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配位体 ligand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-15 07:49:44


配位体 ligand英语短句 例句大全


1)ligand[英]["liɡ?nd,"laiɡ?nd][美]["la?ɡ?nd, "l?ɡ?nd]配位体

1.Three organic-inorganic hybrid phosphors were synthesized by a surface coordination method with SrAl_2O_4:Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)powder and maleic anhydride,oleic acid and 2,2"-dipyricalligand respectively, and characterized by means of IR,SEM,XRD,fluorescent spectra and water resistance experiments.采用三种不同的有机物马来酸酐、油酸、2,2’-联吡啶作为配位体与SrAl_2O_4:Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)发光粉进行了配位包覆形成有机-无机杂化发光材料。

2.As the precursor is decomposed in toluene or tetrahydrofuran(THF),the kinds and concentrations ofligands,the water content in the solvents and the UV irradiation have obvious influences on the composition,morphology and the dimension of decomposition products.前驱体在甲苯或四氢呋喃溶剂中分解时,配位体的种类与相对量、溶剂中的水含量和紫外线照射对分解产物的成分、形貌和尺寸有很大的影响。


1.heterotropic effect异配位体间变构效应

2.The number of ligands attached to the central ion is called the coordination number.同中心离子连接的配位体,数目称为配位数。

3.An ion, a molecule, or a molecular group that binds to another chemical entity to form a larger complex.配体,配位体配位化合物中与另一化学个体连接的离子、分子或分子团

4.Study on the Coordination Chemistry of Ag~I Complexes of Thiazole Dithioether;噻唑双硫醚配体的Ag~I配位化学研究

5.The Coordination Polymers Constructed with Double-Bondingsites Flexible Ligands;由柔性双功能配体构筑的配位聚合物

6.The Principle of SHAB and Determination of Ambidendante Ligand Atom;SHAB原理与两可配体配位基的确定

7.Studies on the Coordination Chemistry of Novel Functionalized Diazamesocyclic Ligands;新型功能性二氮中环配体的配位化学研究

8.Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Coordination Polymers with Ligands Containing Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms;含氮、氧配体配位聚合物的合成、表征及应用

9.Studies on Polynuclear Complexes and Coordination Polymers Based on Amino Carboxylate Ligands;基于氨基羧酸配体的多核及配位聚合物的研究

10.Studies on Synthesis and Properties of Coordination Polymer with the Ligands Containing Nitrogen, Oxygen and Sulfur Atoms;含氮、氧、硫配体配位聚合物的合成与性能研究

11.Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Coordination Polymers with Ligands Containing Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms;含氮、氧配体配位聚合物的合成及结构分析

12.Syntheses and Structures of Coordination Polymers Containing Diacid;含二酸类配体的配位聚合物的合成和结构研究

13.Construction of Coordinaiton Polymers with Substituted Aromatic Carboxylate Ligands基于取代芳香羧酸配体的配位聚合物构筑

14.Hydrothermal Synthesis of Coordination Polymers Constructed with Flexible Ligands柔性配体构筑的配位聚合物的水热合成研究

15.Synthesis and Bioactivity Investigation on Pentacoordinated Organotin(Ⅳ) Complexes Containing Tridentate Schiff Base Ligands;三齿配体杂环五配位有机锡席夫碱配合物的合成及生物活性研究

16.Designs, Syntheses, Structures and Properties of Ligands, Coordination Polymers and Complexes of Isonicotinoyl Hydrazones;异烟酰腙类配体、配合物和配位聚合物的设计、合成、结构与性质研究

17.Identification of a Linear Epitope for Fc-binding in Mouse FcγRIII小鼠FcγRIII线性配体结合表位的鉴定

18.Investigation on Crystal Properties of Supermolecular Complex [Mn(C_(14)H_8O_4)(C_(12)H_(12)N_2)]_n配位聚合物[Mn(bpda)(benzidine)]_n的晶体性能研究



1.The organicligands in sea water complexation with lead could be divided into two kinds:L1 and L2.2 nmol/dm3,有机配位态则可分为两类,即PbL1和PbL2;两类有机配位体条件稳定常数的对数(logKpcobnLd1,pb2+和logKpcobnLd2,pb2+)分别为8。

3)coordination number配位体系



6)ligand membrane配位体膜



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