糖尿病康复 > 产假休了6个月!凯特王妃开始恢复王室工作(双语)


时间:2022-05-02 20:25:19



The Duchess of Cambridge will return to royal duties next week, bringing to an end her six-month maternity leave. 在休了六个月的产假以后,凯特王妃下周就要重现开始王室工作了。 Kate, 36, last attended an official engagement on 22 March - a month before the birth of her youngest son, Prince Louise, in April. 现年36岁的凯特,最后一次参加正式的活动是在3月22日,也就是4月份诞下路易斯小王子前的一个月。 She has made a number of family appearances in the months since, including the wedding of the Duke andDuchess of Sussex in May, but none have been classed as official engagements. 不过之后的几个月她还是出席了好几次家庭活动,包括5月份哈里王子和梅根的婚礼,不过这些活动都不能成为官方活动。 Today it was announced the duchess will make her return to royal duties with a visit to the Sayers Croft Forest School and Wildlife Garden at Paddington Recreation Ground, London, on Tuesday. 周二,凯特将重回王室活动,走访塞耶斯克罗夫特学习以及参观位于帕丁顿娱乐场的野生动物花园。 Days later the royal mother-of-three will be among the guests at the wedding of Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank at Windsor Castle on 12 October. 过不了几天,这位三个孩子的母亲会做客参加尤金公主和杰克·布鲁克斯班克10月12日在温莎城堡举行的婚礼。 Despite the busy weeks coming up, it is expected the Duchess of Cambridges schedule will ultimately be quieter than it was before Prince Louis birth. 尽管接下来剑桥公爵夫人都会很忙,不过和怀着路易斯小王子的时候相比,行程要少多了。

