糖尿病康复 > 臭氧氧化 ozonation英语短句 例句大全

臭氧氧化 ozonation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-09 08:30:02


臭氧氧化 ozonation英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on coagulation andozonation in advanced treatment of diosgenin wastewater;混凝沉淀-臭氧氧化深度处理皂素废水的实验研究

2.Mechanism of the formation of formaldehyde duringozonation;臭氧氧化产物甲醛的产生机理研究

3.Study on theozonation of 2BLN dyes with ultrasonic enhancement;超声强化臭氧氧化分散蓝染料废水的研究


1.ozonation treatment of wastewater废水臭氧氧化处理法

2.Treatment of 2, 4-dichlorophynoxyacetic Acid by Catalytic Ozonation;催化臭氧氧化2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸

3.Study of Organic Wastewater Treatment Using Catalytic Ozonation;催化臭氧氧化法处理有机废水的研究

4.Research on the Influence of Catalytic Ozonation on Bromate Formation;催化臭氧氧化对溴酸盐生成影响研究

5.Catalytic Oxidation of DDNP Wastewater催化臭氧氧化处理DDNP废水的研究

6.Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation Process for Treatment of Wastewater from 1-naphthol Production多相催化臭氧氧化法处理甲萘酚废水

7.Ru/AC Catalyzed Ozonation of Recalcitrant Organic CompoundsRu/AC催化臭氧氧化难生物降解有机物

8.Oxidation Susceptibility of Hydroxyl Radical during Ozonation;臭氧氧化过程中羟基自由基的氧化性能的研究

9.The ozone oxidation and advanced oxidation technology of PPCPs in the water environment水环境中PPCPs的臭氧氧化和高级氧化技术

10.Experimental study on magnetic field enhanced ozonation treatment of municipal wastewater磁强化臭氧氧化生化处理二级出水的试验研究

11.To convert(oxygen)to ozone.使臭氧化把(氧气)变成臭氧

12.A Study on the Characteristics of Ozonation and Catalytic Ozonation of Pentachlorophenol;五氯酚的臭氧化及催化臭氧化特性研究

13.catalytic ozone destruction cycle臭氧的催化分解循环

14.economics of wastewater ozonation废水臭氧化的经济性

15.Ozonation and Catalytic Ozonation of P-Chlorophenol and Sulfosalicylic Acid;臭氧及催化臭氧化降解对氯苯酚和磺基水杨酸

16.Kinetics of ozonation and Mn-catalyzed ozonation of dichlorprop臭氧及催化臭氧化降解2,4-滴丙酸动力学研究

17.Research Progress in Advanced Oxidation Process--Catalytic Ozonation;高级氧化技术——催化臭氧化研究进展

18.Nitrogen dioxide and ozone may cause pulmonary edema.二氧化炭和臭氧可以引起肺水肿。


ozone oxidation臭氧氧化

1.Study on in-depth treatment of dirty ballast water from oil tankers byozone oxidation;应用臭氧氧化技术深度处理油船含油压载水的实验研究

2.Study on degradation of wastewater containing dyes byozone oxidation;臭氧氧化降解含染料废水的研究

3.Degradation of synthetic musk ketone in water withozone oxidation;水体中酮硝基麝香的臭氧氧化降解研究


1.This article introduced character of ozone and mechanism ofozonization.臭氧氧化作为一种有效的深度处理技术,对难降解有机废水具有良好的降解功效。

2.In order to improve biodegradability and decrease COD of the pharmaceutical wastewater, Ozonization process was adopted.为了提高含高嘧啶类制药废水的可生化性能并在一定程度上降低该废水的COD,采用臭氧氧化法对该废水进行预处理研究。

3.In response to the characteristics of wastewater from the processing of pharmaceutical intermediate, A~2O process was used for biochemical treatment after the pretreatment by the metal exchange bed for copper removal /ozonization pretreatment process.针对甲砜霉素和盐酸环丙沙星等原料药中间体工艺废水的特点,采用渗金属床除铜/臭氧氧化预处理后,进一步采用A2/O工艺进行生化处理,运行结果表明,系统工艺及设计参数选择合理,运行稳定,出水水质达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)的一级标准。

4)oxidation of odor by ozone臭气臭氧氧化法



1.Advanced treatment of sewage secondary effluent bypreozonation/biological aerated filter(BAF);臭氧预氧化/曝气生物滤池污水深度处理特性研究

2.The objective was to determine: the contribution of algae cells and algae extracellular organic matter(EOM) to the disinfection by-products formation potential(DBPFP),and the effects ofpreozonation including ozone dosage andpreozonation time on DBPFP of algae cells and EOM and mechanism of these effects.以处于对数生长期后期的悦目颤藻为研究对象,研究了藻细胞及胞外分泌物对氯化消毒副产物生成势(DBPFP)的贡献,以及臭氧预氧化对DBPFP的影响规律,即不同臭氧投量及预氧化时间对DBPFP的影响,并探讨臭氧预氧化控制消毒副产物生成势的原因。

3.Experiments were conducted withpreozonation-floating filter and ozone-DAF-floating filter for treatment of water from Queshan Reservoir.预臭氧-浮滤池工艺试验结果表明,臭氧预处理对浊度去除影响不大;臭氧预氧化对UV254的去除效率很高,平均去除率为76。



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