糖尿病康复 > 60岁的年龄16岁的心态 生活由你来决定

60岁的年龄16岁的心态 生活由你来决定

时间:2019-04-29 01:59:23


60岁的年龄16岁的心态 生活由你来决定

一句话瑜伽,第239期Nancy:我们的生命只有一次。不要浪费它。We just get one life. Do not waste it.

做让你快乐的事,让你感觉活着的事。Do what makes you happy, what makes you feel alive.

它可以是拍摄瑜伽照片,或选择简单地生活,无厘头,甚至可以是买些别人认为你完全不需要的东西。It can be taking yoga pics,or choosing to live life simply, heck, it can even be shopping for things they said you don really need.

做什么真的不重要。由你来决定,只要他们让你的生活变得有价值。Doesn matter what they are really. YOU get to decide.As long as they e making your life worth living.

有时候我觉得愧对生活,我们只是凡人。lm guilty of taking life seriously sometimes.We are only human.

当事情变得艰难时,我们会感觉到情绪受到影响。we feel,and get emotionally affected when things get rough.

但我也是一个拥有60岁的身体的人,却拥有和16岁孩子一样的心态。But I am also a human being with a body of a 50-year-old and a functioning brain that is like that of a 16-year-old.

我的确认为这是我的孩子和朋友如此爱我的原因之一。I really think it is one of the reasons why my kids and friends love me so much.

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