糖尿病康复 > 传感器 sensor英语短句 例句大全

传感器 sensor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-01 08:48:09


传感器 sensor英语短句 例句大全



1.The use ofsensors in the monitoring of wastewater;传感器在环境水体检测中的应用

2.Progress of the Applied Study on Imprinting Sensors and Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers;分子印迹聚合物的制备及其传感器应用研究

3.Establishing of optical system for laser-stripesensor based on polarizer;基于偏振片的结构光传感器光学系统建立


1.electrooculographic transducer/sensor眼电图(eog)传感器

2.urea enzyme transducer [sensor]酶(式)尿毒传感器

3.electro-cardiography transducer/sensor心电图(ECG)传感器

4.electromyogrphic transducer/sensor肌电图(emg)传感器

5.vacuum transducer [sensor]真空[负压]传感器

6.electroencephalographic transducer/sensor脑电图(EEG)传感器

7.strain gauge transducer [sensor]应变(计)式传感器

8.(nuclear)radiation transducer [sensor](核)辐射式传感器

9.depth sensor/depth meter深度传感器(潜水)

10.sensor with externalconvection sensitive element外对流敏感元件传感器

11.sensor with intrnalconvection sensitive element内对流敏感元件传感器

12.sensor with bare wire sensitive element裸丝敏感元件传感器

13.inductosyn displacement transducer感应同步式位移传感器

14.inductosyn droop meter感应式传感器倾斜计

15.inductosyn scale感应式传感器刻度盘

16.mini-inductance differential pressure transducer小型电感式压差传感器

17.electroluminescence sensor电荧光传感器电发光传感器

18.Proximity sensor. Right-click for touch sensor.近程传感器右击使用接触传感器。


transducer[英][tr?nz"dju:s?(r)][美][tr?nz"dus?; tr?ns-]传感器

1.Identification for Nonlinear Dynamic System of Transducer Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine;基于最小二乘支持向量机的传感器非线性动态系统辨识

2.Development of 2kNm intellectual standard torquetransducer;2kNm智能标准扭矩传感器的研制

pensation for nonlinear dynamic system oftransducer based on least squares support vector machine;基于最小二乘支持向量机的传感器非线性动态补偿

3)inductance sensor电感传感器

1.Research on Mathematical Model of Inductive Inductance Sensors;感应式电感传感器的数学模型研究

2.the measuring circuit ofinductance sensor has been analyze,discussed the measure to level off the amplitude of sine wave generating circuit,introduce the method to improved the performance of measuring circuit by used digital phase sensitivity detection,and gave the data of static testing.对电感传感器的测量电路进行了分析,讨论了正弦波发生器的稳幅措施,提出了利用数字相敏检波技术改进传感器测量电路的方法,并给出了性能测试数据。

3.A signal acquisition card forinductance sensor based on PCI bus is designed in this paper.研制了一种基于PCI总线的电感传感器信号采集卡。

4)inductive transducer电感传感器

1.This paper presents aninductive transducer with simple structure, stable performance and high accuracy, and introduces a new straightness measurement method combing the STP and GTP and featuring convenient operation, high confidence and suitable for short workpiece measurement.介绍了一种结构简单 ,但性能稳定、精度高的电感传感器。

2.The results of experiments have shown that the available linear range of output voltage of the optimizedinductive transducer with solenoid pitch varying in o.实验结果证明:用最优化方法设计的变螺距线圈,使电感传感器的有效线性输出范围得到了显著的提高。

5)inductance transducer电感传感器

1.According to the principle ofinductance transducer,an installation of measuring micro-displacement was made.制作了一个基于电感传感器原理的微小位移测量装置,将测量结果与光杠杆的测量结果相比较,发现用电感传感器测量微小位移时,灵敏度、线性度和测量范围相互制约。

2.This article introduces the components and working principles of aninductance transducer, then analyzes in detail the working process of usinginductance transducer to realize the automatic control of newspaper shelf and finally describes how to choose some main apparatus and to debug the circuit.介绍了电感传感器的组成及工作原理,详细分析了利用电感传感器实现报纸夹自动控制的工作过程,阐述了主要元器件的选择及电路的调试方法。

6)inductive sensor电感传感器

1.Research on signal acquisition system forinductive sensor based on USB;基于USB接口的电感传感器信号采集系统的研究

2.Using half-bridgeinductive sensors as probes,basing on integrated signal-processing circuit and Δ-Σ Analog-to-Digital converter,the system combined high-speed over-sampling method with average-filtering method to fulfill the precision mea.针对传统电感传感器及其测量系统难于同时满足测量精度和采样速度的现状,提出一种适合动态位移超精测量方法。

3.The neural network uses theinductive sensor and the temperature sensor output as input.在涂层厚度测量的过程中,电感传感器的输出值存在对温度的交叉灵敏度,为消除温度对测量数据的影响,提出了一种基于神经网络的多传感器数据融合技术处理方法,该方法以传感器的输出值与温度值作为网络的输入,通过对网络的训练达到消除非目标参量—温度的影响。



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