糖尿病康复 > 糖尿病高危人群 diabetes high-risk groups英语短句 例句大全

糖尿病高危人群 diabetes high-risk groups英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 08:02:47


糖尿病高危人群 diabetes high-risk groups英语短句 例句大全

糖尿病高危人群,diabetes high-risk groups

1)diabetes high-risk groups糖尿病高危人群


1.High-risk factors in the diabetic high risk group of type 2 diabetic family of Sinkiang Uygur nationality新疆维吾尔族2型糖尿病家系中糖尿病高危人群高危因素的研究

2.Investigation on Diabetes Knowledge in High-risk Population of Diabetes among Community Residents in Shinan District of Qingdao City青岛市市南区社区居民糖尿病高危人群糖尿病知识调查

3.Evaluation on the application of clinical pathway for nursing intervention for type II diabetes mellitus and it"s at high risk group in community临床路径在社区2型糖尿病和糖尿病高危人群的护理研究

4.Underscore the message that every person with diabetes or at risk of diabetes deserves the best quality of education, prevention and care that is possible.重点关注每一位糖尿病患者或糖尿病高危人群应该得到的最好的糖尿病教育、防和治疗的信息。

5.Effect of Exercise Prescription on Blood Sugar,Blood Lipids and Physical Index of High Risk Group of Diabetes;运动处方对糖尿病高危人群血糖、血脂与体质指标的影响

6.The Study on Diagnostic Criterias and Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Diabetes High-risk Population of Community社区糖尿病高危人群代谢综合征诊断方法及患病现况研究

7.Evaluation of Insulin Resistance, β Cell Function in Elderly DM High-risk Subjects and Epidemic Status of Hyperinsulinemia;老年糖尿病高危人群胰岛素抵抗、β细胞功能评估及高胰岛素血症流行现状

8.Cross-sectional Study of Serum Vitamin D in the People of Diabetic Mellitus and the High Risk Group糖尿病及其高危人群血清维生素D的现况研究

9.The risk of complications from diabetes, such as heart disease, is even higher, at 3.5 times that of the general population.患糖尿病并发症(例如心脏病)的危险更高,是普通人群的3.5倍。

munity-based Diabetes Mellitus and the High-risk Groups Health Education Guidance and Intervention Research社区糖尿病患者及高危人群健康教育指导与干预方式研究

11.Analyses and Research on Oxydation Key Enzymes and Biochemistry Metabolism Spectrum in Diabetes Mellitus and Its High-risk Groups糖尿病及高危人群氧化代谢关键酶的测定与生化代谢谱的研究

12.Schmidt MI,Duncan BB,Bang H,Pankow JS,Ballantyne CM,Golden SH,Polsom AR,Chambless LE;The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Investigators.在动脉粥样硬化的危险率的群体研究中鉴定哪些人是糖尿病的高发人群.

13.A Study on Prevalence Rate and Risk Factors of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults;成人隐匿性自身免疫性糖尿病人群患病率及危险因素研究

14.A Followed-up Survey of Diabetic Risk Factors in the Simple Obesity;单纯性肥胖人群2型糖尿病发病相关危险因素分析

15.Study on Epidemiological Status of Diabetes Mellitus and Its Risk Factors in Rural Population in Kunming昆明市农村地区人群糖尿病患病现状及其危险因素分析

16.The Postprandial Hyperglycemia and the Dangerous of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病餐后高血糖与心血管危险

17.The study of diabetes and related factors on population of Chongqing certain University重庆市某高校人群糖尿病及相关因素调查

18.Analysis of risk factors on type 2 diabetes mellitus in some communities of Urumchi乌鲁木齐市部分社区人群发生2型糖尿病的危险因素分析


high risk of chronic disease心血管和糖尿病高危人群

3)HIV high-risk people艾滋病高危人群

1.[Objective]To study the status of high-risk behaviors of the four kinds ofHIV high-risk people by analyzing the baseline investigation data of Global Fund Hubei for AIDS Project Office.[目的]通过分析湖北省全球基金艾滋病项目基线调查资料,了解湖北省4类艾滋病高危人群高危行为情况。

4)STD high risk population性病高危人群

1.OBJECTIVE To investigate the infectious condition of urogential mycoplasma and chlamydia amongSTD high risk population.目的了解性病高危人群泌尿生殖道支原体、衣原体感染状况。

5)Diabetes mellitus inpatient糖尿病病人

6)High risk population高危人群

1.An intervention trial on stroke using high risk population screening in Nanhui County of Shanghai;上海市南汇区卒中高危人群筛检与重点干预同期对照研究

2.A dietary intervention study on the hypertensive high risk population in a northern rural area of Beijing;北京农村地区高血压高危人群的膳食干预研究

3.Investigation of hepatitis G virus infection among high risk population in Xinjiang;新疆部分高危人群庚型肝炎病毒感染状况



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