糖尿病康复 > 托福口语考试难度大如何应对


时间:2024-07-07 11:54:05






根据官方指南的表述,新增的口语测试分为两大部分,共有6道题目,包括独立回答题(Independent SpeakingTask)和综合性回答题(Integrated Speaking Task)。














8月20日托福独立口语Task 2:which do you prefer? Educational programs orentertainment programs on TV?

task 2:

Which do you prefer? Educational programs or entertainment programs onTV?


Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV. Others prefer towatch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why.



8月20日托福独立口语答案Task 2

Well, I would prefer watching educational programs on TV. Coz first theysatisfy my curiosity. I am a big fan of many natural science subjects, likeastronomy, geology, physics, and biology, every time when I am watching thoseeducational programs like National Geography or BBC Planet Earth, I learn somuch, which really help to expand my horizon. Second, as a student, I have beenquite busy everyday, like I have to take classes like 8 hours a day and dealwith endless presentations, school works and club activities etc, so listeningto music is my way to unwind and blow off steam, coz I barely have time forentertainment programs on TV, be it soap operas or reality show.


Personally, I prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV. First off, ithelps to release my pressure, and I get a chance to relax and unwind. You know,I am pretty busy with tough coursework, like mid-terms, research paper, andpresentation to work on during the whole semester. Additionally, it is veryinteresting and fun to watch. I watch entertainment programs like stand-upcomedy, talk shows, TV series, especially American sit-coms. Not only can Ilearn English expression, but also I can get to know American culture andcustoms.(新东方 孟炎)


I think that would be good. Many 60-year-olds are still physicallystrong.

For people like civil servants, who have comfortable jobs or are in power,it is the later the better.

If our healthcare and children's education can be better guaranteed, Ithink I will still be able to work for five more years. But if the socialsecurity is inadequate, I will find it quite hard to work another five years. Itdepends on how the society can reduce the pressure that's on us.

Statistically, "actual dependency ratio"(实际赡养比)will be five to one in .If China doesn't take itself to full employment, increase low-income people'searnings so that they can not only feed themselves but also elderly people, orpush pack the retirement age. By , we will become a seriously aged country.It will lead to a series of social problems and directly threaten our goal ofhaving a prosperous society in .

I think there are pros and cons. The positive side is that middle-aged andelderly professionals can continue to make contributions to society. Thenegative side is that young people may have difficulty finding jobs.In an agingsociety, the number of elderly people is growing. If we push back retirement byanother five years, young people will have fewer and fewer opportunities.

Well,I prefer to watch entertainment programs on TV due to the followingreasons.

Firstly, TV programs mainly serves as an entertainment way for people torelax. I often choose to watch various entertainment TV programs such as SuperGirls, Sound of China and so on to relieve my stress from study. Secondly,watching relaxing TV programs is not as serious as watching educational ones. Ihave many other ways to educate myself such as reading books, taking classes,which are more effective than learning on TV. Additionally, there are manycommercials on TV which easily take away my attention.


8月20日托福独立口语Task 1:Describe a kind of traditional costume in yourcountry, which is not quite commonly followed now.

8月20日托福口语真题答案task 1:

Describe a kind of traditional custom in your country that used to be verycommon and you want to be popular again.


In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past thatyoung people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition which formed inthe past but you wish it is still popular today. Give specific reasons why youwish it still popular.



Well, this is a very interesting question. I would like to say that writingletters to each other and stay connected with friends and families when one isstudying or working in another city used to be a tradition in my country.Currently, people use technology gadgets to keep in touch and catch up with eachother. I really think it is better to write letter to each other once in awhile. Writing letters can develop students' writing skills, you know highschool students can barely write an intelligible sentence. Also, writing letterscan showcase your handwriting and personalities, however, writing email cannotachieve this.


Sample answer:

In my point of view, putting up the Spring Festival scrolls to welcome theChinese New Year should be a popular tradition that young people still ought tofollow. As we all know, on Spring Festival’s eve, Chinese people paste redcouplets on their gates to enhance the warm traditional festival atmosphere. Thepoems on the couplets are usually written by calligraphers who use Chinesetraditional writing brush and dip it into ink. The red Spring Festival Coupletssymbolize good fortune, good health and good luck in the new coming year. So,it’s really an extremely important custom for Chinese people to inherit.


8月20日托福独立口语答案Task 1

I would like to talk about cheongsam(旗袍的正式翻译), a kind of body hugging, onepiece traditional dress for women, it is usually made of silk, with exquisitephoenix and delicate flower patterns like peony, orchid and chrysanthemum,Originally, cheongsam was created in the 1920s Shanghai (上海)for upper classwomen to replace those baggy and loose dresses, now ordinary women can affordit, they wear it mainly on special occasions like parties or ceremonies. I thinkit is really unique and traditional, coz it represents the unique beauty of theoriental women.


