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形象性 image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-29 01:46:31


形象性 image英语短句 例句大全



1.Thevisualization problem was normally ignored in the past terminology research.形象性问题在以往的术语研究中被有意无意地回避。

2.Because of the imaginative thinking mode in Chinese people,visualization becomes the character of Chinese vocabulary.汉民族的具象思维方式决定了汉语词汇具有形象性这一特征,南县方言词汇也是如此。

3.Television media,with its language structure,thinking mode and unique expression art in time and space,embodies avisualization art characteristic,a bright art enchantment and huge potential of artistic creativity.电视具有形象性的艺术特征,其语言结构、思维方式、独特的时空表现艺术都使电视表现出鲜明的艺术特征和巨大的艺术创造潜力。


1.As the lexical study of the idioms,phrases,and proverbs is a distinctive category in Chinese linguistics,this paper argues for the profoundity,integrity,andvividness of the Chinese words in relation to the syllabic phonological system,and ethnography.汉语语汇的丰富性、整体性、形象性特点都与汉语自身的结构特征有关。

2.Successfully improving thevividness in teaching Chinese lies in the following points-the strong appeal of teacher s class presentation at the beginning of each lesson;the vivid and easy-to-understand explanation of the language points;the combination of living language and vivid body language;as well as the skilful exploitation of the concluding remarks.增强语文教学形象性首先要让语文课的导语具有吸引力 ;其次是使知识难点变得通俗易懂、具体形象 ;第三 ,使鲜活的语言和传神的体态语相互结合 ;第四 ,运用好结束


1.It introduces the design course,analyzes the aesthetic value research of the bionic building,analyzes the meaning of researching the aesthetic value of the bionic building,and discusses its aesthetic value from the aspects offigurativeness,infectivity,utility,creativity,which will exploit the architectural design ideas and accelerate the research and development of the bionic building.对仿生设计学进行了介绍,分析了对仿生建筑美学价值研究的意义,从形象性、感染性、功利性和创造性等方面对仿生建筑的美学价值进行了探讨,以开拓建筑设计思路,促进仿生建筑的研究和发展。

2.The realization of thefigurativeness of the literary language takes the general communicative language as its medium.文学语言形象性的实现也是以一般交际的语言为媒介的 ,语言均具有抽象性 ,但也具有指物性 ,文学语言的形象性就是扩大语言的指物性。


1.As to semantics characteristic,what distinguishes the language and other broadcasting form obviously is the mark and visualfigure of visual imagination and the uncertainty characteristic of visual structure which comes from them.就语义学特征而言,将视觉形象明显地区别于语言和其他传播形式的正是它们的标记性和形象性以及由此带来的视觉结构的不确定性特征,从平面广告角度说,视觉结构的相对不确定性在视觉说服中发挥着关键作用,更为视觉传播的形式和内容创新提供依据。

6)iconic representation形象性表象


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-

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