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TG学派 TG College英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-18 19:03:08


TG学派 TG College英语短句 例句大全

TG学派,TG College

1)TG CollegeTG学派

plementation in Language Acquisition Study from Behaviorism andTG College谈TG学派和行为主义在“语言获得”研究中的互补性


plementation in Language Acquisition Study from Behaviorism and TG College谈TG学派和行为主义在“语言获得”研究中的互补性

2.Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of RDX by TG-DSC-QMS-FTIRRDX热分解的TG-DSC-QMS-FTIR同步动力学

3.Externalist Semantics and Internalist Semantics--Differences between Cognitive Linguistics and TG Grammar in Internalism;语义外在论与语义内在论——认知语言学与TG语法在内在论上的分歧

parison of thermochemical properties of anaerobic digested sludge and undigested sludge by TG-MS厌氧消化污泥和未消化污泥在TG-MS上的热化学特性比较

5.not restricted to one sect or school or party.不限于一个教派、学派和党派的。

6.Analysis about Zinc Oxide With XRD and TG-DTA氧化锌的XRD和TG-DTA分析

7.classical school古典(经济) 学派

8.classical theory of radiation古典派辐射(学)说

9.Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。

10.He is a philosopher who belongs with the Kantians.他是兴康德学派同一派系的哲学家。

11.Discussion about the dispute of "Chinese learning" and "Western learning" between Westernizationists and Reformists论维新派与洋务派的“中学”与“西学”之争

12.school of psychoanalysis精神分析学派 精神分析学派

13.Postmodern Contexts: Reconsidering French School and American School后现代语境:重提法国学派和美国学派

14.Neo-Austrian School: Action School of Industrial Organization新奥地利学派:产业组织学的行为流派

15.On the Relationship between Lu Jiuyuan and Huxiang School;陆九渊心学派与湖湘性学派关系考论

parison of the Ethical Thought between Toist and Scotists;道家学派与斯多亚学派幸福观之比较

17.A New Study of Taizhou School and the Importance of School Study;学派研究的意义与《泰州学派新论》评述

18.Chicago School of Economics(经济学)芝加哥学派



1.Sketching on the Theory School of Foreign Information Resources Management;国外信息资源管理理论学派概述

2.The formation and prospect of the contemporaryChineseschools of florology andfloristic phytogeography;中国现代植物区系(地理)学的学派形成和展望

3.No unitedschool of international relations research yet in the USA;美国尚未形成统一的国际关系学派


1.It comments on the mainschools of strategy management standpoint, and brings up the strategy management theory frame and the main development characteristic.分析了战略、战略管理的定义与特征,提出了战略管理过程的内容,划分战略管理理论研究历程,评析战略管理主要学派的观点,提出战略管理的理论框架、战略管理发展的主要特征,并预测未来战略管理理论研究发展趋势。

2.But still there s a long way to go for criminal lawschools in their exact sense.刑法学派乃是各种刑法理论的派别,产生于刑法理论的发展过程之中。

4)school of thought学派

1.It points out that in order to deepen higher educational research, we should dilute the concept of branch of learning, trengthen the consciousness ofschool of thought.针对长期以来中国高等教育研究中存在的问题,文章指出,深化高等教育研究,必须淡化学科体系观念,强化学派意识;必须淡化研究中过分重视形式忽视内容的倾向;必须淡化研究的集体性与计划性,强化研究的个体性与个性化。

5)scientific school科学学派

1.Researches on the historical forms of thescientific schools;科学学派的历史形态探析

2.In current science field of our country,the construction ofscientific schools apparently has lagged behind.在当前我国科学界,科学学派建设明显滞后。

3.The analysis and abstraction of the connotation ofscientific school as well as the accurate grasp of its essential characteristics will benefit the relevant theoretic research and be helpful to improve the scientific research management.对科学学派的内涵进行分析概括 ,对其本质特征进行准确把握 ,有助于相关理论研究的进一步深化 ,有助于科研管理中的操作界定。

6)schools of mathematics数学学派

1.This paper provides a systematic argu- ment of the general theory aboutschools of mathematics.数学学派是数学史研究中的一个重要方面,学派研究为研究数学史提供了一种新的线索和角度。



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