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狂犬病病毒 rabies virus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-09 21:17:24


狂犬病病毒 rabies virus英语短句 例句大全

狂犬病病毒,rabies virus

1)rabies virus狂犬病病毒

1.Morphological study for the different strains of fixedrabies virus;狂犬病病毒不同毒株的形态学研究

2.Progress on Molecular Biology of Rabies virus;狂犬病病毒的分子生物学研究进展

3.Research advance on molecular biology ofrabies virus;狂犬病病毒分子生物学研究进展


1.Construction of Recombinant Pseudorabies Virus Expressing the Rabies Virus Glycoprotein and the Transient Expression;狂犬病病毒糖蛋白重组伪狂犬病病毒载体构建及瞬时表达

2.Construction of a recombinant pseudorabies virus(Bartha-K61) reversely-expressing glycoprotein of rabies virus反向表达狂犬病病毒糖蛋白的重组伪狂犬病病毒Bartha-K61株的构建

3.First detection of rabies virus in skin sample from suspected rabies case in Hunan province湖南省疑似狂犬病病例皮肤组织标本首次检出狂犬病病毒

4.Dogs, cats and bats can all carry rabies.狗、猫和蝙蝠都可能携带狂犬病病毒。

5.Diagnosis Establishment of PCR Detection for Pseudorabies Virus;猪伪狂犬病病毒PCR诊断方法的建立

6.Reverse Genetics System of Rabies Virus CTN Strain狂犬病病毒CTN株反向遗传系统的建立

7.Prokaryotic Expression and Purification of Nucleoprotein in Rabies Virus CVS Strain狂犬病病毒核蛋白的原核表达及纯化

8.The Eukaryotic Expression of gK Gene of Pseudorabies Virus Ea Strain伪狂犬病病毒Ea株gK基因的真核表达

9.Construction and Identification of Recombinant Adenovirus Containing the G and N Gene of Rabies Virus;狂犬病病毒G+N双基因重组腺病毒的构建

10.An investigation on rabies virus in domestic dogs in Hu"nan province湖南省家犬感染狂犬病病毒状况调查研究

11.Immunity efficacy of a recombinant pseudorabies virus expressing rabies virus strain CVS-11 glycoprotein in dogs表达狂犬病病毒CVS-11株糖蛋白的重组伪狂犬病病毒在犬体内的免疫效果

12.Construction of Recombinant Canine Adenovirus Type 2 Containing Rabies SRV9 G Gene;含狂犬病病毒SRV9株G基因的重组犬2型腺病毒的构建

13.Biological Characteristics of a Chimeric Rabies Virus Expressing Canine Parvovirus VP2 Protein表达犬细小病毒VP2蛋白的嵌合狂犬病病毒生物学特性的研究

14.Study on Functions of PRV Major Virulent Genes;伪狂犬病病毒主要毒力基因功能的研究

parison and Analysis of G Gene of Rabies Virus M Strain;狂犬病病毒野毒株糖蛋白基因测序及分析比较

16.Construction of recombinant pseudorabies virus expressing GP5 of highly pathogenic PRRSV HuN4 strain表达高致病性猪蓝耳病病毒GP5重组伪狂犬病病毒的构建及鉴定

17.any of a group of RNA viruses including those causing rabies.一组RNA病毒包括引起狂犬病的病毒。

18.Of or affected by rabies.患狂犬病的狂犬病的或患狂犬病的


Rabies virus狂犬病毒

1.Quantitative detection of rabies virus and its nucleic acid with several novel methods;用免疫细胞化学、RT-PCR等方法定量检测狂犬病毒及其核酸的比较研究

2.Cloning and expression of the nucleoprotein gene of rabies virus;狂犬病毒核蛋白基因的克隆及表达

3.Progress on the study of biological characteristic ofRabies virus;狂犬病毒生物学特征研究进展

3)Rabies virus (RV)狂犬病毒(RV)

4)pseudorabies virus假狂犬病毒

1.To prove these facts further, the present study applied 20 SD rats receiving uniocular injection ofpseudorabies virus (PRV, Bartha strain, 4 μl,5 × 108 pfu/ml).为进一步揭示视网膜节细胞与视交叉上校精氨酸血管加压素神经元间有无直接的联系,本文将假狂犬病毒注入大鼠眼球内通过顺行追踪结合免疫荧光双重标记法观察到:(1)视交叉上核神经元被病毒感染的时间始于病毒注入后56h,并随存活时间的延长而增多;(2)呈绿色荧光的病毒感染神经元见于双侧视交叉上核,注射对侧优于同侧,主要位于视交叉上核的腹外侧部和嘴侧份,个别散在于二者之外;(3)视交叉上核内个别病毒感染的神经元可同时呈精氨酸血管加压素的红色荧光,此类双标神经元系病毒由视网膜节细胞顺行运输并跨突触传给视交叉上核的精氨酸血管加压素神经元所致。

2.The present study appliedpseudorabies virus(PRV) as an anterograde transsynaptic tracer.本实验采用假狂犬病毒(猪疱疹病毒)作为跨神经元追踪示踪物,对下丘脑视交叉上核与下丘脑室旁核的联系进行了研究。

3.But the precise location of the PMNs of the pharynx is unclean In this study, the subnuclear location of pharyngeal PMNs was determined in rat usingpseudorabies virus (PRV).文内用假狂犬病毒研究了大鼠咽肌前运动神经元在孤束核中的定位。

5)Pseudorabies virus(PRV)伪狂犬病毒

1.Pseudorabies virus(PRV),a member of alphaherpesvirus,is a novel viral vector to develop bivalent or multivalent genetic engineering vaccines.以伪狂犬病毒基因缺失标志疫苗株TK-/gG-/LacZ+为亲本株,通过同源重组,构建了表达猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)主要免疫原性蛋白GP5的重组伪狂犬病毒TK-/gG-/GP5+。

2.5kb antisense RNA fragment was designed targeting the 5’ non-coding region (NCR), translation initiation site and potential transcriptional active region of the sole immediate early gene(IE180) of Pseudorabies virus(PRV).伪狂犬病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)属疱疹病毒科α 疱疹病毒亚科,基因组为线状双链 DNA,长约150kb,至少可编码 70~100 种蛋白质。

6)pseudorabies virus伪狂犬病毒

1.Construction of the Recombinant Adenovirus Expressing gC Glycoprotein Gene for Developing Vaccine against Pseudorabies virus;表达伪狂犬病毒gC糖蛋白基因重组腺病毒的构建及其免疫效果

2.Cloning, sequence analysis of the gG geneof Pseudorabies virus SH strain;伪狂犬病毒上海株糖蛋白G (gG)基因的克隆及序列分析

3.Construction ofpseudorabies virus genomiclibrary and analysis of physical mapping;伪狂犬病毒闽A株基因文库的构建及物理图谱的分析



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