糖尿病康复 > 指标综合值 comprehensive index values英语短句 例句大全

指标综合值 comprehensive index values英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-07 18:36:26


指标综合值 comprehensive index values英语短句 例句大全

指标综合值,comprehensive index values

1)comprehensive index values指标综合值


1.The Application of Evaluation System for Comprehensive Index Values;指标综合值评估法在教师专业素质评价中的应用

posite index of coincident indicators重合经济指标综合指数

posite index of leading indicators先行经济指标综合指数

posite index of lagging indicators滞后经济指标综合指数

5.The indicator system and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of patent value;专利价值的评估指标体系及模糊综合评价

posite evaluatiln of engineering with trapezoidal fuzzy number languistic index;梯形模糊数语言指标值的工程综合评估

7.The Index System and Its Application for the Evaluation of Investing Value of the Listed Corporations;上市公司投资价值综合评价指标体系及评价

8.Discussion on per capita comprehensive water consumption index value in urban water supply plan城市供水规划中人均综合用水量指标取值讨论

9.Then the paper adopted information entropy method to evaluate the index system, combining with related data in .同时采用熵值法,结合西北五省相关评价指标值对该指标体系进行综合评价。

bine with Financial Indicators and Non-Financial Indicators to Evaluate the Comprehensive Company Performance;基于价值链将财务与非财务指标相结合综合评价公司业绩

11.The Index System and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Strategic Alliance Based on the Value Chain Theory;基于价值链的战略联盟协同效应评价指标体系与模糊综合评价

12.ApoB100 and ApoB100/ApoA1 ratio are better predictors of acute coronary syndromeApoB100和ApoB/10A0poA1比值是预测急性冠脉综合征的良好指标

13.Summarization of the Index System of Modernization and Synthesis Evaluation Method;现代化指标体系及综合评价方法综述

14.Any of various statistical values that together provide an indication of the condition or direction of the economy.指标任何一个统计数值,这些数值综合在一起能表明经济的状况或经济发展方向

15.China General Assessment Indicator System of Informatization中国信息化水平综合评价指标体系

16.Inter-State General Assessment Indicator System of Informatization国家间信息化水平综合评价指标体系

17.Study of Indicator System For Comprehensive Evaluation the Quality of Maternal and Child Health Care妇幼保健工作综合评价指标体系研究

18.The Integrated Index System on Evaluating High-Productivity & High-Efficiency Mines;高产高效矿井综合评价指标体系研究


Comprehensive index value综合指标值

1.Different kinds of the fiber materials can be evaluated; the pulping adaptability of the fiber material is measured by the comprehensive index value R.结果表明主成分分析法能较好地区分不同种类的造纸植物纤维原料,且度量分类的综合指标值的大小较好地反映了植物纤维原料蒸煮的难易程度。

3)Composite indicator综合指标

1.He also puts forward his classification of intensity indicator into composite indicator.长期以来 ,几乎所有的统计教科书都无一例外地将强度指标列为相对指标中的一种 ,笔者认为 ,强度指标不属于相对指标中的一种 ,它是独立于相对指标 ,与相对指标并列的综合指标中的一种独立类型。

4)Comprehensive index综合指标

1.Research on comprehensive index of chilling damage to corn in Northeast China;东北地区玉米低温冷害综合指标研究

2.By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of their total content, available content and comprehensive index when they were used to evaluate their biological and ecological effect, this paper suggested that, many factors could influence the ecological effect of soil heavy.本文根据文献资料和一些试验结果,对国内外土壤重金属环境质量标准的研究现状和土壤重金属生物有效性的主要影响因素作了简要介绍,比较了以土壤重金属总量、有效含量和综合指标来评价土壤重金属生物生态效应的优缺点。

3.This paper combined many influencing factors into a comprehensive index based on cause analysis,fuzzy set analysis and weights of factors.根据成因及模糊集分析,考虑预报因子的权重,将影响预报对象的多个因子综合成一个指标,再依据门限回归原理建立了模糊综合指标与预报对象间的门限回归预测模型,实例表明效果较好,可用于生产实践中。

5)aggregative indicator综合指标

1.Based on the prediction models and the domestic and foreign present status of the durability of HPC,the chloride ion resistance was used as anaggregative indicator to evaluate the durability of HPC.结合国内外高性能混凝土耐久性研究的现状,在近年来基于氯离子渗透的高性能混凝土耐久性预测模型,分析了将抗氯离子渗透性作为评价高性能混凝土耐久性的综合指标的可行性和必要性,对于制定高性能混凝土的耐久性设计规范具有参考意义。

2.Considering differentaggregative indicators three classes as A,B and C are divided, at the same time the corresponding management system and mode are proposed.针对现代化施工设备状况 ,介绍了设备分类管理的设想 ,将设备按其综合指标的不同分为ABC三类 ,提出了相应的管理机制与管理模式。

6)index synthesize指标综合


指标标准值指标标准值: 对指标原始数据进行标准化处理后的数值。

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