血压通过兴奋前庭神经核调节血压的中枢机制中,影响孤束核(NTS)功能活动的神经化学机制。

3.The double labelling technique by combination of horseradish peroxidase(HRP)retrograde tracing with immunohistochemical staining for γ-amino-butyric acid(GABA)was used to observe the distribution of GABA-positive neurons in the abducens andvestibular nucleus,and its projection to oculomotor nucleus of rats.用辣根过氧化物酶(horseradish peroxidase,HRP)逆行标记结合γ-氨基丁酸(γ-amino-butyric acid,GABA)的免疫组织化学双标技术观察大鼠的展神经核和前庭神经核内GABA阳性神经元的分布,以及其向动眼神经核的投射。


1.Expression Changes of Glutamate and Glutamate Receptor-1 in the Vestibular Nucleus of Mouse of Parkinson s Disease;PD小鼠前庭神经核内Glu、GluR_1表达变化的研究

2.Dynamic changes of NMDA receptors expression in vestibular nucleus谷氨酸受体在前庭神经核内含量不同时程表达的动态变化

3.The Neural Pathway Research of the Projection from the Vestibular Nucleus to the Area of Nausea and Vomiting in the Rat Brainstem;前庭核向呕吐区投射的神经通路研究

4.There is a direct connection between the efferent vestibular neurons and some subgroup afferent vestibular neurons.前庭神经感觉核是传出前庭神经元传入纤维的一个重要来源。

5.Effect of Baclofen on Neuronal Activity in the Medial Vestibular Nucleus after Unilateral Labyrinthectomy;百氯酚对前庭神经内侧核神经元电活动的影响

6.Effect of vestibular afference on glutamate levels in the medial vestibular nucleus of rats前庭传入冲动对大鼠前庭神经内侧核区内谷氨酸含量的影响

7.Morphological Studies of the Relationship between 5-HTergic Terminals and the Vestibulo-parabrachial Nucleus Projection Neurons;大鼠5-HT能神经终末与前庭—臂旁核投射神经元联系的形态学研究

8.Study on excitability transmission of glutamate receptor in vestibular nucleus by optical imaging用光学成像研究前庭核神经元谷氨酸受体的兴奋性传导

9.Vestibular and limb peripheral nerve impairment in auditory neuropathy听神经病并发的前庭及肢体神经损害

10.The Indirect Projection from the Spinal Vestibular Nucleus via the Pontine Nucleus to the Paraflocculus in the Rat;大鼠前庭下核经桥核向副绒球的间接投射

11.To approach the Naloxone"s Effect in 80 Vestibular Neuronitis纳络酮治疗前庭神经元炎80例分析

12.An Anatomic Study on the Relationship of the Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery and Vestibulocochlear Nerve;小脑前下动脉与前庭蜗神经关系的解剖学研究

13.Distribution and Role of Receptors in Vestibular Hair Cells of Rat;大鼠前庭毛细胞神经递质受体分布及功能

14.Study of postoperative facial nerve function influenced by sterical position between facial nerve and vestibular schwannoma面神经与前庭神经鞘膜瘤的空间位置对术后面神经功能恢复的影响

15.The Effect of the Damage Stimulation of the Vestibular Organ on Sympathetic Nerve and Vagal Verve in the Neck;损伤性刺激家鸽前庭对颈迷走和交感神经活动的影响

16.A Clinical Study on Intractable Meniere s Disease with Two Surgical Measures:a Report and Analysis of 98 Cases;前庭神经切断术和内淋巴囊手术治疗梅尼埃病临床研究

17.MRI diagnosis of cisternal segment of facial,vestibulocochlear nerves and their pathological changes purpose脑池段面、前庭蜗神经及其病变的磁共振成像研究

18.Large Aquaeductus Vestibuli and Children Sudden Perceptive Nerve Deafness大前庭水管综合征与儿童突发感音神经性耳聋的临床观察


Vestibular Nuclei前庭神经核

1.0 software,we reconstructed the 3-dimensional form of the vestibular nuclei and the brainstem of rabbit.0软件 ,重建兔前庭神经核及脑干的三维立体形态。

3)nucleus lateralis nervi vestibuli前庭神经外侧核

4)descending vestibular nuclei (DVN)前庭神经降核

5)Bechterevss nucleus前庭神经上核

6)Vestibular Nerve前庭神经

1.Micro-measurement for chicken vestibular nerve fibers anterior ganglion by computer assistantance;鸡前庭神经节节前纤维计算机辅助显微测量



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