糖尿病康复 > 迷路用英语口语怎么表达


时间:2021-10-10 14:48:37





1.(迷失道路) miss one"s way; lose one"s way; get lost; go the wrong way; lose one"s bearings; can"t find one"s way; stray2.[解剖学] labyrinth; inner ear; mavericks例句:I am concerned that they may have got lost .我担心他们可能迷路了。By that time we were well and truly lost .到那时,我们完全迷路了。The little boy was crying because he was lost .那小孩因迷路而哭。It "s not much fun being lost in the rain ...在雨中迷路可不是一桩趣事。He lost his way halfway to the shop .他在去商店的半道儿迷路了。"i have lost my way," said the stranger .“我迷路了,”那个陌生人说道。The strange streets disoriented him .生疏的街道使他迷路了。If it were n"t for him , we would have gone astray ..如果不是他的话,我们就迷路了。

【迷路了用英语怎么说】getting lost例句:I am concerned that they may have got lost .我担心他们可能迷路了。By that time we were well and truly lost .到那时,我们完全迷路了。He lost his way halfway to the shop .他在去商店的半道儿迷路了。"i have lost my way," said the stranger .“我迷路了,”那个陌生人说道。The strange streets disoriented him .生疏的街道使他迷路了。If it were n"t for him , we would have gone astray ..如果不是他的话,我们就迷路了。I "d have been lost but for you .我就走迷路了。He may have lost his way .他可能已经迷路了。

【迷路的英语是什么】get lostlose one"s waymiss one"s waystragglestraygo astray例句:

He was alone, but he was not lost. He knew the way to their camp. There he would find food,bullets, and blankets. He must find them soon.他独自一人,但没有迷路。他知道去营地的路。那里有吃的,有子弹,也有毛毡,他必须马上找到这些东西。"Pardon me, but I have lost my way. Can you help me? "打扰了我迷路了请帮忙指个路The girl looked puzzled.那女孩子好像迷路了。Her parents having arrived, the crowd drew away from the lost child迷路的孩子的父母到来以后,人群散去了。The sun came out again, and he saw that he was lost. Was he too far north? He turned toward the east.太阳又露出脸来,他知道自己迷路了。是不是往北走过头了?于是转过头来向东走去。I got lost on my way home from work today.我今天工作回家时迷路了。Our road lines through the forest, but we may easily get lost. There"s no path.我们要走的路线是穿过森林的,很容易迷路。那里没有路。For a man who believed himself a human compass, Mr. Belli had the anxious experience of feeling he had lost his way拜利先生一向认为自己阅历很深,现在尝到自己迷路的滋味。【迷路的英语表达】got lostlose one"s waylabyrinthstragglewanderwent astray例句:我在这座陌生的城市迷路了。I got lost in the strange city.要不是这位好心的向导,我可能就在山中迷路了。Had it not been for the kind guide, I might have got lost in the mountains.我敢断定他们迷路了。I bet they"ve got lost.他在森林中迷路了。He lost his way in the forest.我们在黑夜中迷路了。We lost the way in the dark.恐怕我的方位感很差,因此我容易迷路。I"m afraid I haven"t got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost.我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座桥了。I think I"m lost; I can"t find the bridge.我们迷路了,因为我们看不懂这张地图。We got lost because we couldn"t read the map.无风船不动,没船长她将迷路。

