糖尿病康复 > ED_(50) ED 50英语短句 例句大全

ED_(50) ED 50英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-29 08:46:33


ED_(50) ED 50英语短句 例句大全

ED_(50),ED 50

1)ED 50ED_(50)


1.Effects of ketamine against strychnine-induced convulsions and the determination of its ED_(50) in mice氯胺酮抗士的宁惊厥作用的研究及ED_(50)的测定

parison of ED_(50) and LD_(50) between emulsions of sevoflurane and isoflurane upon hypnotic in mice小鼠七氟烷乳剂和异氟烷乳剂催眠ED_(50)和LD_(50)比较

3.Effect of target-controlled concentrations of sufentanil on sevoflurane to prevent tracheal intubation response ED_(50)舒芬太尼靶控输注对七氟醚抑制气管插管反应ED_(50)的影响

4.Detectation of Intrathecal Injected Midazolam on Analgesic Effects ED_(50) of a Rat Induced Pain by Formalin鞘内注射咪唑安定对福尔马林致痛大鼠镇痛作用ED_(50)的测定

5.The Median Effective Dose of Intrathecal Three Plain Local Anesthetics for Cesarean Section三种等比重局麻药脊麻下剖宫产手术的ED_(50)比较

6.tin indium 50-50 alloy锡铟50-50接封合金

7.We were&50to the good.我们获利50英磅。

8.50p isn"t worth quibbling about.50便士不值一争.

9.These dresses have been marked up 50 percent.这些服装涨价50%。

10.And the clock is fifty metres high!这座钟有50米高。

11.opponents" court 50对方场区50[球场]

12.Your letter be fifty gram overweight .您的信超重50克。

13.The bill totals to $ 50.账单总计为50元。

14.Drilling 50 yards deep,钻孔至50码深处,

15.50 - Lockpick - Out of stock50-开锁器-缺货

16.The production of foodstuff increased by 50 percent.粮食产量增长50%。

17.The car runs 50 miles an hour.这辆车时速50哩。

18.less than 50 miles. Less少于50英里。less


Praziquantel ED_(50)吡喹酮ED_(50)


4)50/50 blend50/50 混合

5)50 wt% caustic soda50%碱

1.The application and discussion of a new process for evaporizing50 wt% caustic soda;50%碱蒸发新工艺的应用与探讨

6)50 steel50钢

1.The influence of heat treatment on fatigue strength of50 steel in the very high cycle regime;热处理工艺对50钢超高周疲劳性能的影响

2.In order to expand the research range of ultrasonic fatigue,the three-bending and non-symmetric tension-compression fatigue properties of50 steel were tested and corresponding fatigue S-N curves were obtained.为了进一步拓宽超声疲劳试验的研究范围,对50钢进行了含有平均应力的三点弯曲和非对称拉压疲劳性能试验,得到相应的疲劳 S-N 曲线,研究了平均应力对其超高周疲劳性能的影响。



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