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雅思口语:Describe a sport you would like to try

时间:2023-04-25 06:01:23


雅思口语:Describe a sport you would like to try


雅思口语中最近一道大热的话题是你最想尝试的运动(a sport you would like to try)



I’ve never played tennis, but I really want to try it, mostly because of a player named Novak, who’s the best tennis player in the world.

I first knew him from TV when he won the grand slam(大满贯), and I was impressed by his excellent skills. He’s agile in court, I believe mostly because of his long legs. So from then on, tennis started to grow on me. And I would pay close attention to his news, and my dream is to watch his match in person.

And I hope one day I could be as skillful as him. But sadly, in my hometown, this sport is not that popular, and we don’t have too many professional players here to coach us, plus, there are few courts here for us to practice, which is quite unfortunate.

But I heard, there are tennis clubs in basically every college, and I just couldn’t wait to join them. I mean, I could make tons of friends there, and they can teach me how to play it. I even signed up for a tennis class, and I would start right after I got my IELTS result.

I was told, I could benefit a lot from this sport. For starters, it could strengthen my body and help me stay in shape. And I can play tennis to kill time with my friends. Besides, it’s also a good way to relax and release pressure.

还有,曾经有一部电影《极盗者》,让很多人爱上了炫酷的极限运动(extreme sport)。关于极限运动的视频有好多,比如在悬崖边荡秋千呀什么的(好吧这是作死不是极限运动……)

那喜欢极限运动的原因,无外乎就是寻求刺激挑战自己释放压力嘛,所以extreme sport其实也是挺好讲的:

Well, I’ve always wanted to try bungee jumping, ‘cause I believe that’s the most exhilarating extreme sport on earth.

I first heard of this sport on TV when I was little. That was a reality show where people do all kinds of crazy and scary stuff to challenge themselves, like eating bugs, swimming across the channel, walking along a tightrope and things like that.

What impressed me the most was the bungee jumping. I’m the kind of person who’s afraid of height, but I was just fascinated by it. I believe the free fall from a high mountain would be the most exciting thing I could think of. I never tried that, but I’m sure the moment I jump, all the stress inside of me would be released, and I would definitely get a buzz out of it.

It sounds terrifying, but I think it’s a sport that everyone in this modern society should try. I’m sure it’s the best way to empty our mind and vent our feelings.

But unfortunately, there’s no place for me to do this in my hometown.

And I missed my chance when I was travelling in Dalian, which is a costal city in the north of China. They have a cliff that’s perfect for this activity. But that day, I got carsick from a long drive. My mom was concerned about me, so she didn’t allow me to try it. So you see, it’s kind of a shame.




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