糖尿病康复 > 药剂学 pharmaceutics英语短句 例句大全

药剂学 pharmaceutics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-28 14:25:25


药剂学 pharmaceutics英语短句 例句大全



1.Instructional design and practice ofpharmaceutics flow instructional method based on network;网络环境下“药剂学流程教学法”的教学设计与实践

2.The Design and Making of Multimedia Courseware for Pharmaceutics;《药剂学》多媒体教学课件的设计与制作

3.Practice of Innovative Experimental Teaching Courses in Pharmaceutics;药剂学创新型实验教学课程的设置及开展


1.The science of preparing and dispensing drugs.制药学,药剂学制药和配药的科学

2."Hong Kong Pharmacists and Dispensers (Pharmacy Graduates) Association, The"香港药剂师及配药员(药剂学位)协会

3.Application of Pharmaceutical Experiments of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Experimental Teaching of Pharmaceutics中药药剂学实验在药剂学实验教学中的应用

4.Bachelor of Pharmacy [Chinese University of Hong Kong]药剂学士〔香港中文大学〕

5.Bachelor of Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine [University of Hong Kong]中药药剂学学士〔香港大学〕

6.Discussion on the Teaching Methods of Pharmaceutics of Chinese Medicine for Japanese Students日本留学生中药药剂学教学方法的探讨

7.Study on PBL in pharmaceutics teachingPBL教学法在药剂学教学中的应用探讨

8."Pharmacy: Science dealing with collection, preparation, and standardization of drugs."药剂学:研究药物的收集、制备及标准化的科学。

9.Basic Research on Biopharmaceutic and Pharmacokinetic Characteristics of Oxymatrine;氧化苦参碱生物药剂学与药物动力学基础研究

10.Preliminary Biopharmaceutical and Pharmacokinetic Research about Bergenin;岩白菜素的生物药剂学和药代动力学基础研究

11.Studies on Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics of Tanshinone Ⅱ_A Microemulsion for Injection;注射用丹参酮Ⅱ_A微乳药剂学和药动学研究

12.Analysis on students" basic skills examination in pharmaceutical department in our college对我校药学生药剂学基本技能考核的分析

13.A person trained in pharmacy;a druggist.制药者,药剂师在制药学上受过训练的人;药剂师

14.Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian, proprietary Chinese medicines, antibiotics, chemical medicine preparations, biochemical drugs retail.中药材、药饮片、成药、生素、学药制剂、化药品零售。

15.A pharmacological or chemical preparation containing mercury.水银剂含水银的药剂或化学试剂

16.The medical or pharmacological study of the dosages of medicines and drugs.剂量学对药物剂量的医学或药理学研究

17.These chemicals dissolve fat.这些化学药剂分解脂肪。

18.a chemical agent that destroys fungi.能杀灭真菌的化学药剂。



1.Based on the main methods & measures ofpharmacy teaching in China, and combined with the students’characters of Independence College and the practical condition of Zhongshan College of UESTC,the di- rect-viewing teaching method was originally introduced.在总结我国药剂学教学的主要方法和措施的基础上,结合独立学院学生的特点及电子科大中山学院的实际情况,创造性地提出了直观教学法,并在实物展示法、流程教学法、录像教学法、仿真教学法和实践整合等几个具体方面进行了有益的探索和实践,取得了较好的效果。

2.This paper discusses the experimental teaching reform ofpharmacy in Xinxiang Medical College.本文对新乡医学院药学院药剂学实验教学改革进行了初步探讨,对现存的问题提出了一系列改革措施,总结了该校药剂学教学改革的实践过程和取得的教学成果。

3)pharmacy[英]["fɑ:m?si][美]["fɑrm?s?]①药学,药剂学 ②药房

4)Pharmaceutics of TCM中药药剂学

1.Applying Creative Thinking to Guide Reform on Experiment Teaching ofPharmaceutics of TCM;用创新性思维指导中药药剂学实验教学改革

2.Discussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Long-distance Education ofPharmaceutics of TCM;中药药剂学现代远程教育的利弊

5)Chinese pharmacy中药药剂学

1.Chinese pharmacy teaching reform in;中药药剂学高等专科教学改革探讨

2.Some experience in classroom teaching ofChinese pharmacy;中药药剂学课堂教学的几点体会

3.Our experience of teaching Chinese Pharmacy by means of powerpoint;运用PowerPoint进行中药药剂学教学的体会

6)veterinary pharmaceutics兽药药剂学

1.Teaching reform and exploration ofveterinary pharmaceutics兽药药剂学教学改革探讨



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