糖尿病康复 > IDF诊断标准 IDF diagnostic criteria英语短句 例句大全

IDF诊断标准 IDF diagnostic criteria英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-20 06:25:34


IDF诊断标准 IDF diagnostic criteria英语短句 例句大全

IDF诊断标准,IDF diagnostic criteria

1)IDF diagnostic criteriaIDF诊断标准

2)diagnosis standard诊断标准

1.The Research on thediagnosis standard in dairy cow with syndrome of postpartum Qi deficiency and blood stasis;奶牛产后气虚血瘀证诊断标准的研究

2.Exercise-induced fatigue syndrome differentiation anddiagnosis standard research of elite snow and ice athletes;冰雪项目优秀运动员运动性疲劳的中医分型和诊断标准的研究

3.The theoretical research focuses on the definitions and implications of blood stasis in ancient and modern medical literature; the objective research deals with physiology, biochemistry, blood rheology, immunology, pathology and microcirculation concerning blood stasis; the researches ofdiagnosis standards include researches on the standards and indexes of diagnosis.理论研究 ,着重从古今文献论述血瘀证定义和含义 ;客观研究 ,着重对生理、生化、血液流变学、免疫学、病理学和微循环等方面对血瘀证进行研究 ;血瘀证的动物模型研究 ,主要对血瘀证动物模型的建立与造模方法和途径进行研究 ;诊断标准研究 ,包括诊断标准、诊断指标的研究。


1.Diagnostic Criteria and Thinking of Ulcerative Colitis;溃疡性结肠炎的诊断标准与诊断思维

2.Research on Diagnostic Indicator and Standard of Real Estate Speculative Degree;房地产投机度诊断指标及诊断标准研究

3.Study on diagnosis of coal-worker peneumoconiosis by new standard for peneumoconiosis diagnosis应用新尘肺病诊断标准诊断煤工尘肺的研究

4.Objective: To investigate the diagnostic criteria for the prominent malar complesx.目的:探讨颧骨复合体肥大的诊断标准。

5.Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational cadmium poisoning.职业性镉中毒诊断标准及处理原则.

6.Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational chromium induced nasal disease.职业性铬鼻病诊断标准及处理原则.

parison of the Diagnostic Criteria of Metabolic Syndrome by International Diabetes Federation and that by Chinese Medical Association Diabetes Branch;代谢综合征2种诊断标准的比较分析

8.The Diagnosis Criteria of the Invasive Pituitary Adenoma by MRI and the Evalution;侵袭性垂体腺瘤MRI诊断标准及其评价

9.The Developmental Study of the IAD Diagnostic Criterion;网络成瘾症(IAD)诊断标准的发展性研究

10.The Comparison of Two Diagnostic Criteria of Multiple Sclerosis多发性硬化Poser和McDonald诊断标准的对比

11.Preliminarily Proposed Diagnostic Criteria of Pathological Internet Use“病理性上网”诊断标准的初步制订

12.~1H-MRS voxel diagnostic criteria of prostate peripheral zone cancer for Chinese male中国男性前列腺癌MRS体素诊断标准

13.Reaserch on Diagnostic Criteria of Tradtional Mongolian Medicine Syndrome in Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease冠心病心绞痛蒙医证型诊断标准研究

parison of body mass index,waist circumference and waist hip ratio in different diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrom不同体质指标在不同MS诊断标准中应用比较

15.Migraine headaches were diagnosed according to modified criteria of the International Headache Society.偏头痛患者的诊断标准来自国际头痛协会的改良标准。

16.The changes of diabetic diagnostic criteria and consideration of using glycosylated hemoglobin for diabetes diagnosis糖尿病诊断标准变迁及对糖化血红蛋白作为糖尿病诊断标准的思考

17.The pathogenesis and the criteria of diagnosis were discussed.对本病发病机理、诊断标准等作了一般综述。

18.Results The six diagnosis standards had definite sensitivity and specificity.结果6项诊断标准均具一定的敏感度和特异度。


diagnosis standard诊断标准

1.The Research on thediagnosis standard in dairy cow with syndrome of postpartum Qi deficiency and blood stasis;奶牛产后气虚血瘀证诊断标准的研究

2.Exercise-induced fatigue syndrome differentiation anddiagnosis standard research of elite snow and ice athletes;冰雪项目优秀运动员运动性疲劳的中医分型和诊断标准的研究

3.The theoretical research focuses on the definitions and implications of blood stasis in ancient and modern medical literature; the objective research deals with physiology, biochemistry, blood rheology, immunology, pathology and microcirculation concerning blood stasis; the researches ofdiagnosis standards include researches on the standards and indexes of diagnosis.理论研究 ,着重从古今文献论述血瘀证定义和含义 ;客观研究 ,着重对生理、生化、血液流变学、免疫学、病理学和微循环等方面对血瘀证进行研究 ;血瘀证的动物模型研究 ,主要对血瘀证动物模型的建立与造模方法和途径进行研究 ;诊断标准研究 ,包括诊断标准、诊断指标的研究。

3)diagnostic criterion诊断标准

1.An osteometry of mandibular angle anddiagnostic criterion for hypertrophy of mandibular angle of Han nationality;汉族人下颌角相关测量与下颌角肥大诊断标准分析

2.To formulate a new edition of thediagnostic criterion for endemic subclinical cretinism as soon as possible;从速制订地方性亚临床克汀病诊断标准新版本

3.Objective:To study the suitablediagnostic criterion of osteoporosis for Chinese.目的:探讨适合我国人种特征的原发性骨质疏松症诊断标准。

4)diagnostic standard诊断标准

1.OBJECTIVE To explore into the application of entropy partition method in the study of thediagnostic standards for TCM syndromes.目的探索熵聚堆方法在中医证诊断标准研究中的应用。

2.Those symptoms and signs with high percentile (95% &75%) in the literatures were listed asdiagnostic standard and items included in the symptomological scale.本研究在查阅大量古今文献的基础上,对肝郁证进行系统研究,阐明其理论渊源与现代发展方向,并采用文献研究同临床研究相结合的方法,拟定肝郁证异病同证中的宏观证候诊断标准;并采用病例对照研究的方法探讨肝郁证患者的植物神经功能状态与情绪状态和血清甲状腺激素的变化规律。

3.2% when originaldiagnostic standard of BMI was used,with a Kappa coefficient of 0.目的探讨性别、年龄对体质指数(BMI)诊断标准的影响。


1.Introduction to the Diagnostic Criteria and Assessment Scales for Vascular Dementia: to Answer the Questions Raised by the Readers of the Paper Entitled TCM Diagnosis, Differentiation, and Criteria of Clinical Effectiveness in Treating Vascular De;血管性痴呆的诊断标准和评价工具介绍——兼回答《血管性痴呆诊断、辨证及疗效判定标准》一文的读者提问

2.Objective To discuss thediagnosis of Children Viral Myocarditis, validate the new diagnostic standard of children viral myocarditis which revised in the meeting of Kunming 1999,introduce new viewpoints from clinical practice.目的探讨有关儿童病毒性心肌炎(viralmyocarditis,VMC)的诊断问题,验证1999年昆明会议修订的新的儿童VMC的诊断标准,并从临床实践中,提出一些新的见解。

6)Diagnostic criteria诊断标准

1.Analysis on diagnostic criteria for angina with qi-deficency and blood-stasis syndrome;常用心绞痛气虚血瘀证证候诊断标准的异同分析

2.Application of entropy partition method for studying diagnostic criteria of Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome;熵聚堆方法在络气虚滞诊断标准研究中的应用

3.Clinical applications of the novel diagnostic criteria and classification of acute transverse myelitis;急性横贯性脊髓炎新诊断标准和分类的临床应用



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