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含量 content英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-12 17:26:06


含量 content英语短句 例句大全



1.Determination of TAcontent in offgrade PTA by high performance liquid chromatography;高效液相色谱法测定次级PTA中的对苯二甲酸含量

2.Main Influencing Factors of Nitrite Content in the Processing Production of Preserved Szechuan Pickle and Their Optimizations;榨菜生产加工中亚硝酸盐含量的主要影响因子及其优化

3.The Content and Distribution of Seven Primary Ions in Surface Sediments from Modaomen Estuary of the Pearl River;珠江磨刀门河口沉积物中主要离子含量及其分布


1.great omentum adipose tissue LPL content has no significant correlation with serum LPL content and metabolic disorder of obesity-related hypertension patients.脂肪组织LPL含量与血清LPL含量及肥

2.amorphous content非晶[态]区含量,无定形区含量

3.The ascordic acid content is 11.1% ~ 30.8%, the total sugar content is 0.74% ~ 0.95% , the total aeid content is 0.04% - 0.08% .抗坏血酸含量多11.1~30.8%; 总糖含量高0.74%~0.95%;

4.Containing a base, especially in excess of acid.含碱的,尤指超过酸的含量

5.determination of chlorine in chlorine-containing polymers, copolymers and their compounds含氯树脂中氯含量测定方法

6.type of curacao having higher alcoholic content.一种含有更高酒精含量的柑桂酒。

7.④Ample N P K, ⑤ High heavy mental;④含有丰富的氮磷钾; ⑤重金属含量较高;

8.Determination of assay for nicotine in nicotine tablets by HPLC;RP-HPLC法测定烟碱含片中烟碱的含量

9.Study on Effection of Cerium Content on Mechanical Properties of Steel Contained Tin铈含量对含锡钢力学性能影响的研究

10.Determination of chlorogenic acid in shuanghua caoshanhu hanpian双花草珊瑚含片中绿原酸的含量测定

11.gaseous fuel water content气体燃烧的水分含量

12.methods for determination of ammonia in exhaust gas废气中氨含量分析法

13.harmonic content of an a.c.power supply交流电源的谐波含量

14.lubricating oil metal test润滑油金属含量试验

15.ethyl alcohol containing no more than 1% water.水分含量不足%的酒精。

16.cigarettes with a low nicotine content尼古丁含量低的香烟.

17.water content of soil土壤含水量(土壤含水率)

18.testing method for salt content in crude oil原油含盐量测量方法



1.Heavy MetalContents and Pollution Evaluation of Soils in Chinese Medicinal Herbs GAP Bases in Guizhou Province;贵州省地道药材GAP基地土壤重金属含量及污染评价

2.Determination of the vitamin B1 contents with contra-phase HPLC;HPLC法测定维生素B_1的含量

3.Determination on the TotalContents of the Flavonoids in the Leaves of Three Varieties from Black Currant;不同品种黑穗醋栗叶片总黄酮含量的测定


1.Determination of Isoflavones in Herb of Red Clover;红三叶中总异黄酮含量测定

2.Determination of Shionone in Xuelizhike Syrupus by HPLC;HPLC法测定雪梨止咳糖浆中紫菀酮的含量

3.Simultaneousdetermination of naproxen sodium and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride sustained-release tablets by HPLC;HPLC法同时测定萘普生钠伪麻黄碱缓释片中两组分的含量


1.Detection the Concentration in Apple Juice by Ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy and Multiple Linear Regression Methods;多元校正紫外光谱法测定苹果汁含量研究

2.Concentrations and XAFS speciation in situ of mercury in hair from populations in Wanshan mercury mine area, Guizhon Province;贵州万山汞矿地区人发中汞的含量及其赋存状态的XAFS原位研究

3.Theconcentration and chemical speciation of Pb in Nanjing urban soils;南京城市土壤Pb的含量及其化学形态


1.HPLC Assay of Fleroxacin in Fleroxacin Capsules;氟罗沙星胶囊中氟罗沙星含量的HPLC法测定

2.Determination ofassay for nicotine in nicotine tablets by HPLC;RP-HPLC法测定烟碱含片中烟碱的含量

3.Study on Assay of Hydrocortisone Product from Ferment Liquid;氢化可的松发酵液3次提取产物含量的研究

6)AN contentAN含量

1.Effect ofAN content on the compatibility of PVC/SAN blends;AN含量对PVC/SAN共混物相容性的影响



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