糖尿病康复 > 大脑状态指数 Cerebral state index英语短句 例句大全

大脑状态指数 Cerebral state index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-04 15:40:02


大脑状态指数 Cerebral state index英语短句 例句大全

大脑状态指数,Cerebral state index

1)Cerebral state index大脑状态指数

1.Objective: To investigate the effect of remifentanil with aniso-effective-site concentration propofol and comparison of bispectralindex(BIS) and cerebral state index(CSI), and evaluating explicit andimplicit memory during anaesthesia with propofol by target-controlledinfusion(TCI).目的:通过对异丙酚靶控镇静的病人,研究瑞芬太尼对不同效应浓度异丙酚麻醉的影响及比较脑电双频指数(bispectral index,BIS)和大脑状态指数(cerebral state index,CSI)两种麻醉深度指标,并对病人的外显记忆和内隐记忆进行评价。


1.Cerebral State Index and Bispectral Index for Monitoring the Depth of Propofol Sedation in ICU Patients;大脑状态指数和脑电双频谱指数对ICU患者镇静深度的评价

2.Effect of opioids on the CSI and the effect-site concentration of propofol during TCI of propofol阿片类药物对大脑状态指数和丙泊酚的效应室靶浓度的影响

3.Effect of fentanil on the cerebral state index(CSI) and the effect-site concentration(EC) of propofol with target-controlled infusion of propofol靶控异丙酚诱导时芬太尼对大脑状态指数和异丙酚的效应室靶浓度的影响

4.It low- ered the cerebri water content and cerebral index,alleviated encephaledema,and ameliorated the is- chemia and anoxic state in brain tissue.能降低脑含水量和脑指数,减轻脑水肿,改善脑组织的缺血缺氧状态。

5.Effect of flumazenil on bispectral index in patients during anesthesia麻醉状态下氟马西尼对患者脑电双频指数的影响

6.Use of cerebral state index monitoring to predict persistent unconsciousness in patients after craniotomy脑状态指数监测用于开颅术后持续意识障碍的预测

7.Correlation and agreement between bispectral index and state entropy of the electroencephalogram during propofol naesthesia.异丙酚麻醉期间,脑电的双频指数和状态商指数之间的相关性和一致性。

8.Brain death: State of irreversible destruction of the Brain.脑死:大脑受到无法回复之损害的状态。

9.To study the prognostication of the functional change by Barthel index (BI) in the patients with stroke before and after treatment.目的 :探讨Barthel指数 (BI)对脑卒中患者治疗前后功能状态改变的预测效果。

10.Study on Large Sample Investigation and Data Analysis about New Indicators of Population Cardiac Status人群心脏状态新指标大样本调研和数据分析研究

11.The general form or a quantity indicative of the general form of a statistical frequency curve near the mean of the distribution.峰度一种统计频率曲线接近分布中心时的大致状态或指示这种状态的数量

12.For the "well-conditioned mind", there is no upper limit.对于“状态良好的大脑”,不存在上限。

13.Index of Eutrophication of Three Lakes in 20012001年度"三湖"营养状态指数

14.The Lyapunov Exponent of State Evolution Trait in the Dynamics System;动力学系统状态演化特征的Lyapunov指数

15.This changes the level of brain wave activity from the awake level (Beta) to the asleep level (Alpha) or the deep sleep level (Theta).这使大脑清醒状态时的脑波活动贝塔状态改变至睡眠层次(阿尔法)或深度睡眠状态(太塔,θ)。

16.Most matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas.大多数物质具有三种状态:固态、液态和气态。

17.Most matter has three states大多数物质有三种状态:固态、液态和气态。

18.Assessment Based on Nonlinear Parameters of EEG α Waves for Human-Body Fatigues基于脑电α波的非线性参数人体疲劳状态判定


Cerebral state index脑状态指数

1.Cerebral state index monitoring during anesthesia induction with sevoflurane or propofol;脑状态指数在七氟醚或丙泊酚诱导时的变化

2.Objective To compare the accuracies of cerebral state index(CSI)and bispectral index(BIS)in sedation monitoring during target control infusion of midazolam.目的比较脑状态指数(CSI)与脑电双频谱指数(BIS)在咪唑安定镇静深度监测方面的准确性。

3)cerebral state index(CSI)脑状态指数(CSI)

1.A wakefulness loss cerebral state index(CSI) algorithm was developed to monitor the depth of anaesthesia,to predict different sleep stages,and then to provide a reference to estimate the depth of anaesthesia and postoperative recovery.为预测睡眠分期,以提供麻醉深度判断和术后研究的依据,该文开发了一种失觉醒脑状态指数(CSI)分析算法。

4)Decerebrate state去大脑状态

5)exponent state指数状态

1.The binary relative evaluation method for measuring the technical innovation potentials is presented in this paper, we measure the comprehensiveexponent state with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method, and measure the binary relative evaluation value with the BCC model involved in the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method.给出了测算企业技术创新能力的二次相对评价法 ,首先利用层次分析法 (AHP)测算综合指数状态 ,再用数据包络分析 (DEA)方法中的BCC模型测算二次相对评价值 ;该方法消除了客观基础条件优劣的影响 ,从而可真正反映人的有效主观努力在增强企业技术创新能力中所起的作

6)brain functional states大脑功能区状态

1.To study the effect of sleep deprivation(SD)on cognitive brain function,we applied approximate entropy(ApEn)to assess the non-linear influence onbrain functional states.采用近似熵研究睡眠剥夺(sleep deprivation,SD)对脑认知功能的影响,评价SD引起的大脑功能区状态的非线性变化。



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