糖尿病康复 > 名称摹状词理论 theory of description of names英语短句 例句大全

名称摹状词理论 theory of description of names英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-20 16:41:52


名称摹状词理论 theory of description of names英语短句 例句大全

名称摹状词理论,theory of description of names

1)theory of description of names名称摹状词理论

1.For the sake of criticizing Frege and Russell\"stheory of description of names,Kripke gave three kinds of demonstration,namely model arguments,epistemological arguments and semantic arguments.克里普克为了批判弗雷格和罗素的名称摹状词理论提出了三类论证,即模态论证、认识论的论证和语义的论证。

2)descriptivist theories of name名称的摹状词理论

1.There has been a dispute betweendescriptivist theories of name and causal-History Theory of Name for a long time.在名称问题上,名称的摹状词理论与因果历史理论之间的争议由来已久。

3)Descriptive theory of proper names专名的摹状词理论

4)Study on the Theory of Descriptions摹状词理论研究


1.Research on descriptions began from the dabate about whether proper names have connotation or denotation.摹状词的研究始于关于专名有无涵义和指称的争论,历史上围绕专名有无涵义和指称这个问题形成了两大派别:一派以穆勒和克里普克为代表:主张专名没有涵义只有所指;另一派以弗雷格和罗素为代表主张专名既有涵义又有所指。

2., analyzed and explained this problem, and their views are not the same: Frege did not make the distinction between proper names and descriptions, and thought that difference in other aspects between proper names and descriptions can be tolerated as long as their references are the same; yet Russell strictly distinguished proper names from descriptions; and Kripke r.弗雷格、罗素和克里普克等人都对名称问题进行了分析和说明,而且他们的观点都不尽相同:弗雷格不区分专名和摹状词,认为它们只要指称相同,其他方面的不同都是可以容忍的;罗素严格区分了专名和摹状词;而克里普克却认为专名是严格的指示词,摹状词是非严格的指示词。

3.Reference assignment of descriptions plays a key role in understanding utterances in communication.摹状词指称赋值就是确定摹状词的具体所指,是话语理解和交际的基础。


1.On Donnellan s "Reference and Definite Description";解析唐奈兰的《指称与限定摹状词》

2.Apotheosis of logic and philosophy--the study of the theory of description;逻辑与哲学的典范——摹状词理论浅探

3.Apotheosis of logic and philosophy: theoretical exploration of Description Theory;逻辑与哲学的典范——摹状词理论探析

4.The Main Theories and Basic Characteristics of Modern Researches on Descriptions;现代摹状词研究的主要形态与基本特征

5.View the Theory of Descriptions from the Controversy between Strawson and Russell;从斯特劳森与罗素的论争看摹状词理论

6.Argue with Donnelland On behalf Russell--on referential use of descriptions代罗素反驳唐纳南——论摹状词的指称性使用

7.The Theory of Russell"s Description and Its Influence on Linguistic Philosophy试论罗素摹状词理论及其对语言哲学的影响

8.On Donellan s distinction between attributive and referential uses of definite descriptions;唐奈兰对限定摹状词指称性用法和归属性用法的区分

9.The Analysis on the Theory of Description --The Solution of the Three Thorny Philosophical Problems and the Limitations of the Theory of Description;剖析罗素摹状词理论——对三大难题的解决及此理论的局限

10.Attributive vs. Referential and Definite vs. Deviational--K. Donnellan s Definite Descriptions Revisited and Revised;归属性、指称性和确指性、偏指性——兼谈对唐奈兰限定摹状词理论的修正

11.The cnomatopoeic words,exclamatory and modal words are all imitative of words论拟声词、叹词、语气词皆“摹声”

12.143 As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands.以庥龌寄殉羁啵?愕拿?钊词俏宜?舶?摹

13.Reiterative Locution and Meaning of "ABB" in North Sichuan Dialect;川北方言“ABB”式叠字摹状与语义例释

14.Imitating Qin Guan and Liu Yong’s Poetic Styles and Blending Poetry with Ci--On Wu Meicun’s Opinion of Ci Poetry and His Creation Turn;规摹秦柳与以诗为词——论吴梅村的词学思想及其创作转型

parison between the position-changeable descriptive attributive clause and adverbial clause;可换位的描摹性定语句和状语句的比较

16.An analysis on the syntactic realization and function of Chinese depictive adverbial modifiers;可换位摹物状语的句位实现及功能分析

pared with the commentary adverbs, the paper points out that" almost" is an adverb between depictive adverbs and commentary adverbs.通过和评注性副词的比较,指出"差点儿"是介于描摹性副词和评注性副词之间的一个副词。

18.Brightness Principle and Iconicity Order:Phonological Characteristics and Origins of Onomatopoetic Words with Different Finals in Chinese亮度原则与临摹顺序——汉语异韵拟声词的语音规律与成因


descriptivist theories of name名称的摹状词理论

1.There has been a dispute betweendescriptivist theories of name and causal-History Theory of Name for a long time.在名称问题上,名称的摹状词理论与因果历史理论之间的争议由来已久。

3)Descriptive theory of proper names专名的摹状词理论

4)Study on the Theory of Descriptions摹状词理论研究


1.Research on descriptions began from the dabate about whether proper names have connotation or denotation.摹状词的研究始于关于专名有无涵义和指称的争论,历史上围绕专名有无涵义和指称这个问题形成了两大派别:一派以穆勒和克里普克为代表:主张专名没有涵义只有所指;另一派以弗雷格和罗素为代表主张专名既有涵义又有所指。

2., analyzed and explained this problem, and their views are not the same: Frege did not make the distinction between proper names and descriptions, and thought that difference in other aspects between proper names and descriptions can be tolerated as long as their references are the same; yet Russell strictly distinguished proper names from descriptions; and Kripke r.弗雷格、罗素和克里普克等人都对名称问题进行了分析和说明,而且他们的观点都不尽相同:弗雷格不区分专名和摹状词,认为它们只要指称相同,其他方面的不同都是可以容忍的;罗素严格区分了专名和摹状词;而克里普克却认为专名是严格的指示词,摹状词是非严格的指示词。

3.Reference assignment of descriptions plays a key role in understanding utterances in communication.摹状词指称赋值就是确定摹状词的具体所指,是话语理解和交际的基础。


1."Current French King": "a Description "or" a Proper Name"?——the understanding to Russell s division of " thedescription " and " the proper name ";“当今的法国国王”是“摹状词”还是“专名”——论罗素关于“摹状词”和“专名”的划分

2.Apotheosis of logic and philosophy——the study of the theory ofdescription;逻辑与哲学的典范——摹状词理论浅探



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