糖尿病康复 > 葡聚糖 dextran英语短句 例句大全

葡聚糖 dextran英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-29 03:17:00


葡聚糖 dextran英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of Dextran on the Crystallization of Ferric Hydroxide;葡聚糖分子对氢氧化铁矿化结晶的调制作用

2.Surface Modification of Polypropylene Microporous Membrane by the Immobilization of Dextran;聚丙烯微孔膜表面修饰的葡聚糖固定化研究

3.Determination of High Polymerization Degree Dextran by Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry(MALDI -TOFMS) and Comparison of Matrix Effects in the Determination;MALDI-TOFMS测定高聚合度葡聚糖及不同基体在测定中的作用比较


1.change sephadex离子交换交联葡聚糖

2.Study on the Degradation of β-glucan of Corn Stalk by β-glucanaseβ-葡聚糖酶降解玉米秸秆中β-葡聚糖的工艺

3.Isolation of galacto-oligosaccharide by filtration葡聚糖凝胶过滤层析分离低聚半乳糖

4.Cloning and Sequence Analysis of cDNA Encoding Xyloglucan Endotransglycosylase from Anthocephalus Chinensis;团花树木葡聚糖转葡糖苷酶cDNA克隆及序列分析

5.clinical dextran(e)医用的葡聚糖, 医用右旋糖酐

6.Study on Synthesis of Sephadex Gel and Concentration of Oligosaccharide Dilute Solution葡聚糖凝胶合成及浓缩低聚糖稀溶液研究

7.Study of Oat β-Glucan on Glycemia in Diabetic Rats;燕麦β-葡聚糖对糖尿病大鼠降血糖作用的研究

8.Mensuration of Glucan in Cane Juice and Research of Variability about the Content of Glucan;蔗汁中葡聚糖的测定及葡聚糖含量的变化特性研究

9.Studies on Biological Properties of Dextran-Producing Leuconostoc and Fermentation Condition of Dextran;产葡聚糖明串珠菌的特性及其葡聚糖合成条件研究

10.Pinocytosis of dextran was unaffected.对葡聚糖的胞饮作用无影响。

11.Dextran-Coated Pfob Emulsion;葡聚糖包被的纳米液态氟碳脂质乳剂

12.The Studies on the Endo-β-1,4-glucanases from the Mollusca, Ampullaria Crosseans;福寿螺(Ampullaria crossean)内切-β-1,4葡聚糖酶的研究

13.Study on Accumulation of β-glucan in Oat Seed;燕麦籽粒β-葡聚糖积累规律的研究

14.Study on Endoglucanase of Marine Bacterium Cellulophaga sp. QY201海洋细菌Cellulophaga sp. QY201的内切葡聚糖酶研究

15.Konjac Glucomannan/Chitosan Blend Film for Slowly Releasing Cardoplation;卡铂-葡甘聚糖/壳聚糖缓释药膜的研究

16.The application of further refined sugar free polydextrose in high quality confectionary精制化无糖聚葡萄糖在高品质糖果中的应用

17.Effective Comparison between Glucomannan and Acarbose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients葡甘聚糖与阿卡波糖治疗2型糖尿病疗效比较

18.Studies on Production of Gentiooligosaccharide from Glucose with β-glucosidaseβ-葡萄糖苷酶转化葡萄糖制备低聚龙胆糖的研究



1.Ascertaining of the Conditions for ProducingGlucan through Fermentation;发酵产葡聚糖条件的确定

2.The Study ofGlucan from Beer Yeast;酿酒酵母葡聚糖的研究进展

3.Control Synthesis of Aragonite Calcium Carbonate withGlucan as the Template;以葡聚糖为模板控制合成文石型碳酸钙


1.Optimization of Process Conditions of Extractingβ-glucan from Naked Oat Bran;莜麦麸中β-葡聚糖提取工艺的优化

2.Measurement ofβ-glucan form oats by congo red;刚果红法测定燕麦中β-葡聚糖含量的研究

3.Decomposition of the pectin substances in extraction ofβ-glucan;β-葡聚糖提取过程中果胶类物质分解

4)konjac glucomannan葡甘聚糖

1.Preservation of sweet pepper bykonjac glucomannan composite film;葡甘聚糖涂膜对甜椒保鲜效果影响的研究

2.Study on the preparation of green packaging materialskonjac glucomannan degradable film;绿色包装材料魔芋葡甘聚糖可降解膜的制备研究

3.Effects of NaOHtreat ment on structure and properties of blend films made by collagen ,konjac glucomannan and chitosan;NaOH处理对胶原蛋白、葡甘聚糖、壳聚糖共混膜结构和性能的影响(英文)


1.Variation of Glucanase,Chitinase and Conductivity during Parasitism of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum Parasited by Coniothyrium Minitans;盾壳霉寄生核盘菌过程中葡聚糖酶、几丁质酶及电导率的变化

2.Biological characterization,cloning and transformation of chitinase andglucanase;几丁质酶和葡聚糖酶生物学特性及其编码基因的克隆和转化

3.The study on characture of enzmye dynamics of chitinase andglucanase from Coniothyrium minitans showed that reactive rate using chitinase and dextranase was positive correlation with enzyme quantity and substrates.盾壳霉几丁质酶和葡聚糖酶酶动力学性质研究表明:几丁质酶和葡聚糖酶的酶促反应,在本试验计量范围内,其反应速度与酶量和底物浓度均呈正相关,但两种酶促反应适宜的温度和pH值有较大差。


1.Application and stabilizing mechanism of endowing flavor into theglucomannan foods;葡甘聚糖类食品赋味稳定性机理及其应用研究

2.Edibleglucomannan compound film with pathogens inhibition and its application;可食性葡甘聚糖复合抑菌膜及其应用研究

3.Properties and Applications of a Plant Polysacchride Konjac Glucomannan;植物聚多糖葡甘聚糖的性质与应用



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