糖尿病康复 > 瑞士金融市场监督管理局2月16日颁布ICO指南通稿 (中英文对照翻译完整版)

瑞士金融市场监督管理局2月16日颁布ICO指南通稿 (中英文对照翻译完整版)

时间:2021-06-04 22:32:55


瑞士金融市场监督管理局2月16日颁布ICO指南通稿 (中英文对照翻译完整版)


FINMA has seen a sharp increase in the number of initial coin offerings (ICOs) planned or executed in Switzerland and a corresponding increase in the number of enquiries about the applicability of regulation.


ICOs are a digital blockchain-based form of public fund-raising for entrepreneurial purposes. Given a legal and regulatory framework with partially unclear applicability, FINMA is today publishingguidelines, which complement its earlier FINMA Guidance 04/, setting out how it intends to treat enquiries from ICO organisers. Creating transparency at this time is important given the dynamic market and the high level of demand.


Each case must be decided on its individual merits


Financial market law and regulation are not applicable to all ICOs. Depending on the manner in which ICOs are designed, they may not in all cases be subject to regulatory requirements. Circumstances must be considered on a case-by-case basis. As set out in FINMA Guidance 04/, there are several areas in which ICOs are potentially impacted by financial market regulation. At present, there is no ICO-specific regulation, nor is there relevant case law or consistent legal doctrine.


FINMAs principles focus on the function and transferability of tokens


In assessing ICOs, FINMA will focus on the economic function and purpose of the tokens (i.e. the blockchain-based units) issued by the ICO organiser. The key factors are the underlying purpose of the tokens and whether they are already tradeable or transferable. At present, there is no generally recognised terminology for the classification of tokens either in Switzerland or internationally. FINMA categorises tokens into three types, but hybrid forms are possible:

在评估ICO时,FINMA将重点关注ICO组织者发布的令牌(即区块链为基础的单位)的经济功能和用途。关键因素是令牌的基本目的以及它们是否已经交易或可转让。目前,在瑞士或国际上没有普遍认可的令牌分类术语。 FINMA将令牌分为三种类型,但也可能存在混合形式:

1.Payment tokensare synonymous with cryptocurrencies and have no further functions or links to other development projects. Tokens may in some cases only develop the necessary functionality and become accepted as a means of payment over a period of time.

1. 支付令牌与加密货币是同义词,并没有其他功能或链接其他开发项目的功能。令牌在某些情况下可能只会开发必要的功能,并在一段时间内成为支付手段。

2. Utility tokens are tokens which are intended to provide digital access to an application or service.

2. 功能令牌是旨在为应用程序或服务提供数字访问的令牌。

3. Asset tokens represent assets such as participations in real physical underlyings, companies, or earnings streams, or an entitlement to dividends or interest payments. In terms of their economic function, the tokens are analogous to equities, bonds or derivatives.

3. 资产令牌代表资产,例如参与真实实体收益,公司股份或收益权益,或者获得股息或利息支付的权利。就其经济功能而言,令牌类似于股票,债券或衍生品。

Focus on anti-money laundering and securities regulation


FINMAs analysis indicates that money laundering and securities regulation are the most relevant to ICOs. Projects which would fall under the Banking Act (governing deposit-taking) or the Collective Investment Schemes Act (governing investment fund products) are not typical.


The Anti-Money Laundering Act contains requirements for financial intermediaries including, for example, the need to establish the identity of beneficial owners. The law aims to protect the financial system against the risks of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Money laundering risks are especially high in a decentralised blockchain-based system, in which assets can be transferred anonymously and without any regulated intermediaries.


Securities regulation is intended to ensure that market participants can base their decisions about investments on a reliable minimum set of information. Moreover, trading should be fair, reliable and offer efficient price formation.


On the basis of the above-mentioned criteria (function and transferability), FINMA will handle ICO enquiries as follows (see also the diagram in the Guidelines, page 8):


· Payment ICOs:

For ICOs where the token is intended to function as a means of payment and can already be transferred, FINMA will require compliance with anti-money laundering regulations. FINMA will not, however, treat such tokens as securities.

· 支付类型的ICO:


· Utility ICOs:

These tokens do not qualify as securities only if their sole purpose is to confer digital access rights to an application or service and if the utility token can already be used in this way at the point of issue. If a utility token functions solely or partially as an investment in economic terms, FINMA will treat such tokens as securities (i.e. in the same way as asset tokens).

· 功能类型的ICO:


· Asset ICOs:

FINMA regards asset tokens as securities, which means that there are securities law requirements for trading in such tokens, as well as civil law requirements under the Swiss Code of Obligations (e.g. prospectus requirements).

· 资产类型的ICO:


ICOs can also exist in hybrid forms of the above categories. For example, anti-money laundering regulation would apply to utility tokens that can also be widely used as a means of payment or are intended to be used as such.


Blockchain technology has innovative potential


Following further consolidation of this supervisory practice, FINMA may in future decide to publish its interpretation in the form of a circular.


FINMA recognises the innovative potential of blockchain technology and therefore supports the federal governments Blockchain/ ICO Working Groupin which it is participating. Clarity about the underlying civil law framework will be a decisive factor in establishing this technology sustainably and successfully in Switzerland.

FINMA认识到区块链技术的创新潜力,因此支持联邦政府在其参与的区块链/ ICO工作组。对于基本的民法框架的明确将是在瑞士可持续和成功建立该技术的决定性因素。

FINMA CEO, Mark Branson comments: "The application of blockchain technology has innovative potential within and far beyond the financial markets. However, blockchain-based projects conducted analogously to regulated activities cannot simply circumvent the tried and tested regulatory framework. Our balanced approach to handling ICO projects and enquiries allows legitimate innovators to navigate the regulatory landscape and so launch their projects in a way consistent with our laws protecting investors and the integrity of the financial system."

FINMA首席执行官Mark Branson评论道:“区块链技术的应用具有创新潜力,并且远超金融市场。然而,类似于受监管活动开展的区块链项目不能简单地规避经过验证的监管框架。 ICO项目及询问给了合法创新者适应新形势下的监管环境的机会,并以符合保护投资者和金融体系完整性的法律的方式启动。

Information for investors


FINMA has several times drawn attention to the risks that ICOs can pose for investors. Tokens acquired in the context of an ICO are likely to be subject to high price volatility. Since many ICO projects are at an early stage of development, they are subject to numerous uncertainties. Furthermore, it is uncertain under current civil law whether contracts executed via blockchain technology are legally binding.


Investigations into ICOs will continue


As announced in September , FINMA is conducting investigations into a number of cases involving ICOs. If FINMA becomes aware that ICO business models have breached supervisory law, were intended to circumvent regulation, or were fraudulent in their intent, it will launch enforcement proceedings.


文章来源:微信公众订阅号“觅罗宝全球投资”2月18日;原文链接:瑞士金融市场监督管理局2月16日颁布ICO指南通稿 (中英文对照翻译完整版)(本文仅代表作者个人观点)


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