糖尿病康复 > 凝固剂 coagulant英语短句 例句大全

凝固剂 coagulant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-08 06:49:23


凝固剂 coagulant英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the compoundcoagulant used for Tofu;豆腐用复合凝固剂的研究

2.Effects of different media andcoagulant on the growth ofin vitro Oncidiumshoots.;基本培养基及凝固剂对文心兰试管苗生长发育的影响

3.The formation of tofu gel is affected by many factors, such as the material of the tofu, the processing conditions andcoagulant used, which are reviewed in this paper.豆腐凝胶的形成受到多种因素的影响,本文从加工豆腐的原料、加工条件以及凝固剂三个主要的影响因素出发,综述了国内外对于豆腐凝胶形成影响因素的研究现状。


1.Preliminary Study and Application on Cold Water Gelling Agent for Bacterial Testing Slip细菌测试片的冷水可凝凝固剂初步研究和应用

2.The ice cream of this brand has too much coagulant.这个牌子的冰淇淋添加了过多的凝固剂。

3.Research on Ethyl Acetate Used as New Type of Water Glass Curing Agent乙酸乙酯作为新型水玻璃凝固剂的研究

4.Coagulant and enteral nutrition agent in the rehabilitation of deglutition disorders for patients with acu e stroke凝固剂加肠内营养制剂在脑卒中吞咽障碍患者康复中的应用

5.When salt-coagulants: malt dextrin was 1:3, the quality of instant soybean curd was better.盐类凝固剂:麦芽糊精为1:3时,所得的即食豆腐脑产品较好。

6.bind or join with cement.用粘合剂凝固或连接。

7.Testing method for freezing point of plasticizersGB/T1663-1982增塑剂凝固点的测定

8.The viscidity stabilizers lengthened the solidified time of the fresh latex.粘度稳定剂延长了鲜胶乳的凝固时间。

9.The mixture of Putty and Hardener should be used up before gelling.原子灰与固化剂混合后,要在凝固前使用完毕。

10.Objective: To investigate stability of half solid preparation, compound antipyretic gel.目的:研究半固体制剂复方解热凝胶的稳定性。

11.The freezing point of the modified bone glue produced by this technics is very low and the adhesive strength is very high.所得到的改性骨胶粘合剂凝固点低 ,粘结强度高

12.Preparation of Supported Oxides Solid Super-acid Catalyst by Sol-Gel Method;溶胶—凝胶法制备复合氧化物固体超强酸催化剂

13.Screening of High Efficient Bioflocculant-producing Azotobacter and Research of Its Characteristics;产高效微生物絮凝剂固氮菌的筛选及特性研究

14.Development of Wideband Retarder and Long Sealing Cement Slurry System宽带缓凝剂的研制及长封固段水泥浆体系研究

15.Research on Dexamethasone Acetate Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Gel醋酸地塞米松固体脂质纳米粒凝胶剂的研究

16.Application of a new high-temperature retarder WHJ in deep well cementing新型高温缓凝剂WHJ在深井固井中的应用

17.Effect of Nb metamorphic disposal on solidification structure of Fe-Ni base invar expansion alloyNb变质剂对Fe-Ni膨胀合金凝固组织的影响

18.Synthesis and Gelation Behavior of a Fluorescent Active Low-Molecular Mass Organic Gelator Based on Cholesterol一种基于胆固醇的荧光小分子胶凝剂的合成及其胶凝行为



1.Research progress of chitosan oligosaccharide as tofu coagulator壳低聚糖作为豆腐凝固剂研究进展

2.An attempt was made to study latex coagulators and their application rates and the latex coagulation techniques used in the latex collecting station, as well as acceptance, transportation and processing of the coagula, the quality of the rubber products, and effluent treatment.围绕着胶乳凝固剂种类与用量的选用、收胶站胶乳凝固技术、凝块进厂验收、运输、加工工艺、产品质量与废水的开发利用等问题进行有效的探索,目的是将胶乳凝固技术进行重新组装和完善,按照分散凝固、集中加工的总体要求,对天然胶的加工工艺进行改革和创新,使之更适应于橡胶的集中加工,产品能满足包括子午线轮胎用户在内的制品商的要求。

3.Carrot Tofu in orange was produced making use of the fermented juice of carrot as coagulator with good combination of protein and vitamins and mineral elements in both carrot and soybean,the healthy function of the product was promoted.使用胡萝卜汁为凝固剂,将传统豆腐生产工艺改进后生产的胡萝卜豆腐,有机地将蛋白质、维生素及矿物元素结合在一起,增加了豆腐的食疗作用,为豆制品功能性食品的开发增添了新内容。


1.Effect ofcoagulants and gelation conditions on gelation properties of soy protein;凝固剂及凝固条件对大豆蛋白胶凝性质的影响

2.Effect ofcoagulants on properties of tofu gel,including types,amount,concentration ofcoagulants and coagulation temperature were also studied.研究了鸡蛋壳活化钙对豆腐凝胶强度、保水率、白度的影响,比较不同条件下鸡蛋壳活化钙凝胶物性的特点,测定凝固剂种类、用量与浓度以及点浆温度对豆腐胶凝品质特性的作用。


5)heat sensitizer热凝固剂

6)acid curing agent酸凝固剂



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