糖尿病康复 > 量表 Scale英语短句 例句大全

量表 Scale英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-14 03:05:36


量表 Scale英语短句 例句大全



1.High School Students’ Mathematics Anxiety:Its Construct andScale Development;高中生数学焦虑的结构和量表编制

2.Investigation of reliability and validity of the social support scale;社会支持评定量表的信度效度研究

3.Study and Development of TCM StrokeScale for Quality of Life Measurement(1)——Establishment of theScale;中医中风生存质量量表的研究编制(1)——量表的建立


1.Expressed or expressible as a quantity.用数量表示的用数量表示的或可表示成数量的

2.indicating flow meter指示流量表指示流量计

3.double-range recording flowmeter双量程记录式流量表

4.Heat meter based on MSP430F149基于MSP430F149的热量表

5.This measuring scale can also be called 8-factor scale.这一测量表也被称为8因素测量表。

6.infant intelligence scale婴儿智力量表 婴儿智力量表

7.psychophysical scaling心理物理量表法 心理物理量表法

8.bipolar adjective scale双极形容词量表 双极形容量表

9.Iowa Stuttering Scale衣阿华口吃量表 爱阿华口吃量表

10.personality research form个性研究量表 个性研究量表

11.scale of moral judgment道德判断量表 道德判断量表

12.Assessing Psychological Well-being: Comparison between Self-esteem Scale and PAS & NAS;心理健康的测量:自尊量表和情感量表的比较

13.Evaluation on validity and responsivity of the chronic gastritis scale of systemic quality of life instrument for chronic diseases慢性病生命质量量表体系中慢性胃炎量表测评

14.Psychometrics of the Different Scales of the System of Quality of Life Instruments for Chronic Diseases QLICD慢性病患者生命质量测定量表体系QLICD各量表的测量学特性分析

15.operator control address vector table操作员控制地址向量表

16.Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression汉米尔顿抑郁评定量表

17.single range (measuring) instrument单范围[量限] (测量)仪表

18.induction instrument for measuring electrical quantities测电量用感应测量仪表



1.Role of confirmatory factor analysis in checking questionnaire s construct validity;验证性因子分析在量表结构效度考核中作用

2.Medical graduate student education evaluation questionnaire;医学院研究生用教学质量评估量表

3.Establishing and evaluating a questionnaire for measuring the satisfaction of inpatients with nursing care quality;住院病人护理满意度量表的研制


1.Development and validation of the quality of life systematicinstruments for chronic diseases-hypertension scale;高血压患者生命质量量表研制及评价

2.Development of the System of Quality of Life Instruments for Cancer Patients:Colorectal Cancer (QLICP-CR);癌症患者生命质量测定量表体系之大肠癌量表QLICP-CR的研制

3.Analysis on Validity and Responsiveness of Coronary Heart Disease Scale of the System of Quality of Life Instruments for Chronic Diseases;慢性病患者生命质量测定量表体系之冠心病量表的效度及反应度分析

4)measuring scale量表

1.The preliminary design of interestmeasuring scale to learn geography,trial-test & enlightenment from it;地理学习兴趣量表的初步设计与试测

2.This paper deals with the importance and necessity of establishingmeasuring scale for clinical determination of the etiology of heat accumulation.阐述了瘀热病因临床测定量表制定的重要性和必要性,并基于中医学病因病机特点,结合现代生存质量量表和心理学量表的制定方法,分析了瘀热病因全病域测量量表和具体疾病特异性量表(共性和个性量表)研制思路,瘀热存在于出血性疾病、流行性出血热、急性肾功能衰竭、支气管扩张、系统性红斑狼疮、重症肝炎、慢性乙型病毒性肝炎等多种内科难治性疾病的发病过程中,并且在某一特定疾病中又以特异性子证候表现出来,这种瘀热所显示的证候层次性和多维性,反应了中医瘀热量表制定的层次性和多维特性。

3.Intention:in this paper,measuring scale of lung cancer sufferers life quality(Chinese version 4.目的:使用肺癌患者生存质量量表FACT-L中文版(V4。


1.Reliability and Development of Opiate Addiction Severity Inventory;阿片依赖程度评定量表的编制与信度测试

2.Results: A 41-itemsinventory named Chinese University-students Social Skill Inventory (ChUSSI) was developed.目的:编制本土化的社会技能量表。




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