糖尿病康复 > 血迷路屏障 blood-labyrinth barrier英语短句 例句大全

血迷路屏障 blood-labyrinth barrier英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-31 10:40:04


血迷路屏障 blood-labyrinth barrier英语短句 例句大全

血迷路屏障,blood-labyrinth barrier

1)blood-labyrinth barrier血迷路屏障

1.Objective To investigate the change of the permeability of endotoxin-inducedblood-labyrinth barrier(BLB) in guinea pigs.目的研究内毒素(ETX)致豚鼠血迷路屏障的动态变化情况。

2.Objectives: To evaluate the dynamic changes in the morphology and function ofblood-labyrinth barrier (BLB) in endotoxin (ETX)-treated cochlea of guinea pigs, and to study the possible role of nitric oxide on the duration of the changes in permeability of BLB in ETX-treated cochlea.目的:研究内毒素对血迷路屏障形态和功能影响的动态变化及NO在内毒素致血迷路屏障通透性改变过程中的可能作用,探讨内毒素对血迷路屏障通透性变化的部分机制,为研究化脓性中耳乳突炎致内耳损害的机制提供理论依据。

3.Objective: To investigate the molecular mechanism of the regulation to theblood-labyrinth barrier permeability of guinea pig inner ear affected by nitric oxide in vitro.目的:通过TNF诱导产生NO,研究NO对豚鼠耳蜗血管纹微血管内皮细胞通透性影响的特征及分子机理,为临床调控血迷路屏障通透性提供理论依据。


1.Experimental Study on Pharmacokinetics of Genetic Recombinative Human Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (rhbFGF) and Its Penetration Across the Blood-cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier, Blood-brain Barrier and Blood-cochlea Barrier;rhbFGF药物动力学及通过血脑脊液屏障、血脑屏障和血迷路屏障的实验研究

2.Effect of Endotoxin on the Permeability of Blood-Labryinth Barrier and Protection with L-NAME Treatment in Guinea Pigs;内毒素对豚鼠血迷路屏障通透性的影响及L-NAME的保护作用

3.The effect of noise exposure on the permeability of the blood labyrinth barrier of guinea pig and its possible mechanisms噪声暴露对豚鼠血迷路屏障通透性的影响及其可能机制

4.Effect of Nimodipine on Blood-labyrinth Barrier Permeability Following Cochlear Ischemia/reperfusion Injury in Guinea Pigs and the Protecting Function of Dexamethasone;尼莫地平对缺血再灌注豚鼠内耳血迷路屏障的影响及地塞米松对其的保护作用

5.The effects of activated 5-lipoxygenase pathway on the destruction of blood-brain barrier caused by focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats5-LO通路活化对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤致血脑屏障破坏的影响

6.vasomotor labyrinthine ischemia血管运动性迷路缺血

7.Examples of Urban road noise Barrier effects And Full-closed barrier"s outlook城市道路声屏障实例及全封闭屏障的展望

8.A Comparative Study of Blood-brain Barrier and Blood-nerve Barrier Endothelial Cell Properties;血—脑屏障与血—神经屏障微血管内皮细胞的比较研究

9.The Effects of Bradykinin on Blood Brain Barrier in Ischemic Area after Focal Ischemia in Rats;缓激肽对大鼠缺血区血脑屏障的影响

10.Effect of the Osmotic Opening of the Blood-Brain Barrier on the Entry of the Carboplatin;渗透性开放血脑屏障对卡铂透过血脑屏障的影响

11.The Effect of Hypoxia on Blood-Brain Barrier and Its Molecular Mechanisms;缺氧对血脑屏障的影响及其分子机制

12.A Comparative Study of Blood-Optic Nerve Barrier Properties in Normal and Diabetic Rats;正常及糖尿病大鼠血—视神经屏障研究

13.Study on the Auxo-action of Borneol Accelerating Transportation of Durg Through the BBB;冰片对药物通过血脑屏障作用的研究

14.Preliminary Study on Multi-Functional Micelle Crossing Blood-Brain Barrier;跨血脑屏障复合功能胶束的初步研究

15.Effect of 1.2-dichloroethane on blood brain barrier;1,2-二氯乙烷对血脑屏障的损伤作用

16.In Vitro Model of Blood-Brain Barrier by Coculturing Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Type Ⅰ Astrocytes;体外建立血脑屏障细胞模型及其屏障功能的建立

17.Research on the Acoustic Characteristics and Acoustic Considerations of Noise-barrier;道路声屏障声学特性与声学设计研究

18.Research on Noise Barrier Engineering Supervision in Freeway Construction Phase;高速公路施工期声屏障工程监理研究


blood labyrinth barrier血迷路屏障

1.Model in vitro for the permeability ofblood labyrinth barrier from guinea pigs;豚鼠血迷路屏障通透性的体外模型

2.Conception of inner earblood labyrinth barrier and progress in research of traditional Chinese medicine;内耳血迷路屏障概念及中医药研究进展

3.The effect of noise exposure on the permeability of theblood labyrinth barrier of guinea pig and its possible mechanisms噪声暴露对豚鼠血迷路屏障通透性的影响及其可能机制

3)labyrinthine disturbance迷路障碍

4)blood-brain barrier(BBB)血脑屏障

1.Objective:To investigate the properties of intestinal absorption and in vitro blood-brain barrier(BBB) permeability of liquirtigenin.目的:研究甘草素(liquirtigenin)的肠吸收及血脑屏障(BBB)通透性。

2.Objective To examine the changes of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and circulating intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (cICAM-1 ) in patients with multiple sclerosis(MS) and the correlation with blood-brain barrier(BBB) .目的研究多发性硬化(MS)免疫异常过程中肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)和循环细胞间粘附分子-1(cICAM-1)的变化及与血脑屏障(BBB)的相关性。

3.Objective To study the influence of microwave radiation on the structure and function of blood-brain barrier(BBB) in rats.目的研究微波辐射对大鼠血脑屏障(BBB)结构与功能的影响。

5)Blood-brain barrier血脑屏障

1.Effect of mild hypothermia on blood-brain barrier permeability in infarcted cerebral tissues;亚低温对脑梗死后血脑屏障通透性的影响

2.The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on cytokine IL-10 in the brain tissues and blood-brain barrier after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in mice;高压氧对缺血再灌注小鼠脑组织细胞因子IL-10及血脑屏障通透性的影响

3.Radiotherapy-induced Blood-brain Barrier Disruption and its Implications for Chemotherapy;放疗开放血脑屏障及其对化疗的意义

6)Blood brain barrier血脑屏障

1.Activity of brain targeted N_1-acyl-5-fluorouracil derivatives to inhibit the U-251 astroglioma across the blood brain barrier in vitro;脑靶向N_1-羧酰-5-氟尿嘧啶系列化合物体外透过血脑屏障抑制肿瘤细胞活性

2.Protective effect and its mechanism of liguistrazine on blood brain barrier permeability induced by lipopolysaccharide in vitro;川芎嗪对内毒素脂多糖诱导的体外血脑屏障模型通透性增高的保护作用及其机制

3.Effects of magnesium sulfate on blood brain barrier and MAP-2 in Rats with MCAO;硫酸镁对大鼠MCAO模型血脑屏障及MAP-2表达的影响


血睾屏障血睾屏障生理名。系比邻 的支柱细胞的浆膜互相交织融合成一紧密连接带而形成一个不让血循环内物质任意渗透到曲 细精管内的保护带。它有利于生精过程。由两部分组成:位于曲细精管壁和支柱细胞交织连 接 处的外层间隙(基底间隙)及与曲细精管管腔相衔接的内层间隙(曲细精管腔内间隙),构成内 、 外环境。在形态结构上亦分两层。外层是曲细精管外周和肌样细胞相邻间的连接;内层是相 邻之支柱细胞的复杂连接,即呈现一紧密连接,为阻止物质通透的最有效一层。

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